Is polygamy a valid way to save europeans from extinction?

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Problem is how to afford all these kids with the government taking all your income in taxes, without becoming a welfare dependent shitstain.

Swedish theory of love?


arranged marriages are better imo
also remove women's rights and things like the pill

Polygamy will lead to an unequal society where men collectively feel no need/incentive to work hard and succeed since all of the women will be monopolized by an elite financially successful few men. Enforced monogamy is basically necessary socialism applied to marriage.
> yfw super rich Jews cuck all of the white men and take all of the marriageable women

But why?

Possibly , but each man would need to take on 1 non white wife to ensure she does not breed with her own color. Eventually breeding them out.

Superior family here. Have all your kids through one wife eliminates more bullshit from the multiple wife's.

On the other hand, it help to stop the european population extinction.

Imagine this practice in Poland or Belraus.

> We averted population disaster
> Now our population is much less inbred and genetically diverse after allowing polygamy
Just wait for the much higher rates of rare genetic diseases and lowered IQs and other shit that will also come from it

Inbred just doesn't apply in a population of literally millions (like Denmark or Latvia for example).

That's a meme (I'm a biologist mate)

Maybe not now but when 20% of men have access to 80% of the top women you'll definitely start to notice homogenization effects.

Yes. But I think is a valid "marginal" option to at least preserve a stock of europeans, specially when you see sub-replacement fertility all across Europe.

>of europeans

But it wouldn't be european males doing the poligamy thing.

It will work in places like Belarus, Hungary or Poland. Before it's too late.

Have you even taken in the factor of the amount of males vs. females and the economical situation?

But for marginal religious communities (or few people that choose polygamy) it could secure a stock of future europeans.

That vs afromuslims.

polygamy is the endgame of feminism, so no