When did you stop being a filthy Pirate?

You have no right to enjoy software without compensating the creator.

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i'm on my laptop i don't even use it that much
on my desktop i have 100tb+ uploaded this year

Stealing is shitskin tier bevahior. Pay for shit. If you can't afford it, then that is the universe telling you to get your shit together.

copy pasting is not stealing

You didn't compensate the creator, therefore you are a thief and a degenerate.

When I got my first job.

buy a Sup Forums pass stop stealing this board

When I could afford to. I've learned to use a lot of expensive software I wouldn't been able to without pirating.

>paying for software before playing it
look muh niggas. first you try it out, not a demo tho, you try out the whole thing.
if it's good, you buy it,
if you can, you donate the money instead, thus you don't support a government (taxes) and support the creator instead

How can you steal a non-physical product? How is it stealing if my having it doesn't prevent whoever from having it?

instead we let companies sell us crap and lie to us, NMS perfect example, fuck these nu-males, it isnt like they produce anything of any real value, its a damn video game.

do you compensate meme makers?

This board is not behind a paywall. I do what the site requires to enjoy it. By using licensed software without paying the creator, you are engaging in "gibs me dat" behavior. You are no better than a nigger.

>You have no right to overcharge for such a product. Make it reasonable and more people will buy it

>Software Pirate
Software should be free, fuck off

t. Schlomo Shekelber, executive assistan of MPAA

C'mon man, there is no meaning to money now, as a white man i gave up, why work not have kids to barely get by only to pay some nogs welfare check.

Money isnt tangible, so fuck it and they Jews who produce it, take the gibs until they system collapses, that is the only way to oust vile Socialism.

Then we can bring tome damn meaning back to currency, until then dont give two fucks and take what you can, because everyone else is and only us white men are paying the price.

This guy knows whats up.


Its not stealing faggot. Its sharing like in socialism. So its nazi not shitskin.

Software companies are Jews of the worst kind. Charging a small fortune for a product with an endless supply is deceitful. Not to mention those same companies like to come out with yearly editions, and some even require membership.

Nah, I have no qualms with stealing every single piece of software I can. California can go fuck itself.

Because you cannot afford something does not give you the right to use it for free. This is the logic niggers use when they rob stores.

>gibs me free shit!
Typical entitled child.

>oy vey u have to pay goyim

All software i use is open source free software.

I only pirate books. Its not like writers are writing for money anyway.

>Because you cannot afford something does not give you the right to use it for free
Good goyim, attack your own over such offenses! Stealing software is worse than murder, afterall.

Copyright law is too jewed. I don't have a problem with people making money off intellectual property but with current standards it just creates insanely rich people. If only so many others could collect royalties off their labors.

All my software is FOSS.

I would have never bought Photoshop without pirating it in 2007. As most freelancers do.

>faggot probably buys tutorial books
>salty failed softwave dev

When did you stop being a digital jew?

t.the faggot who stole the meme image for the thread

I live in a shitty country. 74% of games are taxes.
Playing pirate the witcher 3 atm.

>Charging a small fortune for a product with an endless supply is deceitful
So content creators are not entitled to control the distribution of their creation? Fuck off, commie. If you don't like their business model, you are not forced to invest in it. Get open source software like this guy and stop whining.


Not going to pay for anything digital. I'll support content creators directly, but fuck paying california jew faggots a single dime.

Lets talk about the cost of fonts.

I live in a shitty country. 74% of games are taxes.
Playing pirate the witcher 3 atm.

I just pirated your post.

Doesn't feel so good now, does it?

>So content creators are not entitled to control the distribution of their creation?
They are, but they shouldn't complain about me stealing their shit when they have the worst of the jew practices.

I do not like my money going to self righteous, entitled cucks that inhabit silicon valley anyway. They could all freeze for what I care, I'm still not going along with their juden practices.

Friendly reminder that MAFIAA and in general all copyright holders are the ones most in favor of TPP:

Hey NMS is good now

I used to crack every single software. 3 years ago I decided to buy Orange Box on Steam, because Half Life 2 is my favorite game and I love Valve for creating it, and I wanted to show my appreciation for it. That was the spark. I slowly started buying more games on Steam. 3 years passed since then. I now own a Steam account worth several thousand dollars.

Also, why would I use the free software when I can get the expensive stuff for free? This seems to be the hardest thing for people like you to grasp.

>but then you are just like a nigger!
Nah, a nigger steals to steal. I am simply refusing to pay beyond my means for software. Especially when I require said software for work.

If the jews don't like it they should switch up their financial plan for their products. If shit was cheaper I wouldn't be so against buying it.

>ratio: 2.705
I mean it's not bad, but still? I try to keep mine at least at 5.

>I now own a Steam account worth several thousand dollars.
You own nothing, sadly. You are simply allowed to access the software you have paid for, but you do not have any sort of ownership. If Valve went under tomorrow, there is no way for you to access those games you paid for anymore.

Words of a snob prick born rich. Making a profit is one thing but shouldn't be your main focus, the software is not the money worth the time one took to create it. Stop thinking creating software = get rich quick. Especially when the product becomes buggy from lack of quality. Most companies fail to see this


This is a pretty deep rabbit hole.
>using adblock is stealing
>using someone elses artwork as an avatar is stealing
>using a wallpaper someone made that is copyrighted theft

>I do not like my money going to self righteous, entitled cucks that inhabit silicon valley anyway.

Then don't buy from them. Stealing from them is worse, as it justifies state action.


Stealing != copying

Almost nothing produced by Jews is worth stealing these days.

Sites can, and do, require you to drop your block or go through a paywall

If it's not behind a paywall of some kind, or the creators do not ask for money, it's up for grabs.

I am fully aware that Valve has the final say on my account. They can terminate it for no reason and I cant say shit. But they dont do stuff like that. Its not in their interest. Also Steam is pretty much unstopable. I dont see it failing in the future. Its just too damn comfortable, easy to use and it has no significant competitors. Valve can just stay alive on the profits from Steam.

Its quicker then registering an account everywhere. When doing it legaly becomes easy im all in!

if property isn't lost then it's not stealing.

profit isn't property
an idea is not property

that would be the equivalent of taking a tape recorder and recording music off of the radio for your own personal use.

and guess what?
before file sharing existed and computers weren't that prevalent
the music industry Jews tried to make that illegal too.

u need a parrot in that pic, all real pirates have parrots u know that :-DDD

If the creators of software/movie/tv show want to be a lefty socialist jew, I think it's fair I get their stuff for free.


Piracy is for losers.

Fuck you liberals bitching about rights and earning and shit, national conservative here and I fucking steal everything. Why? because I can.

lemme drink your faggot nigger tears.

Yeah, much better to give your money to hollywood execs, who donate 10% of that money to the Clinton foundation.

I'll pay only for redpilled stuff.

>an idea is not property
My sides have left the galaxy

People have the right to control the distribution of their creations, end of story.

You may have the ability to get it without compensating them, but you can't complain when they come after you.

>But they dont do stuff like that. Its not in their interest. Also Steam is pretty much unstopable. I dont see it failing in the future.
No doubt, their model is years ahead of every other competitor so they will be around for a while. And it isn't a bad thing so long as they don't abuse their customer base.

I just do not like the direction digital retail has gone. We don't own anything anymore, we simply pay to access content, with little to no protection from the whims of the company hosting and selling said content. Such vague methods tend to always lead to abuse.

doesn't feel nothing actually

Yes I have, I can use my stuff as I please, I don't owe creators anything.

And I'd be willing to bet you'd pitch a fit if the content creator served you with a lawsuit.


oh no!

im so scared

If you do it for a hobby, shoplifting is more exciting for sure, but piracy is just more practical.

buying some and pirating some is the most redpilled because then the creators know they can charge you for a shit product

FLOSS software is often better suited for autistic software development, data analysis and report writing needs anyways. I think it's a bit different for the muh creativity crowd.

>as it justifies state action.
>state action in the digital age
Oh lord im laffin. The state is so far behind the ball that they will never catch up at the rate they are going.

>Don't buy from them
I don't, but often times I still require the use of their product for whatever niche purpose it serves. I cannot be assed to deal with the hassle of free software, which often love ads, simply because I am trying to be moral in a morally bankrupt industry.

No, I will download the software where I find it, and use it how I see fit. If the product is good enough for me to use it excessively, then I might consider a donation to the creator. Might.

You laugh now, because like a coward, you only commit crimes you know you can get away with. If there was any genuine risk, you would stop.

Copyright is an extortion racket.

The internet is the coast of Somalia and it's fish belongs to me because it is my corporate right and there's no functional state to claim information thus it is free for my own reaping and go fuck yourself #unregulatedcapitalismftw

>an idea is property
What is up with jews and redefining words? An idea isn't property, you retard. The labors from said idea can possible be turned into property, but the idea itself is not a part of your property. No matter how much our jewish laws might insist otherwise.

SOPA almost happened. It must have not been that for behind because pirates were screeching and rending their shirts over it.

stop playing computer games

that's right goy! don't deny mr shekelburg his hard-earned bonus! What, you want me to pay taxes? Well I hardly think THAT'S called for, goyim

>If there was any genuine risk, you would stop.
But there is no risk because the law is bullshit and impractical to enforce in reality. So until the laws are reworked to be more realistic, there will never be genuine risk.

Luckily for the pirates, the software companies are not about reworking the laws to be more realistic, as that usually means they have to work harder. Not to mention the laws are especially lucrative to content "owners", on purpose of course.

I never have committed any internet crime or violated any piracy laws.


i sure hope you never store memes without asking the meme-artist first.

SOAP-a my ass

>Buying Nigherfield1

Top Kek

>Rouge one.

Please neck yourself degenerate cretin.

>SOPA almost happened
Nothing would have came from it except a bunch of posturing and angry Americans. The minute SOPA prevented a powerful company from having their way, it would get struck down. Funny, because this is why it wasn't passed in the first place.

Once again you seem to not understand that the law of the country is not the law of reality, and often the law of the land does not equate at all with the laws of reality. This is why laws fail (prohibition should come to mind if you are educated in the history of our laws.)

It's a shitty TS rip didn't even end up watching it.

I pirate some shit and buy others. Generally if its new and I believe wholeheartedly its going to be decent I'll buy it. Otherwise if its like >$5-$10 and over 10 years old I will most likely pirate it, same if I'm unsure of the quality.

fuck you disney im not paying $25 to watch mulan with my little sister

>If there was any genuine risk, you would stop.
If you were a cow I would milk you

>Brooklyn nine nine
Bad taste confirmed. What's next, New Girl?

Jesus thought piracy was fine.

Get fucked, porky.

Stealing requires an object being removed from one's possession.

The price I pay for internet is the price that should grant me full access to all TV and movies channels.

To be honest the fact cable TV still exists is jewry.

>havent bought a book, movie or tv show for years

There is no media I don't pirate because most of the profits go to an NY synagogue instead of the talent anyway

>you can't put those ones and zeros in that order without paying.

>Oh you want support on that thousand+ $ photoshop license? Buy some support!

>cool game huh? Sorry for the drm falling, but don't use the working cracked one!!!!!!!!

>What!? You don't like commercials on movies you buy?

>Why don't you use our streaming service? We handle your payment information with care :^)

>Oh hey... that softwarepackage you bought had some security issues we can't fix, pre-order the new version now for only 99% of the price, also buy a new PC because well, you know fancy menus and your OS has a great new release which we like, because they paid, just like U Hey you called for support, we came by and detected some other software we don't know so even tough you paid so much for you premium license+support package we can't really help you, sure is the fault of that vimEmulator thing, emulators are viruses you know. No we don't have the specifics of where it goes wrong but sure was your fault, those other Internet users with the same problem are trolls.

Studies show pirates are the biggest payer of contents, a guy who pirates a lot of music will pay for his favorite albums, same shit for video games and movies.
Anti piracy struggle today is more a greedy way to deny people to test your shit than anything, content producer have never made so much profit.

I already stopped playing video games and Steam is still here.
I have a bunch of CD ROM from the 90s and despite possessing the game I can't run it anymore because readers/OS.
I hear the argument but chance are that when Valve will be shut down you won't give a fuck about 99% of the games in your library.

When you use softwares that costs you more per month than your rent, you end up telling the devs to go fuck themselves.

This. Stop worrying, the Jews won't go hungry if we pirate things you faggots.

When they stopped making shit worth pirating.

i just wait for games to go down in price. the most id pay for a game is 20 bucks, and it has to be a hell of a game for me to pay that much.

Yesterday, maybe tomorrow, don't know, yes

I only pirate anime soundtracks. Not like I can get that anywhere else.