BREAKING: Syrian Ambassador names foreign agents captured in Aleppo -American, Saudis, Israeli

He actually gives the names, lets get to researching these people!

Other urls found in this thread: Syrian rebels caught trying to smuggle SAA hostages out of Aleppo

>David schlomo
I thought that was just a slur

lol, that name caught me off guard as well

bump, this is important

Fuck man. Saudi Arabia literally has the entire world by the balls thanks to oil money. Like America executes the orders but that list of names that is 90% Saudi nationals. The entire system is becoming unraveled. They can't keep up with the speed of the Internet and their lies are leaking faster than they can cover.

Don't let this slide.


Gonna protect dat petrodollar.
Even worse is that USA has so much influence in europe that they also make us do the dirty work that SA is asking of you.

Our government has literally been supplying al-Nusra in the syrian civil war (al-Nusra = al-Qeada)

This shit cannot be stopped soon enough, our politicians are spineless marionette dolls.

Because its made up.

No good can come of this. Please delete.

Bump for actual politics

Actual politics is why this will be left to rot on page 10.
Sup Forums mostly cares about happenings and liberal outrage now.

My Jewish coworkers name is Schlomo, Schlomo.

Russians are satanists.



retard alert

keeping this alive. fuck petrodollar kikes and saudniggers.



can someone write a quick rundown of what this means? might get more replies from lurkers like myself who aren't fully up to date on syria

Russia is the Romulans and Syria is the Cardassians, right?


Sure it is, Schlomo.

proofs? where are the proofs?

I like how he says Saudi

shit got real

Not arguments.


Jews are changelings, and you're their Jem'hadar.

Alotta fuckin mohameds

Based Assad.

We need to Holocaust the fucking Saudis. They're the fucjing Satans on Earth !

Anything coming from a kike is not an argument.
One day your nation will fall.
Jews have turned their back on god and I am waiting for judgement.

So again kys

Yeah it's a pretty common jew name hence why we use it to denote them.

Strange objection, dude's probably called Schlomo. lol

yesterday on german n-tv they interviewed some israeli political scientist who also happened to be a "terrorism expert", his name was shlomo shpiro.

neither is just claiming something is made up kike.

Please execute these fuckers, Based Assad

Saudi Arabia is nothing but a us vassal

Ohhh, lets get this shit started lads.


in the wikileaks

we already knew that Clinton was taking money from Saudi and Qatar despite knowing there were clandestinely supporting ISIS in the region

That Israelis and Americans are also there should come as no surprise considering the whole clusterfuck is their doing

Nice try Schlomo.




And American foreign policy is nothing but Israeli Foreign policy

> Not arguments.
Way to blow your cover dipshit.
Pro-tip: Never try to use a meme you don't grok.


That is how the Sa'udis say Sa'udi.

I've said once I've said a thousand times, you can't mossad the Assad. It can't be done.

> "this hysterical move in the council for the last three days"
What did he mean by this?

France USA and UK really tried to stop Aleppo offence screaming at our ambassador 24/7. It was speculated that it's because they could not evac their agents from the city.

Well fuuuck m8, this is some hard hitting shit.

I have autism.

Give me a easy way to digest this like I'm a normie.

kill them all

syria found americans in alepo. thats why the cia had that russian ambassador killed

The spies who (((they))) send in to organize and train terrorism were caught.


wake me when its on MSM

Why do you think we use it?
It's because it's a common name.

Literally Scholmo

You sure got out of Syria fast.

- Can't they just make a deal with Assad?
- Also, why would any intelligence officer really need to be in there in the first place?
- Are these guys likely to be intelligence, etc officers for the countries which they are nationals of, or could they be working for someone else?

Has anything like this ever happened before? Like, actual military advisers and such captured or whatnot? Looking for some wider context here.

Goodnight sweet prince

>- Can't they just make a deal with Assad?
they dont want a deal, they want him gone. this recent information just shines more light on who 'they' are

>Terrorismus Experte

When I saw this on sg I thought it was a joke. The conspiracy theories turned out to be real.


Yeah I was caught off guard one day because I heard some guy I know call someone Shlomo and said said "das raciss" thn I was informed it was his name and the like gave me a dirty look

Trump is going to turn the US into OPEC

Soon WE will be the hand rubbing semites that the world sucks up to

at least they only had a Deppenbindestrich instead of a Deppenleerzeichen.

but yeah. this """expert""" bullshit needs to end. tell me his profession or what he has done that makes knowledgeable on the subject.

>tfw when Schlomo is posting on 4chin right now

>he thinks the oil will trickle down to the goyim

You didn´t provide an argument to begin with you dirty jew

I meant collectively. The US becoming a prime exporter of energy would free the West from Muslim influence.

We cannot be reliant on others for energy. It is suicide.

>No Turks



Nvm he said the first one as Turkish... They should put it in the title, fuck.

>all those saudis

Fellow noob here, from what I gather the Syrian government has found foreign intelligence agents in rebel enclaves trying to escape.

The obvious conclusion from this is that these foreign nations are providing assistance to the rebels against the government.

at least it wasn't a Deppenjudenstern

There was one turk.
You don't need the Saudis for energy. They mostly sell to Asian countries anyways. What influence?

Good thing we have more oil in the Gulf of Mexico than Saudi has.


>shlomo shpiro
>terrorism expert

I wonder why...

OPEC controls the oil racket. US fracking posed a threat to it a while back and then they flooded the market to drive down the price of crude so we couldn't compete, leading to shutdowns.

We need to get on top of this. We can't let them rule the petrodollar when we're sitting on a goldmine of oil and natural gas, despite what the climate cuckolds think.

Here the whole speech. Dude is pretty savage towards some reporters.

They can still flood the market no matter how much we produce. They ended up making a deal.

>JewSA has been sending "advisors" to "rebels" for years
>Some of them get captured finally
>big surprise JewSA, Saudi Terrabia and the eternal yid are training terrorists

>this delusion

The point is that they were able to drive our fracking suppliers out of business, since fracking has a higher cost per barrel.

If we simply drilled our own oil, OPEC's advantage would be lost. They don't want the US to be energy independent.

Post the names for people who can't watch the vid!

> lets get to researching these people!
> implying you need to ask
> implying Sup Forums isn't already a slavshit russian psyops fagsite

I worked with an Israeli guy called Shlomo before...It's a pretty common name

can someone please explain how this ties america to terrorists? im confused.

>He doesnt say captured as in arrested them but captured inside Aleppo
>(((Everyone))) else reports captured as in arrested

It's a regime change deal, the people of Syria elected someone that is friendly with Russia. They don't like that and want him gone.

This is a proxy war basically, with shit tons of propaganda.

The US at this time does not want to be energy dependent. The US is more then happy to continue to buy cheap foreign oil while we maintain our reserves.

I fail to see why so many of you have a problem with the US working with the likes of OPEC to keep everything stable while using terrorist to fuck up our enemies. Its a good system, it works.


>Russia Insider

BETTER DEAD THAN RED. What the fuck Sup Forums?

Moataz Ughhh Lacan Oglu – Turkish
David Scott Weiner – American
David Shlomo Aram – Israeli
Mohammad Sheikh Islam
Mohammed Ahmed boys – Saudi
Abdel Moneim Fahad Al Ḩryj – Saudi
Islam Salim al Zahran el Glen – Saudi
Ahmad Ibn Nawfal Aldridge-Saudi
Mohamed Hassan Subaie – Saudi
Hamid Fahad Al Dossary – Saudi
Amjad Kasem Tirawi – Jordanian
Qasim Saad Al-Shammari – Saudi
Ayman Qasim Thâalbi – Saudi
Mohammad Shafi ‘ I AL-Idrisi – Moroccan

This and
This. Honestly I can't wait to see how (((they))) try to sell this to us.
>We were just there selling these rugs made on a Cambodian weaving website.