I unironically believe Muslims should be put in concentration camps

I unironically believe Muslims should be put in concentration camps.


And just like that, three burgers are in agreement

you first

To clarify my point. I don't believe that they should be put to death. Just hard labor, every day. Either that or a choice to go back to their own country.

how merciful, thank you white man!

>tfw too intelligent to hate muslims

they should be deported from the West

Too expensive and the logistics would be a bitch.
We should just take the Duterte approach and encourage people to just hunt them in the streets

I unironically believe the world would be in a better place right now if all the non-whites were purged and replaced with whites

Honorary Nip aryans can stay tho

I'm usually against concentration camps in general as it violates human rights, but as it seems that everyone's lives are at risk from this dangerous ideology, I too agree that they should be put in contraction camps and be forced to reeducated to modern western values.

>all muslims are the same
>all races are the same


>>all muslims are the same

Ideologically, yes, whether they are on the sidelines or the forefront, they sign the waver by being in the religion.

you're a fucking idiot.

they should be put into lye pits

I made that image. Always nice to see people using your meme.

Here's one I didn't make.

We have the infrastructure. FEMA camps have to be useful sometime.

I just realized Germans cannot legally post in this thread.

>>all muslims are the same

it's almost as if....

they follow the same religion....

And Japan should be nuked again. Imagine how fucked up their hentai would be then.

So it means ''all the races are the same''

simple mathematics


nothing wrong with that. i am sure lots of people support it.

Just put in camps? You are weak, Traywon

im with you on that one bro

you dont have to hate someone to be inclined to kill them.

why not just hang them

Because whites are peaceful and never start wars genocides and atrocities. Fucking white people man. Talk about calling the kettle fucking BLACK.

They should be put deep in the ocean.

I unironically and actually agree with you

Don't get too comfy, you're next.

wut? you dumbass wanna feed them? no fucking way, just shoot them.

Quick and effective. Yes, I must agree. Eradicate this filthy death cult ASAP.

Too much money, just deport without exception. A total ban on islam in our nations too.

Before I begin, are you pretending to be retarded? Because I just deleted a couple sentences when I realized someone couldn't be this stupid.

the freemasons have set this up so Islam, and politilca zionism will mutually destroy itself.

read albert pikes letter planning 3 world wars.

donald trump isng a good guy. he's a part of the system.

he's gonna kill iran for the saudi's, so saudi arabia and israel can exterminate eachother, and a huge american flag will fly on their pennisula

You disgust me.

I see nothing wrong with this scenario.

yes good goy, keep thinking youre not been controll by jews sent by us.

The logistics and politics would be expensive and messy.

Just send them back to a country that reflected their cultures and leave them to it. They do a good enough job at killing each other themselves.

Varg doesn't hate Muslims or any other race but he certainly doesn't want anyone other than Europeans living in europe.

Nice strawman.

Don't you EVER say Trump is apart of the system. He only received a SMALL loan of a million dollars to start out in his life! He's worked hard to get what he has!

Wait. There are actaully people on here right now who don't think Muslims should be forcefully exterminated?

All shitskins belong in camps.

This. Sounds pretty tight desu.

strike me down and I shall become more powerful than you can imagine

Put em in camps

(This post is completely a satire. I'm against discrimination against certain minority groups especially muslims. Heil Merkel!)

you brave man

How would anyone be ironic about that?

Put niggers in there too while you're at it, also unironically.

That is true.

I uninronically believe Zyklon B is the answer

It is my honest to God opinion that Muslims should be classified as the equivalent of dhimmis and endure what their scripture and body of law want to impose on non Muslims living in their states. Pic related for details. To be modified so as to suit your country's particular need.

If Islam is peace and justice, and if this is Islam, then surely they will not be opposed to this treatment. It is only fair.

They should be given 3 choices:

1) denounce Islam; become Christian
2) leave Europe
3) labour camp

Donald Trump is going to destroy Iran, which is on the agenda for a NWO. he isn't owned by money. he's owned in spirit. ivanka trump and michelle obama are both trannies.

Japanposters are my favorite

eh, if your neighbor was fucking 3 year olds. you would be inclined to kill him. i don't know if you would hate him. but if you aren't inclined to kill someone hurting children you disgust me.

>1) denounce Islam; become Christian

They can lie and it is actually Islamic to do so under these circumstances. They cannot be in control of their status. The state declares who is and is not a Muslim for the purpose of special treatment.

you miss the part where you're a slave to a NWO

Expulsion, prohibiting islam and razing all mosques would be good enough for me.

>implying third world muslims and googles are humans

Who is the best/most red pilled comedian and why is it Norm?

Not even mad that he's a

Good thread. Delete it you cuck niggermod faggot

Just delete the whole board you oversensitive fucking CUNT


I think muslims should be doused with gasoline mixed with pig fat and burned alive.

You are a disgrace to your flag and numbers.

Sam Hyde, unironically.

Although the real mad cunt of the group is Charls.


I unironically think the rest of the world should remove all their governments, break up all their countries, redraw their borders, install puppet leaders that only govern over extremely small pieces of land and make sure the population is not homogeneous sect-wise so they don't develop a coherent ideology and goals and become more powerful than what's beneficial to the civilized world. To be honest I guess you could say that's what the west has been doing there a little bit last century but didn't go as far as was necessary to keep the muzzies in line.

Then if they still get uppity they should probably just be purged.

mudshit detected.

Kebab soap contact for sample

Hehe, yes. Just hard labour! Yes, yes!

I don't think they should be put in concentration camps, that would cost the taxpayer a lot of money, I just think they should be deported to whatever country they or their ancestors emigrated from

I don't hate all Muslims, but if they disappeared from my country it wouldn't bother me.


Threads like these are why people think we're fucking retarded