Americans are the bad guys







I'm glad you finally realized it.


>seriously, guys, they could totally finance shit like this without western demand for oil

How can we be bad if we're good though? Really makes you think.

>le Middle East was peaceful until the last 50 years meme

Mamma Mia, here we go again

Ever since fucking Woodrow Wilson destroyed Europe for centuries to come.

Since the dawn of time

you're the iraqi guy aren't you


The (((American government))) is responsible for all evil in the world.

If that was the worst thing Wilson did I'd be glad. Wilson created the League of Nations which was the proto-UN and led to the dismantling of the colonial empires. Not to mention creating the (((Federal Reserve))) so kikes could control the monetary system and get rich, turning America into the goodest golem of the jews who club anyone over the head who dares to oppose the chosen people.
Fuck Woodrow Wilson.


Fuck that shit.

The USA should seriously be ashamed of themselves for electing this man twice.

Ottomans would have collapsed anyway, the forceful dismantling and unnatural borders drawn by the Brits and the USA has only led to the problems the middle east faces today. So fuck Woodrow Wilson once again.

To be fair, Wilson got elected the first time because of the spoiler effect of Roosevelt and Taft. Then the second time he lied and ran on a platform of staying out of the war (which he didn't).

He tried not to, but the European bastards couldn't keep their shit together since the Roman Empire fell apart.

Holy Kek

But fortunately you came and saved us.

Nope shitskins are the bad guys.

Shitskins would be a far smaller problem if it weren't for the US bombing their countries into destruction and brutally murdering capable leaders.

You're welcome.

I, for one, am convinced.

In a nutshell, what's wrong with the Federal Reserve?

I always hear this meme that it's bad, but I don't know why.

Under Clinton, Bush and Obama they were the bad guy commies trying to fuck the world after the Soviet Union fell.

Under Trump, they are bros on the path to redemption; an example for the rest of us to cast off our cuck governments and put a real man in charge.

big black titties

What did they mean by this?

Saddam was a postmodernist. He wanted to bring his people forward.

What did he mean by this?

You did good, Stefano.