Fellow Germans, is our Fatherland truly cucked?

except for idiots who vote Green Party, it looks like most people are actually ok.

Other urls found in this thread:


Just die already. I'm tired of watching your country burn.

It is.

The fact that 77% of CDU voters will say this and STILL vote for the woman actively replacing us with Muzzies is very, very, very cucked.


Right back at you.

I do hope that one day all Germans once again embrace nationalism.

Mfw the next truck """""accident""""" happens and the murderer is set free again

I have a question.

Why is the Heute Show no longer available on Youtube?

Nobody believes this was an accident except for our media.

That's what will happen..if they proved that it was a "refugee" it would piss people off but now they let him go and can't find the guy who did it..maybee it's an ethnic german)

The interesting question is rather whether Muslims belong to Germany.

This survey is rather moot. Of course it doesn't. With what justification would you agree to that?

Yes, Islam is part of all of us.

Somebody post a German version of this.

Wtf does OPs shit say? This is an English board you fuckers, post the basic English jist of your dach duich hinda hozin stupid fucking language.

Percentage of people who think Islam is not a valid religion in green.

Being such a smart guy, he's obviously talking about this.


It says

> Islam belongs to Germany
> Percentage of people who agree with the statement "Islam belongs to Germany" (% of surveyed people)

the green is people who don't agree
the blue is people who agree

as you can see, most people do NOT agree

Don't trust this guy. His flag is Burger, he is making this up.

Here is the correct answer

Abdul, get out of here.
I took 3 years of German in school

The fact that more than 20% overall seem to agree that islam belongs in germany is pretty alarming.

Don't trust this guy, folks. He is baiting, bad bait - he is translating with school German instead of real German.

> Arabic German is real German

wtf? green are the people saying "Islam does NOT belongs to Germany." As can easily be seen by the Green Party "Grüne" with most votes pro Islam...
That is the right translation.

Don't trust this guy.

To be honest, most green party voters are roaches/other immigrants who are muslim themselves.


The fact that muslims constitute almost 10% of the German population makes it less alarming.

At least show your actual face, 56% white.

>Barrack Hussein Obama.
There used to be a time where I actually believed he was a closet "too smart for religion" atheist. Boy was I wrong!

If you disagree with islam antifa thugs will destroy your appartment.


Why do you think so many people are bullied into silent consent?

No.This proves that deep down you're not cucked, you just need a real alternative leader, not a woman.

>Can't handle mild bantz
At least try to overthrow EuroFurher Merkel. Get fucked until then.

Also it's 25% according to Sup Forums standards ;)


72% rejection and 23% approval INCLUDING all the leftists of society is not "bullied into silent consent".

Fuck Antifa anyway. Who gives a shit? People don't need to risk a shit. Just vote. Anonoymously. It takes literally a few minutes, maybe 1 or 2 hours depending on where you live, of your life.

You always say "get rid of Merkel". As if that solves the fucking problem! She is the head of the equivalent to the republicans of Germany. The SPD, Greens and Linke are even worse. You need to reform, or better smash the entire party and political system. AfD is our Trump card.

Wir müssen die Altparteien AUSRADIEREN!

small steps user

you stupid nigger
the FPO couldn't even win in Austria, and Norbert Hofer is charismatic and likeable
what makes you think the AfD can win? Frauke Petry literally is cucking her husband and no one likes her

Notbert Hofer got 47 percent. That is close.

Trump got like 48 percent. If Austria had an electoral college, Hofer would have been elected hands down as he won most states:

Get your shit together already it was fun at first but the more this goes on the less I enjoy watching people suffer.

The Austrian election was irrelevant. The president have no power - he is a figurhead.

Everything comes down to the amount of seats the parties gain in the parlament. If they grow to large, it will almost be impossible to have a governing majority, unless they can "buy" their support, with the usual something for something policy. In that case then they will have a large influence on the countries immigration law.

It's always a fucking burger that makes the dumbest posts...

>implying most people will tell the truth in polls like this

It's over for you guys. The New Europe is Caliphate, while ironically the middle east is about done with that and north africa
>tfw whites start moving there

>Nobody believes this was an accident except for our media

Are you actually fucking happy about that shit you just said being an argument?

>germany talking shit
you have no longer the right to talk shit or say anything. Fucking die Hans and let Ahmed officially take over

Thanks for the RARE

I hear it is because Merkel has no charisma and just goes where the wind blows.

Germans are allegedly too afraid to vote in someone with charisma.



It's a useless statement to make if no one believes it was an accident. The police doesn't either.

>having medias feeding you bullshit, covered by the governement

That shit should just make everybody boil.

i dont know why you non-english speaking faggots post images without translating them