Is Costa Rica White?

>Today most Costa Ricans are of primarily Spanish ancestry with minorities of German, Italian, French, Dutch, British, Swedish and Greek ancestry. 65% being White, 13% Mestizo.

>Since then, Costa Rica has held 14 presidential elections, the latest in 2014. With uninterrupted democracy dating back to at least 1948, the country is the region's most stable.

>per capita GDP in the same range as Chile, Uruguay and Argentina

Is Costa Rico whiter than the U.S.A now? What is preventing the jungle Indians from migrating en masse to Costa Rica? Or are the demographic statistics misleading, misclassifying shitty light skinned Mestizos as European?

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Nah bruh. Probably as white as 'white brazilian'.

Some of it

>White Brazilian

So roughly about this white?

No, this is a filthy nigger.
Check pic.


Just did a quick google check for mail order brides. Most seem to be very bleached mestizas.

The Swedish wikipedia page said they had less race mixing then other south american countries.

That bootleg Spanish means fuck-all to me, Pedro.

You actually guessed my name right

Nom those kids look ugly as fuck and. Not quite even "white passing"

Or the oxymoronic phrase "White Argentinian".

It's a lie. Puerto Rico, where I live, is 80% "White".

My reference:

This is the product of race-mixing: ugly children.

Not by Sup Forums standards.
But when compared to their neighbors they looks white as fuck.
So pretty much the Argentina of central America.

I am trying to make a detailed infograph listing the total European population of the world. Wikipedia says that Brazil is 50% white, what do you think is the actual percentage that I should use in my estimates?

They are, strict inmigration policies also, not easy to inmigrate there.

Really hard to know, even the whitest brazilian has a chance of having an amerindian ancestor.
If I had to guess, I would say you should focus only in the southern brazilian states.
I feel safe to say that about 15% of the brazilians can be considered "European".

I've been there, 10/10 place, would conquer again

Thanks. I might just have to cut 60% off of every official white population estimate for Latin America to get a realistic number.

Were is my gold you bastard? ;)

where* hehe

>Is Costa Rica White?
I visited Costa Rica for spring break once. Someone started speaking English to me because they recognized me as an American right away. Because I'm white, not because I'm morbidly obese and eating a hamburger.


post 23andme, it is for important demographic research.

Also, take a picture of average people walking on the street and post it, we need to decide if Costa Rica deserves the honor of being the Argentina of Central America.

here is my credentials


XTico, SeƱor Pepe.

My ex told me same, I still feel ripped off.