how long until europe develops sensible truck control laws? shouldn't there be limits on how fast trucks can go, and how big they can be?
How long until europe develops sensible truck control laws? shouldn't there be limits on how fast trucks can go...
Belfast had a couple of security cordons on all roads going into the central business district right up until 2000
They were manned by the Army or armed police
I suggest that all major European cities follow this model, especially were large crowds gather for special events
Ban assault grills!
Ban military-style trucks!
Ban high capacity trailers!
Why isn't anyone thinking of the children?!
do you idiots really need all your internet orders for korans delivered in one large assault truck? fucking retards you can wait the extra 2 days of shipping to get your headscarves from amazon.
just ban large assault trucks and show europe you have common sense of the developed world
I have an unregistered truck burried in the woods in case the government decides to ban them.
do you have a high capacity trailer? with assault wheels and vertical mudflap
only the government should have dangerous trucks like this
Stop. You sound like them.
When I think about how many good men died in keeping the Turks OUT of Vienna I feel genuinely sick.
tell me about it
Germany, do you have any plans to start removing these dangerous non-whites from your once great nation? Or will Merkel keep importing more and more?
>tfw less than 50% of all children younger than 15 in Germany are Germans
It is too late.
>What is ironic shitposting?
>What is sarcasm?
>What is immitation and impersonation for the purpose of mockery?
I guess OP is going for the gun control argument
remember they are going to ban christmas to appease their muslim overloards
We need a ban on high capacity fuel tanks. The driver shouldn't have been able to drive so far through the crowd without having to refuel.
>shouldn't there be limits on how fast trucks can go, and how big they can be?
There are. Why do you think they're shaped like they are, as opposed to how you typically see them in America?
People like that were some of the first to fight for the shit we have going on now.
>Be Eurocuck
>Take a fully sized muslim migrant's Big Black Truck from behind
They should give all pedestrians a Dirt Bike that starts up at the last second.
Yes and they will only get faster, heavier, and more effectively shaped for mass carnage. This must stop.
Concrete barriers are the best
People shooting at a moving truck won't do shit
>no passenger side door
Concrete barriers won't stop Musloids with a backpack full of explosives.
Terrorists will terrorize, the only mitigation is deporting every Muslim, no matter if convicted (yet) or not.
This will never happen so we are in for even worse times.
>no sensible restrictions on high capacity assault trucks
it's like you're asking for incidents.
>It is too late.
It's never too late, though there are some things that are necessarily going to have to be done.
You don't seriously think Germany will start mass deportations of foreigners and mass incarcarations of Muslims they already made citizens (being a hardened criminal or not knowing the language is NOT a reason to be declined citizenship in Germany).
who needs passangers anyways
i like how the solution is just doing a berlin arilift of all the refugees out of the country, but they will never do that
So when are they banning this filth for brainwashing our young children into going out there and terrorizing the streets?? Don't you know how dangerous videogames are?
Just enjoy the ride. You'll understand in a few decades.
>implying there isn't a gorillion restrictions on the matter
>most implemented directly and physically on the truck
OP is a fag.
In a few decades I will be dead or way too old to enjoy the new Reich (starting a white family and so on).
How should I feel then lol. We held the line of christendom for 500 years for you fine europeans and now look what you have done xD
It's time we admit that toxic masculinity is getting in the way of our progress to a better society. The human factor poses a great risk, one that many of us after the recent tragedy are beginning to question. It's time to invest and pour our efforts into self-driving vehicles.
im just impressed no one noticed the truck was loaded with steel beams so far on here
Lana Rain
thanks lad
>how long until europe develops sensible muslims control laws?
>limits on how fast trucks can go, and how big they can be?
The nips have got u covered senpai
>shouldn't there be limits on how fast trucks can go
There already are.
Although I think they can still drive highway speeds anywhere.
Maybe in time we could couple the speed restriction system to the GPS navigation system. - but it will need to be very reliable to avoid sudden slowdowns on the motorways.
Also long-range trucks have no business in city centers.
We should only allow electric trucks inside the cities.
>Japanese truck
>not the most dangerous weapon known to man
Nothing to nii pah about
And you still voted VdB. You are a disgrace.
This is fucking dumb. Half the time regular vehicles are going 20 km/h above the speed limit.
Limiting trucks to the speed limit just makes them an impediment to regular traffic. That and the GPS system can probably be broken/disabled/spoofed/hacked to let the truck drive at high speeds anyways
In Europe trucks have to drive in the rightmost lane and in many countries they are only allowed to overtake outside of the rush hours.
So overtaking trucks is trivial.
>In Europe trucks have to drive in the rightmost lane and in many countries they are only allowed to overtake outside of the rush hours.
that sounds abysmal
The truck is black with a high capacity gas tank, that makes it an assault truck. Why would anyone need an assault truck? Something needs to change to end all this senseless violence.
It's about time truck drivers get 100% replaced with self driving trucks.
If only they posted these signs before the incident it could have been avoided...
I wouldn't want to be a truck driver, no.
But them I'm not Polish anyways.
It's necessary to prevent traffic jams.
Why can't truckers just go back to killing cyclists and prostitutes?
> 7 gears only
> No one needs 16 gears
> High capacity killer transmissions should be banned
I think one measure they could implement is automatic brakes when a hit is detected.
Same as deploying an airbag, but also slamming on the brakes.
Won't save the first couple of people they hit, but will prevent them to keep on plowing through a crowd.
You sir are retarded
The study this comes from is a damn good read. The left really did dig their own ideology's grave with their immigration policies.
Not true in the uk they keep to the left lanes
You're not in Europe.
Alright smarty what about ireland malta and cyprus?
What about them?
Not in Europe either.
Absolutely, but then again that was the Left's ultimate raison d'etre from the very beginning: to ultimately become a means to (((an end))) themselves (and not to be the actual end).
To be a Leftist - especially an European one in Europe or abroad - is to accept the ultimate reduction of yourself, your family, nation and race as nothing more than a consumable to be devoured out of existence by mass non-European immigration on the one hand, and the great Globalist interests behind them on the other, as such, we can consider Leftism to be a sort of "demographically transitional" phase between homogeneous European nations and the mindless, barren, mongrelized dysgenic mass of slaves that is to form the global population of tomorrow.
Leftists make the ideal useful idiots because they are primarily driven by their feelings, rather than the rational thinking process (ethnic self-preservation, interests, etc.), which is why every aspect of our mass media, academia and social networking is so chock full of emotional propaganda: it's effectively a control mechanism to induce those less rational segments of the population into carrying out actions that fly right in the face of common sense by shitting all over and/or even denying them their own interests.
i want to drive that truck