Massmedia and the Berlin attack

How is massmedia in your country dealing with the latest Islamic terrorist attack?

Here in Sweden they are on full blast doing damage control for diversity, as usual.
>t-t-the terrorist h-hate Berlins wonderful d-diversity, we can't let them win!!

>Terroristerna hatar mångfaldens Berlin eftersom staden bevisar att de har fel, vi kan visst leva tillsammans oavsett bakgrund och religion. Det är just i ”gråzonen” det händer.
>the terrorist hates the diverse Berlin because the city proves that they are wrong, we can live together no matter what background and religion.

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I'm so fucking angry about our Swedish news media at the moment. Where is the outrage? Why are they BLAMING right-wing extremism for CAUSING these attacks? Such idiocy, it's embarrasing.

We've been using Adblock on their bullshit sites for years, no one below the age of 30 buys any newspapers, so how the fuck are these idiots still in business?

>the terrorist hates the diverse Berlin because the city proves that they are wrong, we can live together no matter what background and religion.

It really is our job to prove them wrong.

Surprisingly kinda objective.
Away of quoting faggot politicians, obviously.

Because of everyone over the age of 30.
Man undrar hur mycket de lever på att flera arbetsplatser köper tidningarna för att ha något att läsa i fikarummen.

> Why are they BLAMING right-wing extremism for CAUSING these attacks?
Because they ALWAYS gotta push against whites. It's just second nature for them. It's a reflex at this point.

>terrorist attack in Berlin
>terrorist fled
>IS took responsibility

The BBC is using this situation to push for more curbing of civil liberties in the fight against terrorism, as the mouthpiece of the government typically does.

Here in the states even msnbc is wavering
>yet another terrorist attack
But they're using it a vehicle to encourage interventiom on Syria
>well if you want the migrants out better invade and bring democracy

except the casual Mosque interview with Muslims who cry we are not to blame, we are not Terrorists, Germans have to like us. Terrorism has nothing to do with Islam.

Terrorists get radicalized in western Mosques and western Islamic communities. Muslims have a responsibility. No one is acknowledging that.

You can imagine what the mass media's saying but what upsets me more is the public.

A memorial's started up under the Christmas tree by the Brandenburg gate and the biggest signs amongst all the candles and photos are
>"From Aleppo to Berlin we share the same pain #SyriaBerlin"
>"Fight Terrorism With Tolerance"
Fucking leftists


BBC world news just ran a quick interview with an Achmed (literally his name), where he complains that the polizei raided his commune at 3AM

Imagine the worst immigrant "slum" in Berlin. That's what the leftists want for all of Europe. That's their dream future.

The media have been okay so far. But there are some strong nationalistic conservative groups, that attacks the media whenever their propaganda becomes to obvious.

Example from an article about the russian ambassador shooting. notice the ending where they noted they had corrected the article because they initially omitted the detail about the guy shouting "Allahu Akbar".

>the terrorist hates the diverse Berlin because the city proves that they are wrong, we can live together no matter what background and religion.

Do you remember, maybe 15 or 20 years ago, when you were first told about the Soviet propaganda magazine Prawda? And how evil tyrannical regimes creates this gigantic bubble of false realities, illusions, lies and propaganda to create an entirely aritifical reality around their citizens so they do not realize, that they are actually being enslaved, exploited and tortured?

Well, it turns out that this was not just a story and that this is OUR reality.

>surprisingly kinda objective

Except that they say that Germany has been the target of terrorist attacks for years (what?) and that we have to learn to live with them (!!!) and that the best thing to do now is to mourn (bull. shit.)

On both CBC(state run media) and global news they mentioned the attack, along the similarities to the attack in France.
>motive still being investigated

ISIS Claims responsibility but the BBC plays the "But they might be lying it could just as well be a white male!" Which they wouldn't run if it was't a Muslim suspect.

I the US (FNC) they're blasting the terrorists. They don't fuck around w/ being apologists for terrorists. It's quite the opposite of what you're going through.

they're still talking about trump electoral college here. fox news is covering it even-handed tho.

They are afraid. During their whole "maybe we actually have trust issues" episode, after Trumps win, they were shitting their pants because called them out on all the shit they have covered incorrectly recently. Then they trying shilling even harder than normal, and it backfired completely. Must be some heads at the board meetings that are rather nervous.

see These are standardized talking points. They are streamlined and synchronized. The French PM and state secretary said exactly the same. As do all the "terror expert". It's all a big illusion.

It's all on repeat.

A so called (((political analist))) named sholmo (not fucking joking) talked shit for an hour.

Our network news was cucking out big time though.

>possible accident in Germany
>Russian ambassador shot. . . The motive is unknown. . .
>the shooter said this was revenge for the humanitarian crisis in alleppo
>here is a video of the shooting.
>show the only 5 seconds he is not shouting "allu snackbar"

last night ARD aired a montage of all of the terrorist attacks in recent memory in Germany. they are working to normalize terrorism in Germany like they have done in France so they can keep importing migrants when the CDU holds on to power in the next election. Please don't let Merkel stay in office - the world needs Germany to free itself from this madness

Merry Christmas faggots

Very comfy! :DDDD

>"Another terrorist attack"
>"Here's some info"
>"Here's some reactions"
You can say we're cucked all you want, but for the most part our main news channels are pretty neutral, and aren't interested in pushing agendas.

I've been seeing neutral stuff.

every German broadcaster I have seen has gone out of their way to remind Germans that "Islam is a religion of peace" and that "terrorism has happened in Germany already, no big deal here" and especially "please make sure you don't say anything about migrants because that's not fair"

when will the leaf finally meet his raker