THE Berlin Christmas market terror attack has seen Angela Merkel come under fire from members of her own party as politicians call for martial law.

Politicians have even declared war after an unknown assailant ploughed into crowds in Berlin.

Police had arrested a man from Pakistan called Naved B who they claim was approved for asylum after arriving in the country in February, however it has since been claimed he is not thought to have been the driver after DNA tests.


Other urls found in this thread:ózef_Piłsudski

how is she still alive?
why are german people so afraid of their leaders?
kill that cunt and send those criminals home.

Remember, Germans voted for this. Its no big deal to them. They are willing to pay the price.


So she could declare martial law? With her favorability rates dropping? Kek.

I have a sick fetish, I want to see Junicker and Merkel stoned to death. I would literally get off to it


not yet, but soon

the 1500 the shitskin mudslime terrorists (bare minimum estimate) will achieve a kill death ratio of between 10:1 and 90:1, based of of historical events.

that translates to between 15 000 and 150 000 dead cucked germons

watch the reich rise up long before those totals are reached

We all would
You don't even need to find it hot to want it

It's fucking Germany, nothing will come out of this.

>how is she still alive?
Gun control, goy.

baby just make my rubber smoke

>Wow, merkel is doing a really shitty jo-

>Are you KIDDING ME? I mean COME. ON. It's the current year and you're fucking a WHITE SUPREMACIST?? Get with the Program! NAZI! FASCIST!

absolutely transcended semir gerhkan

No, Germans agreed to terms and conditions without reading them. Now they're realising terror attacks are part of the contract.

pls make it stop, i feel like i studied German translation for nothing, at least i could go on Erasmus in 2014 before the rapefugees invaded the country

>fourth Reich
Don't make me laugh OP

From the sidebar



its over, kjust kill them all

Im fucking pissed off at muslims and antifa


I dont even care anymore, Ill kill them myself

> 4th reich

Can't me a 4th Reich until Merkel's 4th term


did you even read



This was Mama Merkels plan all along. Long live the Reich!!

Do you feel it Germans, the masterrace blood boiling up once again in your veins? Reopen the gates, refuel the trains, you can make it all go away. You can make it all stop. Just say the word.


The first three crusades were in response to hundreds of years of Muslim raiding.

did you even read the damn article, or my title her own party is calling for martial law

Memes became art before video games in this timeline?

>members of her own party as politicians call for martial law.

oh god this would be so hilarious, please let it happen.
Let's get rid of the witch.

Germans are cucked.

Ironically, Russians will again liberate you, but this time from leftist lunacy and homosexual Marxism.

Germany loves this.

Your average German wants to be crucified on the cocks of 6 gorillion refugees while apologizing for their ancestors sins.

I have no idea what levels of violence it would take to make these Russian rape babies finally chimp out. France had a priest get his head cut off and did fuck all.

centuries of french and germanic history in a single picture

Kek'd and witnessed

Thats such a socialist SJW commie excuse.

I would too.

Her party is a Christian one isn't it? Like Christian is in the name.

If she doesn't do anything when people are making direct attacks on a Christmas event then I don't see how any Germans could ever still support her

>shitty white cuck fan fic

can i join the reich my grandfather was one of hitlers eugenics mountain babies


There is just one way to go for germany next year and i hope it will happen

any true german will put a bullet in that cunt's head. just fucking do it already and save your nation.

/r/ comic of ISIS-ball throwing a rock at Deutschlandball

Underrated meme.

Starting to wonder if the stasi should have just stayed in East Germany. Ironically, hard-line communists don't put up with this shit because they are militant atheists.


German polls have consistently 90% against the refugees in their country though, try again.

Absolutely disgusting Hitler is rolling in his grave

t. Moon Nazi actually looking at Hitler's grave

fuck off with this countryball cancer

Andorra rare

Tfw you know Merkel regime is currently spending all their ressources to find a way to divert the blame from Muslims instead of actually finding a way to protect Germans from such an attack

Come on Germans, lead the way to the purge. Show us that efficiency you were so proud of.


I feel like my half-diluted german blood is still screaming at me to fly over there and remove kebab so hard they won't fuck with us for at least 500 years.

Cant find it now
Have this one instead

>[...] Alternative for Germany party, which is widely expect to obliterate Mrs Merkel's party in next year's elections [...]

Ayyy lmao

Leaders know best, goy.

That's it. That's why. Leaders and police will fix everything. That's the mindset here.

>Germans going against what they are told ever

Self-destruction of Germany soon

Shit will go down.

t. voted van der Bellen

^The Paki guy was released already

>Before the suspect was released late on Tuesday, German officials said they could not be sure if he was involved in the attack.

Fucking hell

We just need Obongo out of office so we can proceed to bomb everywhere that involves these shitskins. We just need China and Australia on our side.

You can't kill Merkel

The EU Youth Corps will protect Juncker and Merkel

>tfw germany is so cucked Merkel will be voted in again

Prove me wrong Germany

if that happens i'm gonna say the votes are rigged.

>Police had arrested a man from Pakistan called Naved B who they claim was approved for asylum after arriving in the country in February


Some guy saying something about being at war with terror =/= martial law being called for.

DNA test?

They can see markers for nationality then?

Hows the holiday going

>letting a potential mass murderer go free because they could not be sure
This isn't real life

|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_
|______________|||__|__|__|]beep!beep! † † †

that would actually still be the best thing to happen since all our other parties are even more far left then the cdu which is actually our conservative party

the afd simply is to young to have any real chances of winning

for the millionth time: we don't vote chancellors but parties. merkel is head of the most right-wing party except the AfD, the AfD is literally in their second federal election ever and doesn't even have the party members to stem a government and the alternative are red-red-green socialist-communist-cultural marxists. Of course it will be a CDU/SPD great coalition again.

4th reich? lmao these cucks can't wait for the next muslim dick shove in their mouths.


'm living there m8

>he afd simply is to young to have any real chances of winning
You should still vote for them though. It's the only party applying pressure on the system. God knows where we would be today without the AfD.

This is a fractally deep meme.

What's it like living in paradise?

What if Merkel gives voting rights for migrants so AfD never wins after like 5 years?
Can you even repeal such voting laws?

>CDU fags vote for AfD
>Now both CDU and AfD lose
>The socialists and lefties win

> Not even detaining him for further questioning

I'm not sure if I have even 1 drop of respect left towards Germany

Merry Christmas faggots

Nice fish

>eastern europe has more aryan then germany

hitler is a fucking idiot

>Merkel is head of the most right wing party before the AfD

So this is how you cuck a nation

Control your opposition and make the ones who fall out of line look like Nazis.

There's problems, like everywhere, but its honestly chill.

>Can you even repeal such voting laws?
Only a nazi would.


She can't do that. And they are still only around one million. That's not enough to decide the election, yet.

Thing is if you want Merkel gone you have to vote either far left "Die Linke" or far right "AfD".
Every vote to SPD, Grüne, FDP, CSU and of course CDU will put Merkel back into office.

>hitler is a fucking idiotózef_Piłsudski
>personally had good relationship with Hitler
>died in 1935
>replaced by a literal Cordeau tier idiot who thought Germany had 1933 army in 1939 and that they could take Berlin in 2 weeks

>Remember, Germans voted for this.
That is the BS i read all the Time. No the People didnt vote for Merkel cause she was for Shitskins. She actually was against it. She said Multiculturalism had failed.

She betrayed her voters and now her only supporters are on the far Left and her minions in her party

Die Linke are communists and the former DDR party who will form a coalition with the SPD and Greens. Why would you do that?

>Merkel is the head of the most right-wing party

Dude what the fuck

poland ball was on Sup Forums before reddit, newfag

Why not?
AfD won't receive enough support anyways, because they're a fringe party, and every vote that goes to AfD instead of CDU is a vote for CDU less
Even if AfD won more seats, no other party will cooperate with them

Furor Teutonicus? After so many years?