>american education system
American education system
Not enough info to draw a conclusion.
Where's the actual report?
He should have gotten a D just for being a nigger.
>stupid people think it's impossible to get A's in college/high school
Dumb people are never wrong, and it's never their fault.
It's up to the professor. Profesors have way too much power in universities. Students are paying tens of thousands just to be fucked in the ass by these 60 y/o pretentious fucks who have done so little in their life they have to teach. They can pretty much fail you for whatever they want if they say they can in their class syllabus
>being graded on attendance, and not acumen
Nigger schools for niggers.
If you can do everything but the final task why should you pass?
I mean shit, it's like being hired to build a house, failing miserably and expecting to be paid because I showed up on time and made a pretty model for the client to look at.
he is critiquing the fact that doing poorly on a final will fuck up your overall grade.
I don't see the problem. If he got an A in homework and midterm, then a lower final, it means he blew off the 2nd half of the material and didn't learn it well enough to perform. Usually the material gets much harder in the later weeks. Had it happen to myself as a white person many times.
This nigger is not posting his overall test and quiz averages. Attendance, participation, and homework accounts for maybe 10% of overall grade in college. For all we know he failed every test except his midterm and finals which is not enough for a good grade.
> Attendance
Getting marked for showing up is hardly effort. Non issue.
> Participation
Assuming this is uni, you should be engaging your tutor and with other classmates. Most tutors will must give you an A anyway.
> Midterm
Usually paltry assignment that gauges basic understanding of readings.
> Homework
Again, basic. Only thing I could see being an issue is being timely with it, getting help for homework is easy in this day and age. Tons of support in Mathematics and Engineering fields.
> Final
Requires dilligence, thorough understanding of the subject and an application of said knowledge. Tests your aptitude under pressure, creativity or constituency. Basically the only thing that matters, and should be graded as such.
Most classes I've attended usually don't have the Final as more than 35% of the final grade
If he got a C- then the class must have had the final be something huge like 60% of the grade, which is unusual for most college courses
Of course this is keeping in mind it might be one of those courses with special rules like "if you get less than a B on the final then you will not be able to get more than a C in my class" or something.
>the weighted average of all elements, the course grade, is lower than any individual element
Croatian education system
>Syllabus note: 80% of your grade is determined by your final with 10% determined by your instructor
Maybe you shouldn't have called the professor a honkey
No wonder girls get good grades they probably suckin those old fucks off baka
Who the fuck wants a grade just for showing up and doing what you are supposed to be doing?
I took Japanese this past year (2 semesters) and the final was 65%, with an oral at 15% and bi weekly tests filling out the rest.
Destructive Power: C
Speed: D
Range: C
Durability: A
Precision: E
Developmental Potential: A
I went to a shitty community college in the states before I transferred to a very nice engineering school.
One English class at the community college, the 'professor' showed up about half the time. He wasn't even reading papers, he was guessing what the grade should be. Naturally all the nerdy looking girls in the class got good grades.
I had to get the dean involved. I got an A.
The nigger is lying about something.
>attendance and participation
>nobody actually looks at the image for more than a second
How does any kind of curving reduce a C to a C- when the other grades are higher
Participation is what fucks you up and is also something you'll only see in gen ed liberal farts.
>hey user why don't you ever talk
That's Gucci Mane you fucking leaf, please go on reddit you faggot.
German university grading has a big impact on the institution's budget that they get out of tax money. The better average grade in class the more the money they get.
Each class is different. It's important to look at your professor's syllabus to see the breakdown of grading. In my Biomedical Statistics course, the breakdown was:
Attendance: 5%
Participation: 5%
Quizzes: 20%
Tests: 50%
>Biomedical Statistics
too dumb for real statistics?
Any class that requires attendance and participation is a waste if time. A class that actually requires attendance to understand the material will show it on the test grades.
In college participation points/attendance points/ homework points are minuscule and are only designed to motivate the average student into keeping up with the homework
The exams are roughly 90%. Of the points. In STEM. Degrees you are lucky to get that 10% cushion because most professors give no points for these things. If you don't do it and don't understand the material then fuck you
Only a fucking nigger can tell other niggers apart. Why are there so many of you beasts here all of a sudden
they think they belong because muh based nigger meme
Wrong nigger, STEM degrees are typically 100% based on exams. 4 exams and one comprehensive final.
Only teachers with a soft spot and no real love for the sciences give grades for showing up
I bet he would rather make money
I experienced a system like this when I took a GCSE BTEC (inb4) in Engineering. Got all highest possible grade and one pass. Got a pass overall.
>mfw there were Americans on here talking about how they get "class credit" for shit like going to the gym
Nearly forgot another one.
>mfw there were American STEM students on here talking about how they had exams where they were allowed to take in a "cheat sheet" and/or a textbook ("but only one")