EU gives Ukrainians visa free accesss

hahahahaha Enjoy 40 million Russians moving to Poland and Czech Republic

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and i think they will move to germoney, and uk

You mean moving from Poland, since they are already here

literally nothing changes because everyone who could get here is already here.
And maybe they will battle the (((multiculturalism))) in Prague with their white skin.

I hope they do, we don't need more corruption in our countries. Ukraine is a senseless mess and the people are fucked too, although it's not entirely their fault.

i will take 2 hohols for every arab/nig, any takers?

>Europeans about to see that there is such a thing as a nigger with white skin

Fucking Ukranians, man. Good luck. All of the self-entitlement of the Poles and Baltics with none of the work ethic.

Reminder that any area with more than 50% ethnic Russians is considered fair game.

You're going to re-join mother Russia, Poland.

The west of Ukraine should be given back to Poland.


The western Part of Ukraine should be given back to Russia.
Same goes for Poland.

South-West part should be given to Czechoslovakia.

When replying to Russian.

Kek is trying to tell me something.

Shut up bogemian governorate

Why is this bad? they are white Europeans

Why only Ukrainians?
Russians and Belorussians are more civilized

Forgetting Ireland?

They bring crime and everything else thats linked to poverty.

>50% ethnic russians
>anywhere in Poland

I visited Kiev a few months ago:

Ukrainian women are objectively the most beautiful fucking women I have seen in my life and there are loads of them.

They are all hot. Literally all of them.

I'm pretty damn sure we have enough our own problems.
We better give Chechnya to someone for free.

>not true
t. someone who lives in Ukrainian infested city

I agree. You should take ukranians.

compared to britain a pig pen is full of beautiful women

I have no problem with that. Ukrainian girls are fucking gorgeous.

We can switch, you get the sandniggers and africans and we take the Ukrainians?

They can already move into Poland freely/very easily. This means they'll go Germany and further west.


You will prolly take them all Sweden. Good luck.

Well, I hope not. We have already many russians here and I think if a load of ukraines would come there would be some problems.

I want some of the girls here too!

I doubt that "sandniggers and africans" so stupid to move to some shithole like Russia or Ukraine from some European country.

Wrocław and Katowice are full of ukrops desu

Do they speak english?

Don't Western Europeans get tired of these people from East European shitholes flooding their country?

no such thing

You guys should elect Trump-like president to build your own wall from Russian-Ukranian scum.

We have other priorities mate

>Wanting prostitudes who look like they are 50 by the time they are 30

I guess its a balkan thing.

Why would you have any? The only thing that may stop some ukrops here is that they can get free university here, I don't know if it's possible in Germany. There's also the language barrier since they can at least communicate in Polish but language doesn't mean shit when you have a choice of working for 3 zlotys or 3 euros per hour.

Yes but apparently because they are white this is fine and should be encouraged

Relax, they can only enter with no visa for 90 days. So you'll be getting the same illegals you always got before.

given how average Briton looks some mixing with other Europeans would do you good
no offense

My mother was a Ukrainian immigrant and it was easy as fuck to get here. The visa is only a formality and doesn't make it much more difficult.

>they can at least communicate in Polish
As someone who lives in ukr-infested zone, I can honestly say - they don't

that is meme visas not a work visas, they can only visit

>literally carrot and the donkey story

Fuck these white niggers. They're like Arabs with white skin except they don't murder people.

No, it didn't. You fucking fyromian.

Thank you based European Union :)
In all seriousness, it's good thing for Poland.

We tried to stop it but we got EU'd.

Anglo, their girls

Prijs Kek

Gvd Ruttecuck man

Hungarians are hot as fuck. They look more German than Slav.

>They're like Arabs with white skin
And anglos are like arabs period, kek.

visa free access to travel, not work

stop getting your facts from CNN.


The slavnigger is right you know

I give no fucks about a moonface south eastern slav.

Plus they don't even look like this for the most part, aquafresh.

Russia is literally run by satanists.


nah, they work as painters and welders then they leave.

He seems pretty based to me

Fair enough

Nah, most of our russians are german-russian plebs, poor but at least they work and the younger generation integrate themselves in the german society. Unless the kebabs they speak german between each other even if there is no kraut around them.

Our problem are the rapefugees and thanks to our lefties and cucks we don't get rid off them in the next decades.

Mostly because you have very low standards being british

They ain't brown, I don't frown

So why Poland so desperately fighting back against refugees from Africa, but warmly welcoming refugees from Ukraine?
I can't see logic here.


The slav is white get over it

>trump is litterly a russian puppet and this is what Russia wanted all along

How does it affect anything?
Visa liberation doesn't mean that Ukrainians will be able to freely work and study in EU. It's just for short visits like 90 days or something.
People are too poor to visit EU anyway, with or without visa. It's not like visas are stopping everyone here from visiting EU.

Fine bring them to Austria, so whites have the chance to outbreed the shitskins and niggers here.

Goddammit for 1000th time - Dugin doesn't "run" anything, he's just a fringe loony philosopher with an even crazier fanbase. He even got kicked out of the state university.
>Russia is literally run by satanists.
No, it is run by crooks and crimelords

The ukrop statistics are slightly overblown, a lot of them comes but many only for seasonal work. Pretty much none of them gets the asylum so we can deport them anyway, we also rejected entry and the refugee status to over 40k chechens and tajiks on the eastern border.

It's a convenient shield from the rapefugees, when anyone asks about them we say that we took a gorillion ukrainians and our camps are full.

Poor people will simply travel to EU and refuse to come back to Ukraine.

Nice, this will further help our tourism.

sure... they hate kebab right ?

>Dugin doesn't "run" anything

He literally runs everything.

>hahahahaha Enjoy 40 million Russians moving to Poland and Czech Republic
More like Germany.

Local Ukrainians are only here because getting visa for whole Union is harder than just for Poland.

this is just to prop up west ukrainian resistance without having to issue a declaration of war

germany will send has to his death so jews can sleep at night

You live in Britain, everything can only been better from this.

Be happy that you don't live in Lublin.

Unlike you I met him in person a couple of times and pretty sure that man doesn't and more importantly cannot run anything. He and his fans are basically hipsters.
>muh modern world is too mainstream
>let's wear all black and talk about obscure philosophers and how we hate the west
I was into all that farce at one point until I finally got fed up with those posers.

No sauce faggot.

>bring invasive species that its natural enemy of other invasive species


To be honest I can't fucking bear the romanians, even their doctors are displeasing, especially when they speak, they somewhat think they are hotshit despite being the garbage of Europe.
I would import all Hungary without much problem though as long as they shut the fuck up and hate niggers.

>crazy old faggot
>when he was a student he and other special snowflakes created a seekreet club on campus
>they tried to be super esoteric, LARPing SS and Crowley and shiey
>there are rumors they had esoteric buttsecks in the club
>he could never make up his mind,was a commie, nazi, Mongolian, satanic, gay, patriot, anti-racist, fascist, eastern orthodox.
>is a pretensions faggot doing everything possible to be 2deep4u
>makes incendiary claims for attention, "Chemistry is evil and satanic", "White people are shit and should be destroyed, Russians are strong only due to mongo genes", "If you are christian, you're obliged to wear a beard", "I like entropy and death of the universe but big bang is bullshit, Hawking is a pathetic cripple and his shit is all fucked up"
>got kicked out from the best Russian uni because of his shitty lectures
>Supports Islam
>one of his buddies from the esoteric gay sex club spent most of his life LARPing as a Muslim scholar(never learned arabic kek), said he's happy that Russia will become a Muslim state and Moscow will be the capital of the caliphate
>Knows German on an intermediate level and cant stop inserting German words into any discussion
>His last greatest creation is the concept of Eurasian union: the greatest super state with civic nationalism and billions of Asian-White mongrels that will defeat the ebil Western whitey

He's an autistic attention whoring faggot.

That faggot is spamming Dugin in every ru related thread every day. It's either bait or he is retarded, ignore him.

Didn't the Netherlands vote against something like that? Did the EU really succeed in weaseling their way around that again?

>visa free access to travel, not work
it's the first step. You should know how the EU operates by now.
Even though it claims to have no more appetite for enlargement it's still trying to widen its sphere of influence. That's actually a more sensible approach than just putting everyone into the same currency/political system/Schengen zone , but I disgress

What? It was postponed until next summer (as usual). Georgia might have a change sooner.


no such thing

yo mama is russian, stop swearing

no such thing is your sex life

all the pretty Ukrainian women will try to move to western cities and marry western men!!!!

dump your Asian cumbuckets
white conservative women with incredibly low standards willing to marry are on their way to you.

He's not that old actually - 54yo. It's just beard magic.
>one of his buddies from the esoteric gay sex club spent most of his life LARPing as a Muslim scholar(never learned arabic kek), said he's happy that Russia will become a Muslim state and Moscow will be the capital of the caliphate
Yeah, Dzhemal has been even supporting ISIS since it's early days. He died recently btw. Good riddance.

Judging by your post I think you couldn't handle a slavette.


t. Ukrainian studying in a uni here

spierdolywaj dodomu, zradnuky
nenka potrebuje tebe u debaltsevi

>Enjoy 40 million Russians moving to Poland and Czech Republic

FYROM and you Balkshit are the worst.

gief sauce, FYROM

kek, true

I meet a few
to conservative for me
always walked a few steps behind me
expected me to do everything for them

Slavic women are to submissive, like shy children

I rather deal with German women. They have their own head. Which does have its ups and downs, but that is fine.