What say you, Sup Forums? Accurate?
What say you, Sup Forums? Accurate?
Why do I have to be the nigger?
fuck you nigger
well statistically you're only 60% white, maybe kill yourself and try again.
The Empire did nothing wrong
Daily reminder that Palpatine did nothing wrong, and in fact objectively did a better job than the republic.
I personally think Kylo Ren being the alt-right is quite accurate.
Revan is the ultimate redpill (Disregarding TOR cuckery)
>Takes the teachings if both the Jedi and the Sith
>Finds them both flawed
>Becomes unimaginably powerful
>Destroys both and creates his own Sith Empire
If Biocunt weren't so fucking inept and SJW they could have made him even better.
Motherfucker was one of the few actually well-written characters in Force Awakens.
not canon also retarded
>what happened in the game isnt canon
Ok cuck
Go suck Jew Jew Abrams' dick
Galactic empire, national socalist??? Wew lass did the uniforms fool you
>finds both sith and jedi flawed
>makes a sith empire
... really now no one sees an issue with this you would think he would make his own empire instead of one he already knew was flawed
He did
He just called it the new Sith
He then fucked everyone over in the end for personal gain and fucked off into dark space
>angsty try-hard neo-nazi teenager with a burning cross is the alt-right
Sup Forums btfo
I lol'd
Sidious is best
>registered traedmark in ancap
>all those labels
you're getting close to their level
bob = bunch of bullshit
OP, your fucking pic is full of starwars shit.
are you young? stupid?
god I hate this place.
Ayyy Tarkin my nigga