We won the battle against PC again.
MTV "News" racist video taken down for a
second time.
We won the battle against PC again
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well nobody really watches MTV anymore so it doesn't really matter
Who here is tired of winning yet?
They'll keep reuploading it to see if people get tired of disliking it then claim they won.
im really not sure what their goal is
>if we keep doing these shitty bait videos eventually it will """""normalize""""" and we'll win
no i think you just make everyone hate you and what you stand for
Some Black Guy Defends White Guys from MTV News
how many people actually watch it? i mean tv in general is falling down and idk if millenials in us actually watch tv
and how do they make any money if nobody watch them
Liberals are mentally ill. They have no more understanding of their actions than anyone else drawing pictures on the walls with their own feces.
It was averaging roughly 7000 dislikes a hour. Very curious to see if they upload it for a third time.
Someone has a comfy job doing these, probably due to nepotism.
>literally shaking
Hopefully MTV will have their channel pulled down for their hate speech videos
How many shekels you wanna bet that that "white guy" is a fucking jew?
Or some dumb girl intern with nothing better to do.
He's the gay representative.
They have two latino representatives.
The white female (possibly jewish) representative.
And the black guy.
Trick Question: They're all Jews
Link? Start upvoting
Combination of both.
Looks like all the dislikes and comments are still there
it never got taken down a second time
>30k dislikes
Yeah I figured he was gay, it's funny, could they not find a single straight white, masculine male for that part? Did they even try or did they think we'd fall for this shit?
yes it did faggot
It went private then came back
>could they not find a single straight white, masculine male for that part?
No, because the "masculine" part precludes being part of a video like this, even for money
>Not even a single blue pixel in the like/dislike bar.
Pretty impressive.
Maybe YouTube put it down because it was flagged?
Aw man that cat shirt is so epic! What a memester. So dank!
Remember when MTV was all about music?
Reminder that this isn't a problem with MTV, but with VIACOM.
Literally every show broadcast on VIACOM is cancer. Prove me wrong
Are you that guy?
What back in the late 80's?
Yes. I forgot most of you all are fucking young.
Dont forget to comment directly on their channel.
>how do they make any money if nobody watch them
There are (((ways))).
MTV/VH1 were cool between 1985-1995
since then they've both turned into pure cancer
anyway who do you think is behind this video?
Hey fellow white guys!
>Dont forget to comment directly on their channel.
And don't forget to use your newfound resolutions.
where do they find the funds to pump into these videos that nobody actually likes? it's totally weird. like where are these people coming from? who are they? this just seems so forced and like, fake. it's kind of creepy actually. who made this and is this something they do routinely? why are they doing it?
>learn what mansplaining is and then stop it
Stopped right there.
Dont listen to this faggot, comments and likes bring in revenue and trending status
Is he /ourguy/?
Remember to raise awareness with normalfags and libtards of the Marxist ways to spread propaganda on the social media.
It's back.
And keep it that way. Its hilarious to see them btfo that way.
>this just seems so forced and like, fake
Just like communism and everything leftist
They produce shit because they decide people want it, not because there is a demand
philip de franco is not redpilled but just fair with what he see
when the race war happens can we storm the MTV offices, drag everyone out into the streets and shoot them? MTV is at least partially responsible for creating the millennial cancer
I'm honestly shocked, a lot of normies are bashing on this video. Calling it disgusting and hypocritical, what time line am I in?
>Hi there fellow white guys
True, he seems pretty neutral with most things. At least he didn't jump on the "Trump is hitler" train and covered wikileaks.
Jesus fucking christ, america is so fucked.
Fucking everything is about race race race, how those people making that video don't understand that focusing on white males and not just people in general is racism in itself.
What if someone made a video called 2017 Resolutions for black guys telling them to stop murdering and robbing eachother, that would be seen as racist as fuck.
Saying that you can't be racist against whites is the same as saying that whites are the ruling race, because every other race discrimination is actually true, and that there's no real insulting white stereotype.
Neo-leftists are so fucking retarded that I don't know what to do, and this is coming from a social democracy supporter.
I want all these people processed and sent to recycling!
MTV use to be the most relevant network to young adults. MTV news use to be able to score interviews with Presidential candidates like Bill Clinton. Former mtv news anchor Kurt Loder once even said he thinks the network played a major part in getting Bill Clinton elected in 1992.
Now, MTV is a joke. Nobody really watches it, they're down to showing marathon programing of the crap shows that have. MTV news isn't even a presence on the channel itself, but instead rely's on clickbait articles online, and youtube videos that are always about how white people are racists. Most of their youtube videos have between 5,000 and 15,000 views. Some of their videos have less then 2,000 views.
So they went from playing a role in getting Bill Clinton elected, to not even able to hack it on youtube.
It's up actually.
It still did a decent amount of music in the 90s and the very early 2000s
Propaganda degeneracy that no one wants being subsidized by sugar coated degeneracy that normies like
It's like how cuck porn is being pushed on the front page of every single tube site despite no one wanting to watch that shit. This is the modus operandi of the Jews
>There are (((ways)))
will you help teach me this new way?
It didn't surprise me that every white male in the video talked and acted like a gigantic faggot
And it's taken down again
and now its gone again KEK
They really didn't learn anything from the election did they?
Gonna be a good 8 years.
Look for people in California, and Canada, they actually think like this.
Ehhhh wasn't just the white ones.
Oh hey, it's down again
Yup just noticed that too. Looks like it went private ... again
>Kirsten Dunst back when she was actually cute
Oh thank God I got to see it, was hilarious laughing at those retards.
It's only private it will be back
And Kiketube would never take it down
This is the same channel that aired these
The times really have fucking changed
Clearly they're just going to continue to re-upload the video, so it's time to change tactics. Every user start disliking every single MTV video while running as blockers so they get no revenue while their brand suffers.
those retards at MTV are gonna keep re uploading it until people stop disliking it.
ok MTV.
we can play the hard way too.
Haa hah you fucking CACs sure hate a lot of shit but my black ass only have love for you white girls pussy.
"Boxers or Briefs" was the beginning of the end for discourse in this country.
We're going to have to purge every last one of you liberal fucks. Change your allegiance while we are still beginning to organize
wasn't this on adult swim?
I forgot to mention I miss Wonder Showzen
Its group think, these same normies are the people who watch those 'comedy' shows with the laugh track and think they are funny because they hear the laugh track in the background.
The larger populace is still retarded.
I did a social experiment with 3 friends at the sars concert in Toronto a few years ago to prove a point.
We spread ourselves apart and when Justin Timberlake came on stage my friends and myself started booing him.
Sure enough the whole crowed started booing along with us.
Just group think people are that stupid.
it helped that justin timberlake followed the stones, may as well put a rap signer following pink floyed........
This video would just seem like more boring SJW rhetoric but instead of being '2017 resolutions for society' they had to make it a race thing.
Is it just me or is that guy's head way too big for his scrawny ass body?
weird. I have a dvd somewhere of this show, and I always thought it was similar to other adult swim shows
Liberals always double down. They will never admit they're wrong or change their views even when shown they are based entirely on lies
Ok, come to Norway and kill me, I'll wait.
Did anyone save this with Keepvid? We need to put it back up under a name like Ishmaelshclomoshekelberg6mil
We're going to send you back to Africa, Tyrone. Just keep calling us racists for no reason and watch us all wake up.
Well after Wonder Showzen the guys at PFFR made tons of shows for Adult Swim like Xavier Renegade Angel and Delocated
mtv is viacom
Breviks friends will break him out and he will take care of Norway for us, fear not
he has good points but he's way too old for that scene kid shit
It's like Thrown Chair Phenomenon