Aryan "Master" Race


Will this nigger get more than 300 replies this time around? Let's find out!

why do they always do that fucking finger pointing thing? what does it mean?



that's a fingolian you pleb, also lol at nigger kid already displaying attitude


You were really mad when you did this paint weren't you


Heh heh, you're a tenacious little favela urchin, arent you? Here's a (you), now run along and don't spend it all at once!

This is all propaganda by jews. In fact Nordic men protect their women and nordic women don't get near black men.

I just redid an ancient Sup Forums comic, funny how it's still relevant with a few changed words.


16% arab

this desu

I think this video is from germany
are you sure it's sweden?

Such anger!

It really isn't your fault that Norwegians sound like retarded pussies when they speak english. No accent dries up pussy like that of a nordic

Are those Finn's my white friend?

That guy is really good looking though, not a good example since a lot of girls would betray for him.


Seriously. Not trolling. I'm trying to help you autistic nords. You live in your socialist bubble and you know nothing about what's going on.

You don't need to thank me. Just stop being proud of your economic achievements and do something to restore your culture.

story? why is nobody doing anything?

The ones watching are peaceful muslims.

You can't say they are hurting the girl. They can live in our society because they are not extremists.

You mean the other shitskins?

We wuz aryans