Considering all those happenings from germany in recent year, when do we remove that one problem from Europe once and for all?
When do we solve the German problem?
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Just balkanize it into east and west again.
>précarré francais
It will be solved by History itself. Every country comes to an end
>Merkel was born Angela Dorothea Kasner in 1954, in Hamburg, West Germany, the daughter of Horst Kasner (1926–2011; né Kaźmierczak)
i would rather solve polish problem
We can solve both at once with a french-italian-russian border in central europe.
Think about the possibilities.
>Kazmierczak is a surname originating in Poland. It is a compound of the name "Kazimier" which is formed from the Polish word "kazic", meaning "to destroy"
It all makes sense
Just make Germany bigger if you want to solve the problem. They will get their self respect back on that way
Germany and Sweden are shining examples to the rest of the world how not to be.
We simply do nothing and the issue will solve itself.
Kek, that actually sounds believable but Berlin is too similar to Lublin which is an actual Polish city.
pic related, the only way to make Poland great again
Parties would be out of this world, probably.
You wouldn't mind your Sweden getting that pomerania right?
Only supposedly """""""""""based""""""""""" counties, user
you can take denmark
you're both africa at this point
Seen this before, but only just noticed Austria is Italianised. Kek.
>Monaco di Baviera
>This is actually what Italians call Munich
Thx fellow Polandkun
Make Germany Polish Again
nice catch
maybe it's occupation zone or something
I want be in Italy,pls.
It is. Poles are race traitors since the 16th century-2016. Google lipka tatars
That's a big russia
tell me any reason to not be part of roman empire
how about your hiv rates ivan?
and how's that mosque in moscow doing?
send my regards to Khadyrov you cuck
Not living next to niggers
Most retarded shit map ive ever seen, all your economic prosperitiy comes from unrightful german cities otherwise you pollacks would still be living like those chink niggers
for you.
Notice "Crimea" and "Ukraine"
Mandatory gay buttsex
>says nigger that can't build wealth on colonies
wew lad
Cool. You on the right? Modern Russia reminds me of Poland in the 17th century
"According to some estimates, by 1590–1591 there were about 200,000-500,000 Lipka Tatars living in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth and about 400 mosques serving them" FOUR HUNDRED MOSQUES. That's something.
>inb4 they wuz good boys, they wuz loyal. They were NOT:
Well, they did betray Poland. Not even once
1)1591: The rule of the fervent Catholic Sigismund III (1587–1632) and the Counter-Reformation movement brought a number of restrictions to the liberties granted to non-Catholics in Poland, the Lipkas amongst others. This led to a diplomatic intervention by Sultan Murad III with the Polish king in 1591 on the question of freedom of religious observance for the Lipkas. This was undertaken at the request of Polish Muslims who had accompanied the Polish King's envoy to Istanbul.
2)1672: This was the year of the Lipka Rebellion. As a reaction to restrictions on their religious freedoms and the erosion of their ancient rights and privileges, the Lipka Tatar regiments stationed in the Podolia region of south-east Poland abandoned the Commonwealth at the start of the late 17th century Polish–Ottoman Wars that were to last to end of the 17th century with the Treaty of Karlowitz in 1699.
3)The worst: in 1683 most of them fought for the Ottomans
>Bordering Poland
....What could we have possibly done to deserve such shit?
I call bullshit on that statistic. I live in the most Polish area in the UK, and I've only ever saw a couple of Polish girls with little turdlets. The ostracism would be immense against any girl dumb enough to coalburn. The Polish diaspora here mostly marries internally.
>implying anyone else should get german clay
We're the only ones that can run a country, it's only fair we get to annex all of Germany.
I guess since the pic is about removing Germany, it makes sense to remove German as a language too.
Austria is just a German colony anyway so it makes sense to make it a colony of someone else. And why not Italy since they control much of the alps anyway.
Notice Switzerland is in French too, when German is the biggest language there in reality.
>The Polish diaspora here mostly marries internally.
And the pic says exactly this, it's just worded in a way that makes racemixing seem like a norm in diaspora.
>Mandatory gay buttsex
You had me at "mandatory gay buttsex" :^)
nice education ivan
1683: Many of the Lipka Tatar rebels who returned to the service of the Commonwealth in 1674 were later to take part in the Vienna Campaign of 1683. This included the 60 Polish Tatars in the light cavalry company of Samuel Mirza Krzeczowski, who was later to save the life of King Jan III Sobieski during the disastrous first day of the Battle of Parkany, a few weeks after the great victory of the Battle of Vienna that was to turn the tide of Islamic expansion into Europe and mark the beginning of the end for the Ottoman Empire. The Lipka Tatars who fought on the Polish side at the Battle of Vienna, on 12 September 1683, wore a sprig of straw in their helmets to distinguish themselves from the Tatars fighting under Kara Mustafa on the Turkish side. Lipkas visiting Vienna traditionally wear straw hats to commemorate their ancestors’ participation in the breaking of the Siege of Vienna.
>1919: The Polish Lipkas joined the newly created Polish Army formations; Pułk Jazdy Tatarskiej and later, 13th Regiment of Wilno Uhlans.
Lipka Tatars are only civilised ones in europe.
And go die on aids or something
>Knows how to run a country
>Unironically 10% muslim with every 2nd child born in France being either Muslim or just a black
You're a bit stupid, aren't ya?
You really can't
France was an impressive nation for hundreds of years until it dropped the monarchy, then it turned into a pile of shit desu
noticed switzerland earlier but i didn't put much thought into it.
once again nice catch bro
>What could we have possibly done to deserve such shit?
Nothing, and I will never allow this to happen.
Well this explains why Merkel is so stupid.
>Polish "women" are coalburners
It's not a meme. They're even the most prevalent coalburners where I live.
The League of Three Emperors is the best solution to preventing dirty, lice ridden, clay stealing money leeching truck thieving lipka terrorists from waging their Islamo-Sarmatian unholy war on European Christendom.
No more Christmas market goers are to be run down by any vehicle with """"Gdansk"""" plates.
It's based off some impoverished jewish painter's(I shit you not) pamphlet from 1942, among others it said about a sterilisation programme for Germans, hence the Italisation/Danisation/Franconisation/Whatever of names.
you happen to forget that exactly this boarder led to WWI
go back to sheepshagging or something
Na, it's real. Polish women are desperate because Polish men are so ugly so if they can't marry a West European guy, they'd rather marry a darkie.
Lol. Jews. When will they learn.
>if you import mudshits and non-whites - you win
I think Kaźmierczak, I mean Merkel! must be big admirer of Commonwealth. Not on Commonwealth level, of course, commonwealth imported far more people in % relation to the natives.
Pick two
Mudshit gypsies
The traitor Kaiser Wilhelm II reviving "Poland" as a buffer state was a mistake, and one that would come back to bite him.
name of that bastard plox
Lol, the one in the pic they can have.
Also, I think you're the snownigger I had such a nice conversation in the other thread. How are you? Still trying in vain to sow dissent and division between natural allies in accordance with the agenda of your Jewish masters?
What's wrong with tatars brah?
they were running from ruskies
they were kimgs faithful subjects
they never gone rogue
they've kicked ruskies asses multipe times
i know ivan i know. now go hit up some krokodil and cheer up
T. Achmed
Does that mean I can get a Polish QT easily?
Romania should be split too, they're faggots
All of that is hungarian clay
A lot of things led to WWI, austrian/russian balkanbutthurt was just one of them
I don't get how he thought that would work, you can't just get rid of those 80 million people
>Does that mean I can get a Polish QT easily?
Yes, especially at a rate of 5 bucks per hour.
His name is Theodore Kaufman, made a book called "Germany Must Perish", pic related
>there is European unity to divide
What's wrong with importing subhuman mudshits I wonder?
Pretty much this
Top kek
For real though, I want a good conservative qt not corrupted by western "culture"
>A lot of things led to WWI, austrian/russian balkanbutthurt was just one of them
yes and another one was direct border in deceased Poland.
France needs to be removed too.
Not quite.
The Rhine is France's natural eastern border
As long as you don't look East European, yes.
Be warned though, they age like shit so get em while they're ripe.
Don't argue with him. This guy is mentally ill and shows up in every polish-related thread with his retarded tatar theories.
who's going to stay then?
Although I did say Polish men are ugly, I also think Russian men are hideous as well.
Russian women love Western cock just like Polish women
As GG Allin once said:
'Cause when I fall,
'Cause when I fall,
>people who don't like certain parts of Polish history are mentally ill
Typical Pole. Zero self awareness. "Cuckolding is based, when we do it" mentality
>pic related
Look at all those Kike shills descending right after the show of solidarity in the other thread about the truck sandnigger killing the Polish driver. Hmm, I wonder if the two might be connected?
Remeber boys and girls, shilling IS real. Isreal, kek.
>US mudbloods
How about no?
And American men are all handsome like Brad Pitt, yes?
>Europe ever was united
>there is pan-European identity to divide
Stop your globalist shilling, diaspora plumber. Most of Sup Forums audience are irrelevant scum. JIDF is too busy with shit like Facebook and such
lol most Americans are Celtic and Germanic.
You Russian faggots look like wide-faced ugly mongoloids.
T. Achmed
how about facing reality pidor?
you know shit
you can't do shit
you're shit
Literally 50 shades of negro: the country
no u
Is that why Russian and other East European women love coming to America?
Big black cock?
>Literally 50 shades of negro
Everyone be advised this is one of the Chechnyans posting
t. assblusted Polish cuckold with overinflated ego
Your wife receiving a somali here?
Which part of your heritage is responsabile for your propensity to shit pants in public?
your butthurt is as sweet as your drug inflicted tears
I'm blond, blue-eyed, and handsome like Charlie Hunnam. Come at me bro.
Can't help it, but I find you both kinda based :^)
Spotted a cuck fetishist
Pic related is the reality - the only women who want negro are chinks, Poles and English
I'm not against race-mixing. I'm just pointing out that East European men are ugly.
It's also funny that you're posting West European men who fuck beautiful exotic women.
You'd have to be part of a really, really shitty ethnic group to hate Germans.
Also, you're living in fantasy land if you think Russian women don't fuck black guys.
Come to New York. Tons of Russian and Ukrainian girls dating black and Hispanic men.