Wikileaks leaked a personality profile of angela merkel and other leaders of the world a few years ago...

Wikileaks leaked a personality profile of angela merkel and other leaders of the world a few years ago. Can someone dig it up. I would really like to know if it was a good evaluation.

Other urls found in this thread:

may this east communist cunt be impaled through her roastie hole

"If the day should ever come when white men must go, if some day we are compelled to leave the scene of history, we will slam the door so hard that the universe will shake "

why would you post that.

i fucking swear it used to be on or /files but that folder 404s, wtf

its where they keep their torrents and uncategorized files

is that a serious question?! (because while 70 people have tire marks across their bodies you worry about your something irrelevant)

ah here you go
ctrl-f merkel

> "help me user, the shitskins want to hurt me,"

op cablegate
code name "plus d"
good luck

>but anonette, didnt you call them "exotic and contact-seeking" yesterday?

> "that was some jew impersonating a true Norwegian like me"
> "user, I also know you've been watching porn with non whites in it, don't blame me if we don't feel appreciated by our Norwegian men :("
> *cries*


Damn she looks like a pig

You pathetic little fuck


dr lmao .. half breed haitians

>"but the jews puts niggers in everything, i clicked it accidentally"
>"but i will burn your Reichstags if you know what i mean ;)"

"user please don't lie to me
I saw all the mean things you wrote about me in those jew bait threads "how do we fix the white women problem"

how could you user , we are you sisters, mothers, daughters
you took the jew bait and really made us question *your loyalty

as women we can only survive if we adapt to the strongest males, the ones that pursue us even when we're imperfect..

stop blaming us
stop insulting us
start protecting and respecting us
start fighting to keep us .. it's in your hands .. your decisions influence ours

instead of watching degenerate porn and falling for the jews in everything
pursue one of us qt Norwegian girls with as much desire as you do with drugs, video games, porn, male friends

remember, we have to act when you don't "

She is such a robot that would be a star on /r9k/.

Kys, pathetic

>I will burn your reichstag
Fuck off, Commie.

The cringe

axis forever . once you've bleed for someone, you share their blood forever..

You have fucking autism lad


May the Jews succeed quickly.

you are an anglo, sad
your grooming appointment is about to begin