Any book recommendations? Curious what Sup Forums reads

Any book recommendations? Curious what Sup Forums reads.

Other urls found in this thread:!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg

this is an illiterate board
also you can google pol approved books to get a list of books that people pretend to have read or did read the dummy version or wiki entry

picture of dorian grey & the bible

'Whitey on the Moon': Race, Politics, and the death of the U.S. Space Program, 1958 - 1972 by Paul Kersey

Ken Wilber is a brilliant guy that most have never heard of. I started with A Theory of Everything.

"Faith of the Fallen" by Terry Goodkind.


The Cat in the Hijab, by Mohammad Suessdulla

So you are a fan of fictional literature I see.!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg

Huge fan of Nietzsche's Twilight of the Idols.

Stolen Sovereignty: How to Stop Unelected Judges from Transforming America


Malzan empire 10 book series is very good. I recomend

Mein Kampf is not bad

Making Patriots, which looks at Americanism and how it has evolved from our founding fathers days to now, and a look at a few "patriots".

I tried making a thread about it after having read it and realized how braindead this entire board was.

The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind
Book by Gustave Le Bon

I'm reading it now and its amazing. Don't let it's age put you off, it was way ahead of it's time and warns us of the society we have fallen into today.

Shut the fuck up. I know tons of people who are hihly literate who browse pol. Im literate in 5 different languahes, two of which i learned just do i could read certain kinds in their original language.

ur jsut 2 smart 4 this board mate. super smart hamburger guy. bet your thoughts were great. you should type them all out again. id be hapy 2 reed ur theis ^)

Malazan Empie is good OP. dont read faggy boring books. books are for enjoyment. Fiction is where its at. war fiction best fiction

Im reading culture of critique atm, slow read but worth it

"The Foundation for Exploration"

He claims it is the greatest organization of thought in human history and he is right.

> falling for the Printed Jew

shock doctrine
>inb4 autistic faggots screech

The koran

Why can't you speak your own language?


PKD all day every day

Redpills, greenpills, blacpills you'll be seeing colors that aren't even on the rainbow my man.

On a more serious note now's the high time to read up on your Marshall Mcluhan.

Just read all influential books on philosophy, history, political theory, economis ect.

To understand the world you need to understand how the people living in it think, even if what they think is false. Im not gonna give any direct suggestions but start of with books like das kapital.

Im chill man, just pointing out how utterly delusional you are.

The Dictator's Handbook is a good read. Describes very well how political power actually works.

It's not about being American. Or me being intelligent, the problem was that for a bunch of people who frequently argue for nationalism and loving one's country, they didn't care to discuss a book that lays out some thoughts about the country.

What were you trying to accomplish with your reply? To show that you were a drooling mongrel from a non-country who is hyper cool because you don't like intelligent discussion?

Wow you really fucking got me.

Zizek is a strange cave troll but he has interesting observations


The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevski.

Looks like a damn good read user. Gonna add it to my book list. Thanks.

True Tragic Hero. Brilliant man who just let the wrong people subvert him.

Currently reading Claudius the God: And His Wife Messalina by Robert Graves.

care to correct me?

"House of Leaves" Mark L. (((Danielewski))). Not sure how to describe this book simply, so I will just say it is a one of a kind.

A quick side note, Dostoyevsky was a socialist, but much of his work criticises atheism and collectivism. I think that his socialist views stemmed from the way he was treated by the upper class in russia.

Storm Of Steel by Ersnt Junger

>its amazing
>Don't let it's age
>ahead of it's


Psychology of the Masses, Gustave Le Bon


the stray apostrophe really offended you huh?

Check out Marshall McLuhan and Carl Jung's book The Undiscovered Self

underrated post and trips

Patrick Buchanan, Death of the west

Not all that different a message from Sup Forums, but nice to see it written down and annotated

gulag archipelago for some nice, light reading

A Very Short Introduction to Marx

The Penultimate Truth

red pill the book

culture of critique

stop posting niggers

the art of war sun tsu
gaddafis green book

Some Sup Forums reading:

Assassins Gate - Book about how a bunch of zionist Jews and neocons in the 90's convinced Republicans under Bush to invade Iraq. Also goes into how badly the war turned out from the get-go. GREAT explanation as to why American ""conservatism"" is so very Jewish

The Last Refuge - Book about AL Qaeda in Yemen. Basically some lulzy cases of dumb terrorists failing plots (some British-born terrorists drove on the wrong side of the road upon arriving in Yemen to suicide bomb), and also why the middle east is a lost cause


The Road to Serfdom

Speration of business and state
Welcome to the ussa
Both by Ryan Dawson

the gulag archipelago

Im guessing its going to be trudeaus playbook

Red pilled negro intellectual

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley.

1984, while being good in some ways, is idiotic because Orwell thought a totalitarian state where the people, and the truth, is repressed, was sustainable (it isn't).

Huxley realised that indulging people was the way to make them passive and not even care about what the truth was (like we see today, people pacified by their consumption of TV, technology, etc.)

That's why BNW is better.

Free audiobook is on jewtube btw

All of the Horus Heresy books

To kill a mockingbird
Healing Ancient wounds by John Barnes.
Berserk the manga
Golden boy the manga




This one is pretty good. Spoiler: Jesus dies.

Gospel: Jesus rose from the dead.

Reads Manga.

Don't fall for the papernal jew.

Columbine by Dave Cullen
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer
The Second World War by John Keegan

>guys i am dying as a sacrifice to pay for everyone's sin
>jk i am actually alive but really though i made a huge sacrifice dying its not like i am god or anything

but that's misleading, you illitierate troglodyte. He doesn't remain dead -- our Saviour rises from the dead, and joins His Father in Heavenly eternal life.
We'll join him too on the day of the days. I am not sure what happens then.


>i don't know much about the incarnation or Christ's perfect sacrifice

Consideration on france by Joseph de Maistre
Republitards getting BTFO the book

The Lucifer Principle by Howard Bloom.

Explains how memes spread ideas/ideologies and take over their human host. Literally memetic warfare.

Written in 1995.

Reflections on the Revolution in France - Burke

this is interesting

>on Sup Forums
>hates manga

Think and Grow Rich

Its a sequel, why would I read it instead of the previous book(s) ?

Idk I only read vn

This is a good one

Very redpilled

Anything by Vonnegut. He seems to be THE author for Sup Forums

thread theme

some great recommendations, thank you family

anything by Cormac McCarthy

*THE author for reddit

One of the very first pages of Breakfast of Champions has a crudely drawn asshole on it.
How is this not Sup Forums worthy?