
Why doesn't poll embrace sikhs?

>bro tier
>manhood and strength is their tradition
>literal mission is to kill mudslimes

aren't they the people pol is looking for?

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can they poo in loo?

Because much of pol is Ethno-Nationalist. I've never met a sikh I didn't respect. Assholes yes, but they were still respectful.

It's also kind of a meme that they're bro-tier. I mean they are mostly, but your expectations are dashed when you realize most of them are just normal people but with strict traditions. I believe our cultures can work together without dismantling the other.

Also UCP ACU's are disgusting and I'm glad we're getting rid of them.


I think most people here are able to respect good people, jews and muslims are in most cases not good people. I only met smart, hard working people in Europe so i got a confirmation bias going here.


Because they don't integrate and assimilate.

Also because you can't wear a gasmask or helmet with a beard and turban.

Standards are standards and they exist for everyone. Bitching about your individual desires (including your culture) and demanding a personal exemption from standards and rules) (including a religious exemption) impedes the collective mission undermines everything an officer is supposed to stand for.

>Not conforming to Army dress and appearance standards.
>Need to be accepting that their culture is more important than the worlds greatest war culture.

Hell no! They get with the program or they get out.

If I could cut my hair I would.

Sikhs are pretty well accepted on Sup Forums.

Low crime + high Kebab removal.

I do admire them. I met one.

To be fair he is a military lawyer, if he was sent to a hot zone for some ungodly reason he's to wear a helmet

If the same standards don't apply to non-frontline troops, why even bother wearing a uniform?

I'd definitely convert if it wasn't for the magical underpants and no cutting of hair

You're not doing yourself any favors swede

>magical underpants

>Digicam turban

Not gonna lie that's pretty sweet.

Top's almost gone and I look better shaved than balding.
So yeah, I kind of am.

Even as a prior US service member, I have nothing but respect for Sikhs. They're the only turban wearers I welcome in OUR country. One of the most peaceful religions and I'm including Christianity here.

Probably confusing them with Mormons, which are kinda like a white, less militaristic version of the Sikhs.
