Why can't we have a white ethnostate

Why can't we have a white ethnostate

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get out of my communist board you white supremacists

because we don't deserve one. we had several and fucked it all up. no going back now.

Because whites aren't an ethnicity?...

I didn't fucking do anything.

I'm not even racist, I'm just sick of having race conflicts shoved in my face every single day 24 hours a day. I've fucking had it I never want to see another non-white again

what did he mean by this?

But kikes are....

I was a liberal for 26 years and all they do is take white compassion as weakness

what did we do wrong? let women and liberals have a voice?

china: they rule.

japan: they rule

every muslim shithole: they rule

africa: lol they can't do anything but THEY RULE

that last one is the clue.

you have to be barbaric. once women and progressive men attained power, white culture killed itself.

We are denied the possibility of an ethnostate because the Jews have decided that we all need to die.

Easy one!
It would be concurrence to Israel as the ruling state in the world.

goddamn you fucking idiot nigger jews have no power that we do not give them.

damn I hate the idiocy on this board. you're all ghetto blacks in your thinking.

Yes, they are. French is an ethnicity, white is not. Jewish is an ethnicity, semitic is not.

>Why can't we have a white ethnostate


we had one (the west) and we let the kikes ruin it
all the while still sucking the kike cock

good job faggots

no, the jews have decide we all need to become hyper-consumers to make BIG capitalist dosh.


Outdated picture sadly, but there are still places with >90%

>assuming slavs are white.

jews did nothing that we did not let them.

stop thinking like a nigger.

what part of my post where i say "we let them" did you not understand, you retarded hick.

Whatever you say amerijuan.

Build your own country.
Get a bunch of people together, everyone puts in x amount of money.
you buy huge amounts of land. make it prosperous and glorious.
invite more of your chosen folks to participate, buy more land, profit expand profit expand.


cleanse a city. Buy up all the cheap housing, renovate and innovate, get your people into all the power structures, police, doctors, firemen etc and make it your own.

Theres tons of towns in america that are selling housing for literally next to nothing. Knock them down, turn the land into profitable farmable lands. If you had enough money to purchase a whole block, you can make a small haven and work from there.

Quit expecting other people to do it. Your time is now.

>we let the kikes ruin i


While simultaneously bankrolling our own extinction. What a bargain!

(((this is why)))

anything for a quick buck, eh

you're a special kind of retard, aren't you.

i suppose. but when you said "we let them", but you did not mean "we let them", I got lost.

It's a real mystery that.

Real mystery.

i meant what i said. it's you that has the reading comprehension of a 14 year old public school nigger.

ok. let me buy the next drink.

English and Spanish ruined it for us. They raped brown people's pussy and land.

Therefore any modicum of white supremacy, separatism, etc is synonymous with these misdeeds.

I forgot to add this for anyone who thinks what i said isn't possible -


youtube.com/watch?v=vhIT9SX_mYk - $1 house transformed.. One of 900 vacant houses in one neighborhood in Kansas City in 2015.

this is the best one to explain it - youtube.com/watch?v=T-vyjyK6_kg

It's not about being a hippie or whatever.
it's about removing your dependency on the state and corporations.

If you can easily feed, house, give people clothes and education that doesnt depend on a failing state, you'll have people flocking to you.

>White people are so awful that non-whites must live in their territories.


The Americas could have been a white homeland, but mainly the fockin Spanish had to rape the natives and create mestizos

because its dangerous for white people to live only amoungst white people it makes them racist and nazi's and thats a threat to the world don't forget what Hitler did when he had a "white state" its the one time we tried it and it didn't work so we can't ever let it happen again we must work to slowly enrich all communities which are too white so they can become safe minorities and not threaten the world and jews once again.
Did that clear things up for you?

>create ecosystem that can survive ridiculous levels of cold
>claim Antartica for the whites

Here's your fucking answer Goy.

Because we pretend that jews are white and let them control our media.

The everybody is going to say that the Northwest Front is a honeypot or Harold is too fat or some other excuse for not creating an actual white nation free of shitskins and kikes. Also the Northwest Front plan is perfectly legal and functional. Could work anywhere.
Also, the kikes don't fear us or at least not enough to matter.

>Convince the well off, more ambitious racists among the white community to congregate in the lethal area of Yellowstone supervolcano
>Yellowstone erupts

You fucking Goyim disgust me. Have you forgotten about the 47 million dead Jews already?

>thinking a white ethnostate would be a better place to live than anywhere else

You do realize there are a lot of white people who are utter garbage, right?

WOW great argument!

>not even racist
>never want to see another non-white again

WOW I did not realize that at all! Thank you for really making me think, that sure got those neurons in my tiny little brain firing.

Do something about it without being autistic

>You do realize there are a lot of white people who are utter garbage, right?

We need to build a new country, like a new America. With everything from brits,muricas, germanicucks,mongol-finns,ivans, spaghettiniggers etc. One rule is no irish.

You need a Geography lesson. Yellowstone isn't in the Northwest and if it blew all you east Coast kike faggots would perish from volcanic gasses.

that's not racism that's just common sense

so...what are the benefits to multiculturalism?


Thats called No true scottsman. Please don't tell me you made that graph thinking you discovered some new form of logical fallacy.

"white" is not an ethnicity

be more specific


Blue pilled concept if there ever was one.

muh ethnic food

Tourism can still be a thing

True, the only real ethnicity is the MAGYAR

Because da jooz man


The post I replied to claimed that an all white ethnostate wouldn't be a better place to live because there are outliers in the white community who are pieces of human garbage.

Pointing out the fact that outliers exist doesn't negate the fact that, on average, white people are significantly better people than other ethnic groups on average. Germany, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, etc. weren't the lowest crime nations on Earth with the highest HDI (prior to the refugee importation) by pure chance. It's because they had the highest density of whites.

Pointing out that one black man who came out of Somalia became a doctor doesn't suddenly make Somalia a good place to live, or its people capable of living up to our standards on average.

It wasn't 'no true scotsman' by the way, and I didn't make that graph. We're talking about entire nations of people, averages are important.


Better hope it doesn't erupt. Even if you survive the toxic gasses you'll starve when the crops fail.
Now show me the wind map faggot. You know it's true.

I don't think any white country is anywhere near as bad as the best black country

I never said that the east coast wasn't fucked m8. I said the northwest is definitely fucked. A white ethnostate in the US should go northeast to Maine/Vermont/NH.

Yes, and then you can focus on how they're garbage instead of shoving racebait down everyones throat.

Because we're the only people in the world who aren't permitted to be openly racist.

are you 12? the world doesn't work like this.

Actually it should be: Maine/Vermont/NH, Pacific Northwest, South rises again.
create areas under white control then expend. Give the enemy no quarter or mercy.

I wish. I hate niggers.

We will have one eventually. When white numbers get so small and backed into a corner they will make a pure white base.

Probably Australia, or Switzerland? Maybe Hawaii.