Trump gets BTFO'd by Trump

Trump gets BTFO'd by Trump

How will he ever recover?

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I thought it must be fake at first, but it's real...

What did he mean by this?

This is going to be a hilarious 8 years

I love this tweet. For one, He hated that Obama won in light of breitbart and his birth certificate and everything else he knows is very wrong about king bingo. But most importantly he decided the electoral college was flawed and managed to make it work to his advantage. Here is someone who can take a negative and make it a positive. Isn't that wonderful? That's a man you want flying your plane when it only has one engine left. Ps we've seen this tweet so many fucking times you have nothing on him or you would've used it already.

Do Americans understand irony?

I don't see what's wrong with this. He doesn't like the electoral college which I'm guessing half the country doesn't either since Bush won.

He won by playing the election the way it's required. Winning the EC.


It means the US isn't a democracy and he was baiting those who hate Republics into decrying what they should've learned (but ignored) in Civics 101 class.

Once again, and as always, 23-D underwater Polo


Ever think he might be making fun of you?

Mohammad Akbardrumpf Akeem

i think he'll be ok

That's because he is from a different time line, like future Trunk vs prime time line Trunk in dragon Ball z


>Trump gets BTFO'd by Trump

Joke's on you. The USA isn't a Democracy it's a Representative Republic.

>I can't comprehend.

He delegitimized his own election before it happened.

Well said.

>How will he ever recover?

Ask Hillary, but ask soon, before she kills herself.


Plain and simple, Trump is wrong. We're a republic.

No one is perfect.

>Hurr Trump just didn't understand what type of government we have

We know.

He also opposed the electoral college up until it got him elected, he has no principles and no sense of irony.

Meanwhile, back in 2012, 2008, the Democrats hailed the electoral college as the greatest idea since gerrymandering.


Obama's margins in 2008 and 2012 were fairly large.

As far as I know it's always been Republicans who oppose popular vote in favor of representing rural land while Dems favor more direct popular vote.

To be fair, he was one of the only people to criticize the EC prior to the election. None of these liberals had shit to say about it beforehand, but the moment they lose, the EC is an "out-dated institution" or "undemocratic".

Fuck outta here

I'm not going to claim 5d chess, but his statement in and of itself isn't horribly inaccurate.

For a democracy (think Athenian), an electoral college would be a disaster for a democracy. It's fine for a republic though.

Meh, just playing devil's advocate though.

>he has no principles and no sense of irony.

As opposed to what? A woman that runs a "charity organization" that exists to fund lobbyists?

Trump wins so much he even kicks his own ass

Are you 12?

Democrats have been complaining about the electoral college since Bush vs. Gore in 2000


>in favor of representing rural land
It represents states that are evenly divided between Crats/Repubs, no one else. Where's the voice of Republican voters in upstate New York, for example? Being drowned out by the Democrats in NYC.

Lol, fuck. What a doofus.

Guess he can't win 'em all.

As opposed to himself.

I've heard that Americans don't understand irony, but now I see it. lel

>forever a loser


Whatever you have to tell yourself Britbong. You laugh at irony like a child laughs at fart jokes. Context doesn't matter to you, you're just a self indulgent faggot.

>the system is fucked
>guess I'll use it to my benefit


Just neck yourself bong.

I'm referring to the amount of electors per state, it isn't based entirely on population. Rural states have less people represented per elector than more populated states. A citizen's vote in New York is worth much less than a vote in Wyoming or North Dakota.

Praise kek!

2016 was a great meme year, but the next 8 are gonna be even better.

He recovered by becoming president.

Still don't get it, do you Cletus?

>How will he ever recover?
By becoming president

Still incapable of understanding how someone can understand what you're saying and still call you a faggot, aren't you Nigel?

Nigga but since he can't change the system he had to play by the existent rules, otherwise he would have campaigned in other states.

I say we split new york up into two states and let upstate turn into mississippi 2.0 while long island and NYC flourish with all of our money actually going to us now.

>incoherently triggered

yes, another case of "we lost, so change the rules please"

Doesn't appear to be the case

>greentext intended to deflect criticism

He got a kilo in da trunk

Our government was made to be dynamic, not static. It's precisely why we can amend the US Constitution.

It's an understandable sentiment that Americans want their vote to count in a nation that has spent the past 70 years spreading democracy around the world.

2012 called and wants its irrelevant tweet back

If you like your insurance, you can keep it

It's a good thing we live in a republic.

Hey, he might not like the EC but it helped keep Hillary out of power and that's all that really matters.

>posting a comment and image that the average American thinks is ironic and witty

It's neither.

Try again.

I hate to break it to you bong, but you're not Jonathan Swift.

The difference is that they don't actually believe demolishing the EC is the "just" or "democratic" thing to do. They want to get rid of it because they realize that if they do, NY and CA will get to decide every election.

Doesn't seem quite fair to me. The EC exists for a reason and serves its purpose well. How is it in the best interest of smaller states to let the West/East coast to dictate over them?

better than ohio and florida deciding every election.

Drumpf is done. It's over for him.

They don't. Swing states change with every few elections.

he didnt like it but he played by the rules of the game

It's absolutely an appeal to democracy, which is exactly why Trump also opposed the Electoral College. It's not exactly just some partisan strategy.

>How is it in the best interest of smaller states to
let the West/East coast to dictate over them?

How is it in the best interest of actual citizens to let rural states and barren empty land dictate over them?

That is how democracy works, one person one vote and the majority decides. It's an appeal to democracy, which the US has spent the last 70 years spreading around the world.

And even if it was between Ohio and Florida every time, that would mean it's still equal opportunity for republican and democrat candidates. CA and NY ruling would mean democrats win every time. So no, its not better

>the only person that ever came genuinely close to stumping Trump is Trump
really makes me think...

Swing states receive on average 6% more federal funding, because the issues in swing states dominate presidential campaign promises and electioneering.

Say it with me M I S T ER P R E S I D E N T

No, thats how mob rule works. We live in a constitutional republic, not a direct democracy. the incentive for NY and CA to remain in the union is that they still do contribute to the winning party 1/2 the time. Whining because you don't get your way 100% of the time isnt an excuse to abolish the EC

okay, but why is that bad? like I said swing states change every year.

>Whining because you don't get your way 100% of the time isnt an excuse to abolish the EC

Reminder that the Electoral College now enjoys its highest support in five decades.

You are right that they change, and battleground states of each election consistently get more attention and funding from federal government. Campaign promises are often specific and targeted to win a few battleground states.

We've had a fairly consistent group since about 1992, I think it's clearly changing again. I don't know why this is somehow an argument to let a few midwest states benefit the most from presidential elections when most Americans are marginalized.

>Democracy is mob rule
>American unironically arguing against democracy

Never thought I'd see the day.

Its definitely changing. Hell, texas is on its way to becoming a swing, and states were never expected to flip did so this election

I dont agree with everything trump says

Even thomas jefferson was opposed to giving 51% the ability to decide for the 49%

>Its definitely changing.

I know. I said that too, what is your point?

>Discount-German in charge of knowing the difference between Direct Democracy and Representative Republic

Maybe the Dutch will hold your hand while you cry yourself to sleep due to how irrelevant your country is, Belgian.

>Hell, texas is on its way to becoming a swing

We've been hearing this every four years for decades now.

>N-next presidential election the Democrats will win Texas, for sure this time!

>the founding fathers were one person

It was a radical new experiment in democratic forms of government, which did not exist elsewhere in the world at the time.

>inb4 not a democracy!

A republic is a democratic form of government with elected representatives.

Some American founding fathers were very opposed to letting average citizens decide and wanted to maintain aristocratic rule, while others wanted the people to have more power. Ultimately, they compromised.

Your government was founded on compromise.

5D chess mate. He made democrats defend the college and then complain about it.

I'm sorry, but did Hillary already lose? Oh, that's right. The election isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only December. Does not having the lead in December count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the election is still on? Hillary is still in the running right now and she has been the best politician in the DNC for how many years now? She’s running against one of the worst politicans in the GOP who just happens to have a lead because he’s feeding off the energy of Election Day. But you know what? He still fucking sucks. Hillary is one of the best fucking politicians in the America, she won the popular vote this year and would of won the election if the black vote didn't choke. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Hillary wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, a petition for the Electoral College to vote Hillary reached 4 million signatures to save the nation, just like in 1836. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Hillary topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the politican because they're good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these Hillary supporters on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

Trump is working all the marks into shoots, then he shoots on them.

He's done this for 18 months. He'll say one thing, then retract what he said, then say it again with a little different verbiage, then go on Fox News and say something different, then say in a rally "you know I said this, but when I think about it more, I really think this".

If you pay any attention to this shit, you're the fucking marks. If you BRING any attention to this, you're either a troll or a dumber fucking mark.

The electoral college is a mess but that's the game you gotta play to win. He would have run a different campaign if he were just running for popular vote.

ROFL it's over for Drumpf, Cruz won Iowa and he'll lose to Hillary.

Even trump can name make trump stop winning. Meta unstumpable.

Funny how nobody brought this up when he announced he was running, thus agreeing to play by the rules of the electoral college

Suddenly after he wins those tweets are a big deal

If you paid attention, you'd know he rescinded this statement essentially. He said he always would have preferred popular vote but after campaigning he realized that it makes you go to more states than he would have otherwise. Basically:
>wtf I love electoral college now

those parasites will latch onto anything regardless of rationality. it's all ideology

embarrassing desu

He is correct. Good thing we aren't a democracy