Whats your excuse for not having a girlfriend yet?


no woman to talk to

Didn't those two turn into leftist potheads as they grew older?

they're not Nazis anymore, but their mom still is, she posts on the TRS boards

All liberal shills, about to leave for college anyways

I am genetically inferior, so no woman will pursue me.

It's okay I accept it.


I live in Berlin.

weren't these girls in a louis theroux doc about neo nazis in california?

Working on it, ging to date a non-roach bulgarian girl that hates gypsies.

Not part of the top 20% but I'm too shallow to settle for someone in my league.

and that's why marijuana should be banned forever.

>not white

Literally no reason to even try.

>tfw no woman will ever look at me with such love in her eyes

Proof that marijuana makes you a bluepilled retard.

Imagine being Arnold in that scene.

Because there is like 20 of this kind of women in the whole world, non available close here.

I've had the same one for 8 years.

>want to try my stapon user

Yes, the herbal Jew got to them.

kek, who could have thought.

I don't know about "lefties" as we know the term, but they did smoke the herbal jew, yes.

Fuck up cunt i'm red pilled, been smoking for like 3 years and i browse this shithole daily.

They are always whining or menstruating.
And when you try to dicipline them they tell on you and you will go to jail. So maybe after we remove their rights we'll see...

It's impossible to compete with the virile bucks in my country.

>Actually having that picture saved

But why?




No Nazi girlfriends in Vienna.


What a fucking surprise. the herbal Jew strikes again

> not getting into femdom and accept your place at her feet

I'm literally Ahnuld in that scene

Having a gf in 2016 is literally cucked.com

With one night stands i'll never get cucked nigger.

damn, that guy moves into ur neighborhood, just give up. Even if ur wife doesnt actually fuck him, she's already rubbed her clit and squirted to the thought

hate to tell you guys but thats just about the right balance right there
as a guy who has dated nothing but girls who smoke weed, can confirm biggest indicator of a girl being garbage

but "pretty liberal" translates to "I wont shout nigger out my car window anymore"

>not having Prussian Blue in your music already

yeah but half the reason why women are so slutty is because of guys with ur attitude.

I didn't think points in Charisma would be important this time around.

And holy hell was I wrong.

This article was 100% false
They were smoking dope because one of them got cancer

And theres a whole fucking spectrum between being a neo-nazi pop group, and being nigger loving liberals.

That she broke up with me yesterday

I am not in contact with women my age.

Even if I were, I wouldn't be able to speak to them properly, as I'm a spaghetti lord.

In this degenerate world trying to raise white family is lost cause.

Wife will get raped, and your children kidnapped and used in masonic rituals under pizza logo.

The only way to raise the family is to change the world. Ironically this is the easiest option.


>pic related

well...someone's gotta be happy about being white..got all these foreigners coming into my country telling me i cant be proud of my race because its racist yet they spew their international scum everywhere

Genetic deformity.

At least I have the sweet release of death to look forward to.

Sieg Heil?
Weren't they Prussian Blue?

Jesus Christ, cancer?

Fuck this gay Earth.