Is Africa having an economic boom? their BBP's now are 5 times their size in comparison with theirs from 2000...

Is Africa having an economic boom? their BBP's now are 5 times their size in comparison with theirs from 2000. and why don't we see a improvement in their standard of living and their houzing?

their black boy pussy's are five times bigger now?

Nigger they just got more foreing aid.

The reason the african standard of living hasnt increased is because the politicians take all the aid.

the last commodity boom did boost some of their economies, but it was mostly to ruling class and chinese workers

>population: 100 million
It actually grew by 30 million in 15 years

The chinks started mining the place properly

Ethiopia has the highest annual JewDP growth in the world.

Right wing retards should love Ethiopia now.

Trust me, when you are as shit as African countries, it is really hard not to increase your GDP.

>Manage to create jobs after huge recession

Wtf I love Obama now.

well they only do some infrastructure repairs (that have been neglected since we left). in exchange for these mining right. how can they make such a bad deal?

foreign investments mainly.
Africa is untapped terrain for the most part and easy to buy dictators and workers.

investments are mostly asian with a large portion being chinese.

neocolonialism is in effect through loans, tax free investments and even full blown land purchase.

source: my profession, news, world bank

ps: google ethipia highest dam in africa

It seems as if your handiwork went unappreciated by the locals.

Republicans crash the economy
Democrats thrive the economy

The East African Federation (Swahili: Shirikisho la Afrika Mashariki) is a proposed political union of the six sovereign states of the East African Community – Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda – as a single federated sovereign state.[3] As of 2014, five states (excluding South Sudan) have expressed support for the union, but negotiations continue concerning issues such as the extent of members' sovereignty and timing of implementation.[4]

What do you think?

People living under poverty threshold has decreased. Large african cities got modern but the rural area is still shit.

Problem is they dont have traditional state organization. They cant even organize state army to fight Boko Haram (Nigeria case). They have merc troops from other countries.

7 is 7 times more than 1.

200 is only 2 times 100.

indeed, i feel so neglected. where did it go wrong?

>not using an amputee pic in that image


this is what I don't get. American blacks should have jumped at the chance to go back and Make Africa Great. Could you imagine if YT could control it?

best i could do.

you expect weak colored money sucking niggers can live there? even if they were rich and educated they can't see past the atlantic.

sub saharan africa is new money and its going to the chinks while white cucks are fighting who can fit more sand nigger schlongs down their throat.


Its all from China. China is investing in some projects there in return for their natural resources. Africa will literally be absolutely BTFO in 50 years.

I read "China's Second Continent" by Howard French. Good book. The Chinese are so based desu they just shit on the dumb african niggers. Kek. America should be doing it desu but we are too cucked and PC.

Then why were all those Ethiopians trying to get into Israel and Turkey?

>Sout Sudan
Aren't they on the brink of ethnic genocide?

wtf I hate niggers now

>Republicans set the economy to flourish.
>Dems print enough money to create a bubble for next term.
Fixed that for you senpai.

pretty strong case, geographical bonus and will let all the states profit from the resources and the water supplies (dams,clean water,electricity)

Part of Africa's huge growth is that they started from dirt huts and raping infants to cure HIV.
The other half is massive population growth.