German antifa DESTROYS a nazi's appartment

This is what happens when you're a fascist or racist cunt here in Germany.

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Absolutely based



Kek, they are just tools of the establishment.

As the establishment withers away, so will they, and in an epic fashion.

Just you wait.

They will pay tenthfold for what they have done.


Reminder that we'll get you all (:

Was a nice place, he seemed like he'd be a cool guy to hang out with.

Do German police ignore when the antifa do this or do anything about it?

Fuck nazi dude .. get what they deserved. Fuck those fucking cunts. Destroyed my based country and continent ...

All that damage the landlord has to pay for...

*the landlords insurance

This is what happens when you're a Volksfeind here in Germany.

The cucks attack one dude in a group.

each one of them would hospitalize you before you could even say "Frauke Petry".

dumb keyboard warrior


insurance will typically cover only a fraction of the cost. Rates will go up now that the company has an excuse to view the building as being in a risky neighborhood. That rate hike will be passed onto other renters, increasing their cost of living.

1:04 Fuhrer spotted

Anyone know what they were spraying?

they waited for him to leave his apartment
can't even handle real people

>The cucks attack one dude in a group.
Of course they do. Leftists have no honor.

the enemy is the islam not the stupid nazis you dipshits

>being a fascist in 2k16
Being racist is cool, though.

Who destroyed Europe?
Who is responsible for the death of 50 000 000 of people?

Funny enough, antifas in Germany never realized that their numbers started to diminish quickly, they just don't say it openly, like in case of nazis.

You think authoritarian government will leave any spastic to ruin things even more, from right or left.

>tfw not german


dude the are much more fckn muslims that wanna bomb us then nazis


Top kek froschfresser

go after a lone nazi, not the migrants that kill and rape

> be centrist
> Right wingers beating up left wingers
> Left wingers destroying right wingers property

These are good feels my friends!

Enough based to stole your fucking clay nazi cunt.

They probably joined in. It's anti fascism after all. It's a good thing.

You let the muslims in yourself. This man may have helped you before he had his house ransacked.

I'm scared, Finn-Thorben is going to hurt me.


wtf is their problem???

>An insult
Choose one

>nigger "music"
>act like niggers

These cunts are wannabes. Pic related how you handle ANTIFA and other such cunts.


>not spineless

Which side will you choose in the great race war 2k17?

I hope there's a civil war. I would have a good time slaugthering your kind.

>Britburkas education

Not really smart to defend the nazi my dear Nigel

>Country is being invaded
>Spend their time attacking fellow Germans

i wont to see you turk roches and libniggers burnt alive and am not even german stormweinnes slaughter you ISIS STYLE

>no answer to this
but blaiming on the nazis in 21. Century
> nazis are not our fckn problem at the moment, its the islam

Hitler wanted peace.

No they wouldn't

Because they'd never meet me

Because I have a job
Bunch of faggots with shite for brains

Anitfa aren't stopping the right-wing, they're supressing it underground. Give it time, that hatred will blow into an all-out race war.

The emus really got to you today, eh?

>A Muslim, part if a literal fascist ideology, kills many Germans at a Christmas market.
Not a peep from Antifa
>Some dude probably posts something on a fashy website

These people are fucking brain dead proles.

Why blame a whole religion for a violent minority? Fuck you dude.

Isis and antifa seems to have many things in common


Freikorps 2.0 would sort all these cucks out.


what a retard you are. pic related is what has destroyed your country, not an occupation 70 years ago.


pls come to ameriga and try to get me

pls pls pls

Graphic No. 3 shows you the Sharia Supporters in Digits.

So inspiring, I bet they don't go around vandalising the houses of suspected Muslim extremists.

And this is exactly why the left is losing. You may think wearing a balaclava and destroying property is hip, but you're never going to gauge working-class support like this. I know he's a Nazi, but at the end of the day, most people look beyond that and see nothing more than a bunch of thugs disregarding basic civil liberties.

Are they spraying poop over his walls?

>mfw the same people ANTIFA/leftists want to protect hate them for being degenerate mentally ill faggots
>mfw ANTIFA literally fights on the side of muslim facism

Why credit a whole civilization for a creative minority?
Check your privilege.

Look this picture of French childrens. All burned to death in a church in 1942 by subhumans faggot German now fuck off

Holy fucking shit that pic. I've never seen the left summed up so perfectly in one image.

>watching a video of people relentlessly breaking into a multi-family house, completely unhindered breaking in martially.
>hurr durr Malte-Sören xD, shapirmanlet-masterrace xDDD

This must be that legendary aussie shitposting I've heard so much about.

your post is fp. OP's post is op. fucking idiot

>people get mown down by a rapefugee
>them darn nazis how could they be so racist!

How progressive.

>antifa groupfounded at uni of omaha
>yfw the first violent thing theyll try to do like in OP will result in lethal self-defense

Antifas are baseball bat pussies who will bash the fash in hell.

>>watching a video of people relentlessly breaking into a multi-family house, completely unhindered breaking in martially.
Wow its almost like all the adults were working

A day or two ago 4 or 5 Trump supporters beat the shit out of 20 BLM that picked a fight. Leftists are fucking weak

The Jews.

fire extinguisher filled with paint. It is a common way for graffiti taggers to make giant tags.

Reminder that you won't because we are all neets who stay at home all day

and judging by this video you are too big of a pussy to break in when the house is not empty.

Fascists don't deserve mercy. Destroy their career homes and lives in any way you can.

>Heh, this meme I found on an imageboard will surely change the fact my apartment is being destroyed.

Bravo Muhammad

What the fuck is this thread?

you got no answer to the digits right?


>Tfw nobody is going to interupt your slow stroke dance to death

Faggot Antifa twigs trying to show off cowardice





More proof that leftism is just a spectrum of mental illness for some people because you endorse antifa actions while also using an image of Stalin.


Sup Forums is Sup Forums now
This place is such a shitshow I can post porn and not get banned

Second-best in a European Europe is still a better fate than being mongrelized by Muslims, no?

>lower class appartment

lmao, I was suprised there wasnt some NEET cowering in his cave.

>1942 horrible war crime

>2016 horrible terrorist attack

mec, lay off the emotions and see what is the actual danger today. Oradour was terrible, but it was fucking 70 years ago.

and it was in 1944 not 1942, are you even French?

Nazis blew up a cinema in antwerp with 500+ dead, what the hell are you gonna achieve obsessing over the past? I am much more angry about the attack in Brussels airport.

there is no nazi threat today. there is however an islamist threat. and these antifa losers are doing everything they can to make those cunts achieve victory in europe.

>Hitler wanted peace.

>wither away in an epic fashion

This, children, is called an oxymoron.

They smashed a place, so what? I don't want to smash your place, I want a rope around your neck.

Member of a chicago-indiana Antifa collective. We routinely expose white supremacists by doxing them online and do our best to remove any fascist material we find floating around.

HAHAHAHAH this tranny is so fucking tough guys watch out

He doesn't break the mirror. The liquidation of leftist balls always shows. They believe in bad luck, wew.

>French get BTFO 1v1 against Germany and so have to go crying to the British

Lol you French dogs are fucking pathetic

I make more money than your parents and have a happy successful life. I legit just come here to clown on degenerate edgy teens

Antifas pretend to be against all forms of radical ideologies that disrupt the lives of normal people but are really communists in disguise.

Me and 9 of my friends will be waiting for you, cunt.


I smell fresh steaming shit

Usually, the people Antifa targets, aren't really Nazis.
Antifa are extreme left terrorists.
If you endorse them, you're the enemy.
They deserve to be executed, when the right takes back Europe.

thats cool

meanwhile the police is still trying to clean the streets of the guts of 12 libcucks that got BTFO by an euro truck simulator crazed mudshit living off your taxes

but you're german and you're used to getting periodically BTFO so it might still look as a win for you

Adolf Hitler: That was an order! Steiner's assault was an order! Who do you think you are to dare disobey an order I give? So this is what it has come to! The military has been lying to me. Everybody has been lying to me, even the SS! Our generals are just a bunch of contemptible, disloyal cowards.
General der Infanterie Wilhelm Burgdorf: I can't permit you to insult the soldiers.
Adolf Hitler: They are cowards, traitors and failures!
General der Infanterie Wilhelm Burgdorf: My fuhrer, this is outrageous!
Adolf Hitler: Our generals are the scum of the German people! Not a shred of honour! They call themselves generals. Years at military academy just to learn how to hold a knife and fork! For years, the military has hindered my plans! They've put every kind of obstacle in my way! What I should have done... was liquidate all the high-ranking officers, as Stalin did!

This is the man you are defending


Hitler hated the german people. He was a murderer. If you don't care about the Jews fine. But he was personally responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of german soldiers and worse of all civilian lives when he refused to evacuate Berlin and left it the clutches of the Red army's artillery.

He was an evil person. Maybe you should read some actual history and not just fall for memes. Even Goering's wife told the Americans how treacherous Hitler had become at the end.