I, Pet Goat II discussion thread


Yes, I know this video is from 2012, however it is obvious the content of it extends past it's release.

Yes, this video is about the rise of the Antichrist and the events leading up to his birth.

This thread is not about stating the obvious or what has already been said in the past. Many people have theories of what each particular scene, the overwhelming amount of symbolism that are both obvious and hidden mean.

I want to see if we can find anymore pieces of the puzzle contained in this video. With recent events still fresh in our minds, maybe some of the minor details that didn't mean much before now have significant meaning.

Other urls found in this thread:


>black and white flooring in a grade children classroom.
>Handkerchief code

For those of you who would like help understanding a good portion of the meaning behind this video, I suggest watching RSE series on jewtube about it. Here is this first part:


Have a free bump

I've also noticed that at 5:08 in the OP video, the "spirit" RSE talks about entering the school after the ritual dance by puppet Bush is making it's escape with the digital serpent.

At the same time, it seems like another "spirit" enters the eggheads head, as he gets up and walks away.

Thank you. I've been extremely curious about this video for about a year now, and only recently have I been finding new clues.

The latino man with a hammer and sickle seems like an obvious reference to Venezuela. The green goo he is drowning in, and the flower that falls down the waterfall I'm still uncertain of the meaning.

The author gave an interview on which he claims parts of the movie are about the "death of socialism in south america". He's a fucking idiot.

I think he is just afraid of telling the truth of what the video means, because he would most likely be killed.

This video is like a giant puzzle, and as each new scandal and world event unfolds, something within the video seems to gain context.

But the real question is, who is this guy that he would seem to know so much? How does he know these things?

The video is just "US bad, muh socialism, muh war, muh media, y'all need Jesus" How is it prophetic in any way?

This is 4 yrs old, looks more like a political statement about the coming of the New World Order than insider information

My guess is he was some random animation guy who was offered a very large sum of money to make a video following extremely precise details.

Once finished, they probably threatened to kill him if he ever exposed the instructions or any details of his contract and gave him a simple cover story that many would easily accept.

If you can't see how it is prophetic then you should just leave the thread. I really don't care to spoon feed retards right now.

When was this video made and who made it?

True, this all could be a symbolic message about something like a NWO, but a the NWO could also have ties to a satanic order of power.

Our governments are being exposed left and right around the world with connections to occult and satanic practices. Leads me to believe this video has a bigger message than just symbolic meaning of power shifts.

Not this shit again.

Here is the site


You can also find small snippets of info about the characters, though I wouldn't take them at face value.

Don't you have a Arabic bull to prep Hans?

have you bought that hijab for your mum? better go on that christmas market. i've heard they're selling like mad

The checkerboard flooring is a Masonic thing. Not sure if it's related to handkerchief code

This video is outdated.

Little to nothing it says is relevant anymore other than having blatant mishmashed iconography.

This video is gay as hell. God I hate (((art)))

Interesting that the christ figure emerges from ice at the end of the video.

Another detail I found interesting was that the classrooms wallpaper looks like a maze.

So if a temple in the ME gets nuked are you still going to be a raging faggot saying it's outdated?

I can't predict the future, but at this point I really wouldn't be surprised if somewhere in the ME got irradiated.

...Melting ice.

> but at this point I really wouldn't be surprised if somewhere in the ME got irradiated.
Which is what I'm getting at.

No one would be surprised by something like this, because it's been this way for a long time now.

The video is not a prediction. It's a reflection.

Not just Masonic, its a motif in all hermetic movements and Kabbalah inspired groups.
It also has to do with egyptian and babylonian mystery religion.

If you don't want to discuss the video then just move on.

I *am* discussing it, you tard.

If you don't want to hear criticism, then maybe you should move on.

You think this video has is nothing more than a reflection of past event when clearly it has references to things that have yet to pass. I don't see that as discussion I see that as derailment.

Fuck off.

Oh, ok. Thanks for correcting my record.
>1005 Hours- I alter altitude to 1400 feet and execute a sharp left turn to better examine the valley below. It is green with either moss or a type of tight knit grass. The Light here seems different. I cannot see the Sun anymore.

>We make another left turn and we spot what seems to be a large animal of some kind below us. It appears to be an elephant! NO!!! It looks more like a mammoth! This is incredible! Yet, there it is!

>Decrease altitude to 1000 feet and take binoculars to better examine the animal. It is confirmed - it is definitely a mammoth-like animal! Report this to base camp.

CERN knows.

>hillary gets jailed

witty my newfag friends.

that woman is repressed sexuality or the virgin marry

I know all about admiral Byrd's flight and diary. The christ figure may come from Antarctica, I think that is a very good theory considering what you linked in your previous post.

I could go into detail of my theory surrounding hollow Earth, but this thread is about the video in the OP.

Again, I like the idea of Antarctica being the "womb" of the beast. It makes sense in a lot of ways.

reminder that the video predicted meme magic and pepe.

>You think this video has is nothing more than a reflection of past event when clearly it has references to things that have yet to pass.
No, I'm saying that this video lacks novel predictions, predictions which are reflections of sentiments from 4 years ago that will continue to fall further and further from relevancy as time goes on.

You know what would have provided this video veracity? If something had happened at the 2016 olympics that was ground breaking, then perhaps the bizarre south american imagery would make sense. But nothing really happened. It was shockingly uneventful.

Humor me further; Where is donald trump in this video? In what way did this video predict one of the greatest upsets in American politics?

There's your fucking discussion, fucking faggot.

At least watch the interview the creator did with some water filter merchant first.

And I'm guessing the bear is supposed to be spurdo?

This guy gets it. Yea, pepe was already around but the association of him and meme magic was still far off in the future.

pedobear. pizzagate. meme magic.

Have a bump. Also the creator of this video stated that he didn't intentionally put any symbols in it. Topfuckingkek

for someone asking for help analyzing the video, you're quite fucking rude.

>Muh occult symbolism
>Muh checkerboard floor
>Muh Antichrist

Anyone that's familiar with conspiracy theories can make such videos. The themes were all there. There was nothing too special about it.

Usually, images and videos that conspiracy theorists can't understand is what scares us the most (because much higher chance that the stuff was actually made by those inside, not an edgy conspiracy theorist with a lot of time).

I ain't clicking on that shit

not an argument

>Also the creator of this video stated that he didn't intentionally put any symbols in it.

There is no prophecy or hidden meaning in that movie. They just bundled a bunch of religious, politics, and esoteric symbols to criticize globalization. Nicely done tho.

Pointing out that this film's predictions are generic and vague is a pretty solid argument.

This video has very little to do with politics, however this board is called politically INCORRECT.

The linking of political officials and geopolitical places within the video are suffice to discuss on this board.

Now, you can either participate in the discussion as outlined in the OP or fuck off.

Here's a prediction though, the SJW type who protests in front of the tanks. She is surprised by death and has a look of disappointment or shame. Behind death there are fireworks, and snow is falling.

I am not saying I know of any imminent threat to protesters around New Years. But that is a prediction I will make and you can screen cap if you really want to.

Just fuck off though.

generic observation is not an argument

>being this

>Retard that thinks the bear symbolizes "pedobear. pizzagate. meme magic"

You're the most clueless guy in this thread, retard.

Thanks yeah I know I am



>masks changing
>from bear to frog
meme magic changes with the memes. one side turns into the other.

pedobear was when Sup Forums was pro pedo.

now pepe is the meme, and Sup Forums is investigating global (elite) pedos

try again shill. try to shut it down

>my theory surrounding hollow Earth
Please do....
Also, if our earth is hollow. Would that mean that others are as well?

I don't understand the reasoning in finding some mystical secret meaning in this

anyways, it's more long the terms on nwo propaganda with the way jesus/maitreya is portrayed and the symbols on him

Yes it is.

A claim's veracity is increased by its ability to be refuted. If the claim provides blatant true/false premises that can be investigated and verified (or disproven), then they claim's credibility is increased.

Making generic claims that cannot be proven or disproven lacks risk and thus lacks credibility.

>the SJW type who protests in front of the tanks
That's fucking dumb, the "SJW' is clearly some sort of embodiment of China or eastern politics, hence the tienemen square reference and the tiger.

its honestly amazing how many shills come into interesting threads like these and say some stupid shit like go back to /x/
Out of all the blacked, cuck, drumpf etc threads they come in threads like these to complain.
It shows you the shills don't like these subjects.

Watch this shit, it's 10 minutes of fucking different Alice in Wonderland videos overlaid onto central park and history channel videos about tunnels under the city, then it just fucking goes nuts with stuff from the old videos.

There's something here for sure.

You're trying so hard to shove your theory into a small straw.

It could mean so many things and you settled down for "yeah Sup Forums used to be pro-pedo in the past lol"???

It seems like YOU'RE the shill, for the video, mate.

So Chinese youths who I assume are very anti war, will be met with death by the NWO. The look of disappointment might be from the fact that they know it was their own government who killed them?

prepared this one long ago.

this is the only correct explanation


Huge explosion at Mexico City fireworks market injures at least 60
Local television shows flurry of fireworks exploding as massive plume of billows into sky


>It could mean so many things
come with something better then. shill

The scene is trying to emphasize some sort of squelched revolution in China, yes.

At the time this was made, it was most likely referring sentiments regarding Tibet. Which again, emphasizes what I'm trying to say about these predictions lacking any sense of novelty.

What's that shit supposed to be?

I am from fucking /x/, retard. I spent decades hopping from one conspiracy forum to another. I've pretty much experienced everything that the internet has to offer to the point that literally NOTHING on the news can surprise me anymore. NOTHING.

You and your Swedish butt buddy are fucking tadpoles talking about babby-tier conspiracies and you fools make my blood boil seeing how arrogant you are with your theories, dismissing criticism with dumb "not an argument" tropes without providing any real proofs from your part.

Fucking grow up you two.

Well...that's topical...

I'm still working it out. Anyone here in NYC and check out the Hallet nature sanctuary or that lily pool with the statues, report back on symbolism, underground access and general weirdness?


Yea it figures ur from x
most people there are only worried about succubus and being huge faggots that think they know everything.
I think thats one of the reasons most people post interesting spiritual things on pol because people are more open minded here.


The thing is, there ARE more specific details that make the video more than just a generic display of events.

Where people killed by the Chinese government en mass at the time? Was it during the winter time protests occurred? Were they met with tanks?

I understand your thinking of these just being references to Tienanmen square, but it clearly is NOT that. So please give me your understanding of this subject. Enlighten me.



are you as concerned about the future prophecy in this video as you are about catastrophic climate change?

>this video is about the rise of the Antichrist and the events leading up to his birth.
Rather, that's what you think it is about.
Many believe it is about the return of spirituality and how the current materialistic world is gonna be torn apart.

Fuck no, I'm more worried about what the people in power are planning on doing with the masses as we enter the 4th Industrial Revolution.

I understand this video and am a part of it. I am still experiencing it as I have not "left the cave" yet, but parts of me see the path out.
What would you like to know?
And, the Anti-Christ, if that's what you imagine it to be, ultimately loves you more than All.
I am dual action, now also. The third stone is not flying at full speed.

>I, Pet Goat II
Is it supposed to be depicting the anti-christ?

This is my take on it

>The thing is, there ARE more specific details that make the video more than just a generic display of events.
No there fucking isn't.

Given the opportunity to make one prediction based off of the "details" from this video, the best you could come up with is "I dunno, someone's gonna die and the SJW's are gonna be sad while other people celebrate?"

>So please give me your understanding of this subject
The understanding is simple.

This video was made because of the hype surrounding the winter solstice of 2012, and was cashing in on that as much as possible by cramming as many contemporary tropes and images into it as possible in hopes that anything would be right.

If anything, that New Year skeleton was a reference to the dawn of 2013. That or you could guess that it's a reference to any new years after that, which is dumb because there's countless to choose from and something's going to eventually happen on one of them.

It's not the Antichrist. It's referencing the second coming of the real christ.

Question: Have you taken your pills yet?

Cathedral.... made of Ices?


Are you just worried? What do you intend to do when you find out what "they" have planned for you?

This is the truth of it.
It is unstoppable. You could kill all of us, it still wouldn't work. It's literally fated.
Color is exploding outward, not just black and white, any longer.
Suffering and efficiency are not just the ways to be.
Enjoy your suffering, while it lasts, friends, for I will be ultimately in Love soon, and if I am, so will others!!

No, it depicts the second coming of the real christ.

Hence why he's the one destroying outdated religious institutions that have been corrupted by satan.

>Many believe it is about the return of spirituality and how the current materialistic world is gonna be torn apart
literally what the book of revelation is about

Ask me any question, please, regarding the video and I'll give you my best interpretation, Mr. Skeptic.

Think about it.
>Ice melts
>We find ancient shit under the ice, think Atlantis, giants, "ayys"
>turns out Atlantis is millions of years more advanced than today's civilization
>tfw "aliens" are now very real
>tfw gods and "angels" are "aliens"
>tfw this btfos all modern religion

Leading to in a sense. It would be a massive awakening.

falling church is fall of roman catholic chuch

Kali dancing represents end of kali yuga which we have been living in for past 5000 years

the last 100 years especially have been about getting the human race to forget their spirituality and indulge in the material world.
Events are leading to this veil being torn and real (not religious) spirituality returning to the world.

So... traditionalism?

It represents the end of the illuminati and the corrupted institutions of state and religion.
The world will go through many changes, but the re-awakening of Christ (consciousness) is what ultimately leads the world back into the light.
Notice how the image in the OP pic, the eye of Horus is not located on the top, where it is traditionally in the pyramid, but on the bottom of the pyramid.
It signifies the third eye and God as being in the people, not ruling over them.
Mankind will reawaken with no need for masters, but instead recognize God as divinity as something we all share together.

Hide. Resist the promises they plan on giving the masses in order to gain control of them.

Revelations tells us that many will be deceived before the true coming of Christ. I firmly believe this is a direct reference to the global elites implementing mind control into the masses via computer/mind integration technology.

Trust them if you want, I will hold faith and wait for my God to return and free humanity from (((them))).

the melting of ice from land is a warning about the coming sea level rise that will force billions of people to migrate to higher ground where other billions are living. this will make the current immigration "crisis" seem like a drop in the bucket.