This triggers Sup Forums

>this triggers Sup Forums

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This only displays their own retardation.

>muh poor giraffe
>lol who cares? it's not even a baby. my body my choice

Kinda important to have hunts like this for giraffe preservation, supposedly their population is tanking

Hunting white people should be legal.

A giraffe has more sentience then a newborn. By leftists logic, baby's in hospitals should be fair game too.

Hunting programs help financing natural parks.
Poachers are the ones killing the giraffes

At least I won't be arrested for killing niggers who hunt ne

Babies in hospitals ARE fair game to liberals.

it's sad that the only way national parks can make money is for white people to shoot their wildlife

>look at me, I CONQUERED this animal*
>*from a safe distance, with a rifle

No, national parks in white countries make plenty of money without hunts.

National parks in niggerland can only afford to keep their doors open via hunting permits because niggers have no appreciation for nature and would never pay to look at an animal.

They double think pretty hard with this type of thing. They will go muh animals, muh eco system, muh criminals, but as soon as you bring up an innocent babies life. They'll go "MY BODY MY CHOICE" " ITS A CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT???"

Why is she so perfect?

Human beings in the 21st century are being taught it's perfectly natural to be as self-centered as you want, no matter how destructive it is.

No matter what boogeyman you believe in, whether it's Jews or space ayy lmaos, the white population is systematically being bred out of existence.

We have complex economies where we can tax the people to afford having infrastructure. Hunting helps fund wild preserves and also helps the population of other animals when its controlled. If we had as dangerous animals here, we would have plenty of hunting seasons to make sure it doesnt get out of control.

niggers don't have extra money to look at animals

they don't even have money to buy a not-shitty house or food

Why can't we hunt humans? I want to hunt the hunters. Animals>humans

And then you realize that groups of African poachers are doing this en masse FOR A LIVING.

>implying niggers havent endangered animals like rhinos and elephants to extinction


Hunting for sport is autistic and should be illegal

Am I supposed to feel bad about a giraffe here?

And there are many factors that go into this. Maybe blacks do have lower IQs than the rest of the planet, but historically the main reason why Africa has always been a poor piece of shit was because it's a dangerous place infested with dangerous animals and diseases.

They were also given the short end of the geographical stick by being given a giant continent with shitty unnavigable rivers that would have made trade an absolute nightmare pre-industrial era.

All part of making the land more valuable in its pristine state than as a strip mall.

>anything that breaths
>that breaths

you're right, this triggers me

what's the alternative?

> shoot giraffe, sell hooves to China for $5000
> buy food and house


> be poor farmer, all crops die in desert
> starve

Realistically you should feel sympathy for any animal that needlessly has to die, but you and I don't know if this animal was old and only being shot to preserve the rest of the giraffe population.

>implying black people give a single shit about animals

Get a job thats actually useful for society?
Move OUT of the shittiest continent on earth?

I feel sad for what happened to Dewie after Malcolm.

>unironically reasoning this


Don't get me wrong, I'd do that too if I were them.
That's not an excuse though, nor does it undo the crime.

This was specifically in regards to calling white people out for hunting sports.

>white people
Yeah it were our ancestors who piked the poor giraffe to death with sharpened sticks till the evil whitey colonized them and showed them his insidious agriculture...
Oh no wait ...

> get a useful job
what jobs are available in Africa? every time anybody sets up a school or restaurant or construction company, warlords come and kill everyone

> move out
to where? Germany?

>move everyone out of poor places of the Earth

Or how about they make due with what they've been given? If they all jump ship now, whose boat do you think they're coming to?

Have you been ignoring what's been going on for the past 6 years or what?

I want to fuck her on top of that giraffe's carcass

Africans do this daily, killing off animals in Africa. Raping them, too. But no, blame the one white person who killed one animal.

>Muh poor aminals!

Population control motherfuckers.

>Animals in Africa are more important than your own child.

They would still bitch if they had all the abortions they wanted and all the animals had more rights than they do
I can't help but Imagine this is the human equivalent of the ant death spiral

Whats the point in hunting a giraffe? I mean besides its hide being used for clothes or blankets, is giraffe meat good?

See, you are a moron. You think you're some champion of justice for the big game animals in Africa? Wrong, you and the short sighted morons who think like you have done more damage to the wildlife in Africa by suppressing hunting than all the hunters in the world.

Do you know what hunters do? Be aware we're not talking POACHERS. Hunters spend huge amounts of money on that hobby, do you know where a lot of that money goes? Back into the wildlife to keep them alive.

The amount of income you've sucked away from that wildlife through your bleeding heart bullshit has caused Zimbabwe to have to slaughter HUNDREDS of unhunted lions to protect local villagers.

The local government lost massive amounts of money that they use to preserve and take care of the wildlife becuase of the protests as well.

That's what all your bitching, virtue signaling, and feelings for things you know nothing about on Facebook accomplished, ruining everything for everyone you used to feel good about yourself by "helping".

Yes I'm mad.

It's almost as if white people value human life over animal life

"b-b-but savages are doing it too, so its ok if we do it!

That one hunt raised more money to protect and preserve endangered animals than every dickless liberal crying on twitter has ever done in their lives, combined.

It's good enough for the tribe of starving niggers the meat will ultimately be donated to.

>animal conservation experts offer people to kill animals
>whites take the offer and pay money to hunt that specific animal
>doesn't effect the habitat because experts needed that animal dead

Like are these people legitimately retarded? Do they really put feelings before thoughts?

Well if we kill anything that moves those damn terrorists must be fucking musical statues champions.

The difference of course being whites pay tens of thousands of dollars to LEGALLY hunt big game.

white people will always do that. One month's developed country salary is equal to 10 years African salary

> White man: I want to shoot wildlife, nigger
> Black man: b-but they are endangered animals ....
> White man: here's $5,000!
> Black man: wow, the annual profit is $500. That money could really help our national park

so that's the justification

it's stupid, but unfortunately Africa is ridiculously poor and even the "hunting license" fee is enough for them to sacrifice their own wildlife

Alright makes sense, but...
Where are the proofs?

> Can't you see?
> HUNTING is the only way for national parks to make money!
> Uhhhh the national parks in the US and Europe don't make money this way, but the poor shits in Africa have no other way of making money
> Let's take advantage of them

It's not "sacrificing" wildlife, it's culling herds.
When a pack grows too large or an alpha male has lead a pack for too long, it ultimately does the pack more harm than good. Cull the herd or remove the alpha so younger males have a chance to rise up.

We should be hunting niggers instead. Giraffes dindu nuffin.

Then why does this "culling" only happen in shithole places like Africa? Places that have no other means of income?

Why don't people cull wolves in Yosemite Park, or brown bears in Big Bend Park?

I want to marry that hunter.

>doesn't know white people hunt in america

>Why don't people cull wolves in Yosemite Park, or brown bears in Big Bend Park?
They do tho, you fucking cuck.
Both wolf and bear hunting are things people do.

>not killing and old male lion that has been ousted from the pride and does no longer breed is somehow bad for the species

I swear you are retarded. Are you a shitskin or a canadian near the border?

Yes I realize you're far too stupid to understand your feefees slaughtered just as many animals without any of the monetary benefits that could have gone toward them.

Complex issues are not for children such as yourself.

> deer and squirrel hunting is just like hunting rhinos and lions

the culling is done by the government, or by a very small fee by normal citizens,

yeah? Let the old lion die on his own.

wait, but Africa is too desperate for hunting fee monies

In the US we have something called the Pittman Robertson act. Firearms, bows, ammo, arrows, camo, permits and tags, anything related to hunting has a tax on it. That tax is put into a trust managed by the department of the interior, it is one of the few pots of money our government hasn't pissed away. That money is used to fund hunter education programs, land management and acquisition, and all sorts of other conservation projects. That money is distributed based on interest in each state.

You cannot hunt in any National Park in the US, as they are intended to be the unspoiled wilderness. Any kind of culling is done by a government contractor. The critters can generally figure this out and flock there. Hunting on state, federal, and private property is all fair game. The more interest in hunting, the more revenue these programs get. States like Montana and Colorado get a ton of conservation funding because there is a huge interest in it. Maryland gets a surprising amount because of the world class duck and goose hunting.

>Let the old lion die on his own.
Meanwhile, that old lions pride stagnated because babies aren't being made or worse, multigenerational incest occurs.
That's a much better option than not killing one lion to protect your precious fee fees.

Poachers do help society, as I elsewhere in this thread. It helps fund wildlife preservation, and controls wildlife population.

(pic related) for moving elsewhere. The population growth of africa is higher then any other place, we need to make so where they are comfortable enough to leave. Developed countries can't contain that many people. We need to actually start efforts to make them control their population. In a dream world I would say a population 1 billion would be the best, there would be enough resources for everyone to live like they are in a first world country.

To not leave*

so there it is

people want to conserve wildlife so they can shoot it

National parks in the US have a budget of 3 billion fucking dollars a year. They use taxes to maintain them you dumb fuck, good luck getting taxes in niggerland.

Yeah, let the lion painfully starve to death instead of quickly killing him while using the money to make sure the lions as a whole survive.

Nigger or canadian, which one is it?

That old lion, because he can't go after his prey because his joints suck, will go after livestock or in the worst case people. That lion may also kill cubs that are not his own if given the chance. The wildlife management offices keep tabs on him, and charge a fuck ton of money that goes directly back into the park.

What did lions ever do before humans interfered? Lions need humans to figure out how to be a fucking lion family

>Poachers do help society, as I elsewhere in this thread. It helps fund wildlife preservation,

>Poachers do help society
>It helps fund wildlife preservation

You may wanna look up what poaching means.

Nah they aren't the one doing the killing(the non poachers at least), it usually goes like this:
>Rich white man want badass souvenir from Africa
>Pay to hunt an animal
>Kill the animal
>Get the trophies he wants
>Rest of the animal corpse is given to the locals who will eat it.

Lucky. I live in Pocahontas's state

Not an argument

Niggers are the reason most african megafauna is going extinct though.

Its illegally hunting. These fags count everything as poaching even when they are paying to do so.

old lions live shit lives, it's nature

get real, no hunter cares about muh conservation
they want the trophy, and they make up an excuse to justify to the liberals

They would hunt in our national parks, but the government tells them to fuck off. That's why they only do this shit in Africa


Wrong. ancient man cucked mega fauna.

And Africans continue to over hunt(thanks to mortality rates from diseases/famine going down so there are more niggers than ever before now infest africa) it to this day and nature preserves are the only places these animals can breed and live without getting shot by chinks or speared by niggers

so much this.

overhunting, poaching and habitat destruction are still major problems tho.

The most popular game animal in North America is whitetail deer. Why? Because they are more rampant than cockroaches. The states with more hunters have better wildlife conservation because there is more money the state can use.

In Africa, most people don't go and shoot lions or rhinos if they don't have the money. More often than not there is a lottery you have to enter just to be considered for the permit. After that the fees are ridiculous. That money directly goes back into to the wildlife you stupid fuck. Yes, they get shot, but its much better than them being killed for food or to make space for more cattle.

I hope you're vegan since you seem so butthurt over the death of animals.
Do you cry this much over the millions of cows and billions of chickens slaughtered annually?

>infested with dangerous animals
There are youtube videos of nigger tribes killing lions with spears.

And no the black is a savage wild animal, humans that existed long before blacks originated in Sub Saharan Africa yet we the descendents of the ones the left Africa arent even psychologically close to the Sub Saharan African humans left.

unless that specific girl is shunning abortion then this is retarded



Lol this retard thinks safari hunters actually give a shit about conservation.

He probably also thinks corrupt African governments are capable of regulating hunting licenses.

Preserves can really only exist BECAUSE hunters pay fuck huge fees to hunt a tiny percentage of animals in said preserve, you idiot.

damn what a qt 3.14

Could you argue anymore like a fucking kike?

I'd rather hunt you than any animal on the planet.

>*cuts a baby to pieces and vacuums its internal organs out while its heart still beats and then sells them*

>no hunter cares about conservation
Then explain, with your logic, why the Pittman Robertson act was put in place.

>Murdering babies is okay
>Murdering animals is not

Remember when I said many factors?

I'm butthurt over the death of endangered large game like lions and giraffes and shit, which only happens because Africa is a shit country and has no other means of getting money for its conservation
> can't tax niggers because poor
> niggers can't follow "do no kill our animals pls" because poor
> can't have tourism industry because poor

There are dozens of National Parks here, but they can get money with tourism and sightseeing, instead of shooting a bear and posting on Facebook

Not only is this not an argument, but it's an irrelevant point as well.
Their beliefs don't matter in this case. What does matter is their willingness to spend (minimum) 15 grand to hunt something that, in the long run, helps the wildlife of Africa.

Those tits trigger my dick.

nah man abortion is great
vast majority of abortions are niggers
just imagine how much more they would breed without them
its an excuse to kill niggers that niggers are in favor of
what could possibly be better

>instead of shooting a bear and posting on Facebook
Who has done this recently?

> hunters kill animals all day erry day
> uh oh animals are going extinct

> make law so hunters can only kill few animals, during limited time
> animals not extinct
> also more money for more hunting grounds
