Chinese thug only given two to six years for kicking white guy to death over 70 cent
Chinese thug only given two to six years for kicking white guy to death over 70 cent
Don't let them slide this
You mad, white piggus?
Everyone kicks you around, shouldn't be news for you.
fucking christ, but seriously fix your justice system.
>Like seven refugee terrorist attacks
>People still aren't redpilled
Denbts must always be paid!
You cannot unwash all the brainwashing right from the early childhood on.
You are doomed, and there is nothing that will stop your demise.
>Witnesses said that there had been “no fury or anger” in Zhao during the attack and that his demeanour was “casual”.
and will never be
>be European
>get literally genocided
>be European
>get murdered by Chinese
>justice system gives 6 years
>Be European
>be raped
>justice system releases criminal
>Be European
>be forced to take in immigrants
>justice system punishes who refuse
>be European
>fight in midde east
>justice system charges war crime
>be European
>fight back
>justice system punishes
>be European
>want tighter immigration
>get jumped by fellow European antifa
Europe you're fucked
typical sociopath behavior right there, and/or he's done it before.
Not sure why you'd try to scam a hyperjew in the first place.
>kicked a heroin addict to death
And nothing of value was lost.
Ah so! Not so white after all!
Don't worry...all the beatings this guy will get it'll feel like a lifetime.
70 cents is a lot of money to Irish people
act like a nigger, get handled like a nigger. i praise that chink for removing that trash off the streets. druggies are not considered white. you become a nigger when you do drugs.
>recovering heroin addict
and nothing of value was lost
He had his whole life ahead of him. He could have rehabilitated and started a family if it weren't for this slanty eyedyellow manlet subhuman who doesn't even belong in this country.
Calm down there, 3 incher.
>muh benis
Is this your only rebuttal?
It would certainly explain your beta rage
Time for a good ole knee capping.
>giving chinks permanent residency
>not kicking out the chink after putting him in prison for 40 years
>european "justice" system
Jesus christ, law makers should be murdered.
>70 cent
the delusion is real
How does this help the Sup Forums narrative? I thought asians were feminine?
Most definitely.
He's Chinese so probably both.
the chink saved ireland tax payers tons of money by killing that druggie. he should be given a parade and a medal.
The only way to deal with this Chink is to fuck his daughter so that when he gets out of prison he has hapa children to look forward to.
>a leaf
Chinese people are owning the leaf now.
This, addicts are a scourge. And it's not like he killed him for 70 cents seems like a far-fetched story to believe.A more plausible scenario would be that the druggy stole something, caused an altercation and then died as a result of it.
He had a whole lifetime of being an Irishman ahead of him
Honestly it was a mercy killing
Was a fight, 2 guys being stupid faggots. No problem with that honestly.
he was a gud boy he dindu nothing, he was gon to potato farming n shiet
curious how Sup Forums is so anti-drugs but would prob take everything a jew dr prescribes
>Sup Forums is one person
People here are actually pretty red pilled on drugs, both hippie jew and pharma jew drugs.
You faggot gooks need another bomb
>Noel Fegan, a "recovering" heroin addict
>He had gone into the shop to phone his 11-year-old daughter, from whom he had received a 'call me' text. His daughter testified that she spoke to her father for a minute and a half. However, Mr Fegan told Zhao he did not get through. Zhao showed him the 70-cent total on the phone system screen but the trial heard that Mr Fegan refused to pay this. Various witnesses said he offered between 10 and 40 cent.
>Zhao tried to prevent him leaving but Mr Fegan got away, with some customers saying he hit Zhao before he left.
>His son, Adam, who was 17 at the time of the attack, said his father had missed out on several important events in his life taking him for his first drink,
>Mr Fegan’s sister, Catherine, described her brother as the “joker of the family” who was a “fantastic dad”.
Yeeeeah, this really sounds like a productive family. I sure am upset that hardworking chink cleaned this junkie off the streets.
I might be a #racewarnow ethnonationalist but even I've gotta admit there are some whites the world is better of without.
I don't see the problem, you're kind of begging to be murdered when you openly disrespect a culture/people on their own turf.
Their time will come lad.
Another two?
Yeah dont help your white brother when he encounters a challenge of us environment just let him die. You fellas are fuckin scum.
You are literal Jews. You are fucked.
cumstain died, nothing of value was lost
>caring about a 'recovering heroin addict'
Nope. Anyone stupid enough to throw their life away off that shit deserves death. Sick of having to avoid those scum every time I'm in town. Nothing of value was lost here.
Well the druggy was a faggot but the chink is obviously more subhuman by default
it's up to the irish to kick the shit out of the chink when he gets out
lol someone will call him a chink in prison, he'll lose it and he'll end up stabbed.
asian masculinity out of control
Im sure vengeance will be enacted in prison. The lads will have fun with this little yellow rat.
>A row broke out between the two men over the payment of 70 cent for that call. There was a conflict between eyewitnesses about who threw the first slap.
He looks weird and he has big, gay lips. He'll definitely be a target from all groups for different reasons - his big gay lips will be put to use
I hate junkies with all of my heart.
When you grow up in a working class area it can be almost unavoidable.
This guy raised a family and I'm sure he was well intentioned but got caught with the wrong crowd.
Go watch more anime lad
>The attack which killed Mr Fegan lasted between seven and ten seconds
Ahahaha, White Piggus are so weak
>dublin junkie
thank you based gook
t. Irish
Why are Irish and Scottish people so prone to drug abuse?
Fun story: I was in Dublin one Christmas as family live there. Went to midnight mass on Christmas eve with a friend and on the way back some junkie cunt tried to rob us with a needle. Though he actually left us alone when I told him we were coming from mass.
Why do German people use drugs? Circumstance
Look at his post history m8. He's clearly a micro-dicked Asian
I'll be laughin when he gets snackbared by Achmed.
>The physical altercation lasted less than 10 seconds, but Zhao kicked him to the head on a number of occasions during that time.
>An autopsy found that Mr Fegan died of a subarachnoid haemorrhage caused by blunt-force trauma resulting from kicks to his head and neck.
reminds me of that time a chinese guy beheaded and cannibalized a good ol' canadian boy unprovoked on a bus near winnipeg a few years back and he walks the streets a free man today
>white drug addict thief starts fight with yellow shopkeeper
>loses and dies
wtf i hate china now
>getting this mad over based chinaman taking out the trash
>Those cats were fast as lightning
Why did you guys put the charging handle in the dumbest possible spot?
I thought China was full of clever ppl?
You only like Asian girls because you are too beta to pull a white lass.
Get the fuck out of here you disgusting traitor. Its your own damne fault you feel rejected by Japanese society. Cultivate your sense of duty and wake the fuck up before Zhang Wei takes your islands, jobs and pride.
Since your courts failed It's up to individuals in the public to deliver the death sentence that's required.
Shlomo would be proud.
Who is the jew here?
If the junkie didn't have the money to pay he could have given up his shoes or something
We should apply duterte's policy here
white trash fah detected.
I bet you grew up in a smelly home with yucky cheap carpet floors, eating instant mince pies from tesco in front of the telly with your overweight inbred family.
Gtfo, go do some heroin, I hope you're gonna be smashed by chinaman next. Junkies are scum.
>justifying degeneracy
Seriously though if I could remove two ethnic groups from the world they would be the chinese and the irish
>One witness said the accused gave his dying victim a “two-finger salute” as he walked away.
>white guy tries to jew someone out of 70 cents
>all the white supremacists trip over their own feet to cry foul
If the internet cafe manager were white and the guy trying to steal from him was black, you'd get overwhelming praise for the white guy for standing his ground. Hypocritical as fuck.
So nobody could beat you in the rugby!
Chinese and arab
Go blow up a pub you heroin injecting continental arse kissing papist scum
in fact it was a little bit frightening
>when Irish eyes are salting
t. plastic paddy who has a whole shelf devoted to Guinness merchandise
Somebody's triggered
I don't know what's smaller, your penis or the level of your charisma.
they're coming for you ireland
>Actually losing to and dieing from a 5ft chink even as an emaciated junkie
y'all niggas need mark whalberg
Chinese people are not human
>deadbeat Irish scumbag junkie doesn't want to pay store owner
>store owner kicks his ass
I see nothing wrong with this.
The Irish are the muslims of the west.
t. MOORtugal
Why do you think you can get away with not paying the 70 cents?
Whites are so eager to prove how uncivilized other races are, yet they've cucked themselves into thinking that violence is the very antithesis of civilized.
Only white people are surprised when people beat each other up. Whites have lost the fight in them, the drive to survive. They think civilized means being a pussy. Nah migos, if a motherfucker talks shit, he gets hit. Ain't no warning, no "I don wan no trabble". I'm going to smash that motherfuckers face in.
Stop being cucks!
You can be mad but you know I'm right.
This thread legit triggered me
get your shit together, Ireland