How do you feel about the Islamic attack in Berlin? Has there been a wake? Have you praid that the attacker is alright?
Britbongs, how is the political reaction in the UK?
Nah, more pissed at the idiot who let this happen - Merkel.
But Anglos hate us and your 10 percent Muslims love ISIS.
Germany is gone at this point. We're waiting for the eagle to arise.
>more dead Ary*ns
Christmas came early.
Who's the eagle?
what i feel
some weak chins on display in that picture
>How do you feel about the Islamic attack in Berlin?
Do you really need to ask?
Nobody in my family is surprised. This is what the West voted for.
I haven't spoken to others, but my family is safe for now, and I'll be moving away in the coming years. To me that's all that matters, if everyone else chooses to be complacent they'll pay the price for it.
The Ten o clock news is just about to come on, watch the BBC blame it on radicalised white men.
I asked a colleague if they had read the news at all, (they hadn't so I told them about the attack) he said, "Sometimes I wish I could drive a truck through people at the Christmas markets, they're so annoying how crowded it gets"
he was a white remaincuck but not a muslim
does anyone know what he meant by this?
>does anyone know what he meant by this?
Shit, I said the exact same thing! WTF?
desu I was pretty disgusted at how he chortled also
I think I hate him now
what did you mean buy it?
I hate Xmas markets and all the fucked up low life idiots there. Driving a truck throught one of those markets does the world a favor.
>Have you praid that the attacker is alright?
>you praid that the attacker
>praid that the
2 muslims have been stabbed but this was before the truck incident. People have been disgusted by Muslims since Lee Rigby's murder.
We think Merkel is a fucking idiot that should resign, she has blood on her hands. Also sad that Germans died, this shouldn't happen and not so close to Christmas, it's nasty and cruel. My people are a lot of things but this kind of attack is viscous and not nice.
>inb4 le anglo meme
no we drop that for a day thanks.
omg, it's prayed!!! Who would have thought it is not some shitty irrelegular word that goes from pray to praid?!?!?????
You shouldn't have that attitude about your people. Whilst left wingers can all be flayed alive, innocent bystanders that don't endorse or support the mass Islamisation of Germany/West don't deserve it and it's usually those sorts that get caught up in the fall out of left wing damage.
The left wingers will continue to screech about how evil everyone is for not bending over and taking every cum load from all the Abdullahs and Lullah's coming in.
Fuck them all.
You I think.
I'm a leaf but if I had to be a bird i guess I'd be a goose.
Geese are brutal though one cunt goose knocked a tooth out of me when I was fishing.
Couldn't give a shit.
You deserve it at this point.
We don't hate you Hans, that's a meme.
When you get down to it, the English are Germans as well.
I just thank Christ we have:
>a sea border
>a competent intelligence agency
>an only semi-cuked government
>a ticket out of this shitshow of a union
I know im gonna kick myself for saying this too soon, but I am so fucking glad we're not like France/Germany/Belgium.
See you guys in the next life
Did you watch that Paul O Grady thing about fairy tales from Germany? It's weird how pretty much most German villages look identical to English ones. Minus the ackbars.
This day was bountiful of Allah's righteous retribution. May our brother's fury spread across all of Europe until Islam dominates the world.
We are from very similar cultures and ethnic backgrounds, so it makes sense they would.
Give it a rest Haggis McCankles, your jig was up last year and no ones falling for it anymore.
Go "Bismallah" your sister.
Do you honestly believe that angols hate Germans?
Are you really that dumb that you fall for a Sup Forums meme started by a fucking turkroach?
I want to see not only isis but their supporters done in. the state should just execute them all in ways that displease their religion. Trump has the right idea on that
It was actually started by a roach just so that people know.
4.5% of the U.K. Population is Muslim.
5.4% of the German population is Muslim.
We have the same problem. And the same, final solution is obvious to us both.
Anglo-German alliance when?
Soon my friend. Soon.
t. Achmed bin Usama al Muhammad al Mahamood al Mohamed
Never forget 7/7, m8.
We can still get proper fucked by this shit too.
Article 50
>But Anglos hate us
There is no hate mate. We pretend to hate each other for living in the next town 2 miles down the road.
Don't believe divisive memes
Mark Steyn is based af.
He didn't want to talk about horrible deaths and religious extremism at christmas and wanted to change the subject to something that you can presumably relate to (how long lines are at christmas related events)
Jesus christ you sound like an autist.
Anglos don't hate you at all mate. Honestly general public opinion is decent honest hardworking people, and when I was going through school german as a second language was promoted as a useful future language for business
Fucking the hell the bbc coverage just after it happened.
ALL they could focus on was there was a polish passenger. Polish this and that.
Only mentioning in passing that there was possibly someone of pakistani or afgan origin...
Fuck the bbc and fuck its subscription
We're sad for Germans, sickened by Islam yet again, and filled with hate and anger for the EU, for Merkel, for all the libtards who have brought us to this point.
>they're so annoying
>Ewww crowds of people drinking and eating stood up. They don't even have napkins. All because its christmas. Just spending money, that's all they care about.
What an utter prick he sounds...
>Fuck the bbc and fuck its subscription
The vans bro, I warned you about the VANS. It's too late now, they're coming.
All you guys are such fucking pussies. You talk about fuck Muslims fucks Arabs, but every single time YOU DO NOTHING,repeat, repeat,repeat/ just sit back in your chairs and chat shit on Sup Forums. Have fun..
Seriously the sooner the paywall goes up on the bbc website the better
Hans, you're always beating yourself up.
I personally like you, I have friends in Berlin, I found out about the attacks through people signing "safe" on facebook.
I want the best for you, stay safe and keep strong.
Fuck those cunts. Hopefully the message of islam corrupts further over the decades until their children completely abandon it.
Its getting pretty sad seeing Germans get fucked in the ass by Merkel constantly because they are too afraid to show an ounce of pride for their country.
Tell me, if a German waves his flag and demands his country to be protected - will he be labelled a xenophobe? If Germans protest for a block on immigration until all the legitimate terrorists and child molesters are weeded out and dealt with - will they be referred to as racist?
Its fucking pathetic. It's easy to foresee many more rapes and murders to come in the near future before the Germans take the ball gag out and decide to say "you know what? its not okay for this "migrant" to fuck my 9 year old daughter every Tuesday..."
People say this all the time, but what exactly do you expect us to do? Form street gangs that go around killing Muslims? It's just not going to happen as long as we have so much to lose from a system that is rigged from the start against our favour.
All of my family are fucking furious.
My girlfriend has always been contrarian around my family to try and wind them up, and I used to think she was left-leaning, she never really tells me what she thinks politically, but she lets slip every now and then her frustration with events like these and progressive-ism.
Most people work colleagues or clients have been surprisingly quiet. I usually hear a ton of far-left vitriol from them after news like this.
Maybe everyone is seeing the truth? For a long time, I couldn't talk to anyone, but I've started to see signs in people of when they're frustrated or don't buy into group think.
It really is strange to see. This seems to be the first one that vocal political people are staying silent on. Hope?
Then whats your solution pal. Talk about killing sand niggers on the internet while you live your worthless lives away??!!? Not angry just think it's pretty fudging ridiculous you guys just repeat the same shit again and again and then you have the decency to say that the government is doing the same, your not just hypocrites, your fucking idiots..
well, everyone I know boycott shops owned by certain "people".
What else are you supposed to do?
I live in a safe area. I'm not telling you where it is, because you'll come and fucking ruin it.
iv been too busy being british to notice to be fair
I expected an attack close to Christmas tbqh but I am surprised that nothing has happened over here this year. Not that I am complaining or anything.
Don't worry mate, iknow.......
lol jk, don't panic mate, we're actually really nice people once you get to know us..... not that you or most people on pol would want to.......
Except we had 2 mass marches by Muslims in London demanding for a Caliphate. Yeah, nothing happened at all..
You can count us in too. Hell, we'll even bring a few niggers along for friendly fire hijinks.