"Der Kölner Polizeipräsident Jürgen Mathies sagte dem dem „Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger“: „Ich habe immer die Sorge, dass es Nachahmer gibt. Es gibt nichts Schlimmeres, als dann sagen zu müssen: Wir hätten etwas tun können und haben es nicht getan"
„Wir prüfen derzeit in enger Abstimmung mit der Stadt, welche Fahrzeuge in die Innenstadt einfahren dürfen und an welchen Stellen wir das verhindern wollen“,
>6.22pm Dortmund, a city in the western state of North Rhine-Westphalia, has banned trucks from driving through the city centre at between 6pm and 11pm until the end of the year. It has said the decision came in response to the events in Berlin.
Noah Bennett
Luke Robinson
Remember Trucks where used by Nazis in WW2. Trucks have no religion.
Jeremiah Moore
Cameron White
Those poor trucks. They should be banning mudslime filth instead.
Gavin Cook
How the fuck do you do this? All trucks stop at city limits and people use donkey carts to bring the goods in?
Are you really stepping back to the 19th century to combat your 12th century "guests" my German bros?
Blake Cook
>How the fuck do you do this? This is the real question. Stores are fucked
Robert Ross
David Campbell
Before the immigrants there was no problems with trucks
Colton Watson
>the ban assault trucks meme also became true I-is this completely necessary K-kek?
William Brooks
I bet it's an automatic, too
Justin Hernandez
jesus this people are so fucking retarded...
So when they ban tucks they just use 4x4, a hilux has enough power to just drive over people. The fucker here in graz did the same thing with a shity suv an managed to kill 3 people and injure 36.
So when this happens what they gona do? Ban all vehicles from inner cities?
Aaron Sanchez
>Ban all vehicles from inner cities?
Yes. Only refugees allowed.
Ethan Gonzalez
Remember when a truck suicide bombed the Murrah Federal Building, in Oklahoma City? This was like 10 or more years ago.
Thomas Gonzalez
That was 1995 or so
Jaxson Mitchell
YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY THE ISLAMIC TRUCK OF TOLERANCE ______________¶___ |religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_ |______________|||__|__|__|]beep!beep! † † † (@)@)*********(@)(@)**(@) POST THIS IN ANOTHER THREAD OR THE PEACE TRUCK WILL COME TO YOUR COUNTRY AND KILL YOUR MOTHER IN HER SLEEP!
Connor Kelly
You should be able to transport goods throughout the city with a tuk-tuk just fine. There's no reason for you to own a deadly assault vehicle.
Charles Phillips
sleep tight trucko
Easton Davis
sleep tight trucko
Juan Morgan
Oliver Bailey
Liam Brooks
They'll just use normal cars and more acceleration
Lucas Gray
German government is fucking retarded, and the people that let this happen too.
Grayson Gutierrez
So they're going to cripple their shipping system rather than just deport the Muslims? This is getting ridiculous
Brayden Carter
Nobody needs an auto unless you plan to do drive by shooting
Gavin Jenkins
I don't know if this was inspired by my failed thread but thank you user.
Keep making more and spreading the message! Dangerous weapons must be taken from the public. #banassulttrucks
Hudson Williams
Look up Olga Hepnarová.
The oldest use I can think off. I am a loner. A destroyed woman. A woman destroyed by people... I have a choice - to kill myself or to kill others. I choose TO PAY BACK MY HATERS. It would be too easy to leave this world as an unknown suicide victim. Society is too indifferent, rightly so. My verdict is: I, Olga Hepnarová, the victim of your bestiality, sentence you to death.
She would also browse Sup Forums.
Daniel Scott
Xavier Cooper
KEK got to powerful! We must stp him!
Grayson Russell
Hunter Bennett
How about instead of banning trucks, your country deports the mudslime filth. Even better, unban guns and allow everyone to carry. Sandniggers don't want to be in a country where the citizens are capable of fighting back.
Xavier Walker
I heard nazis make home-made automatic transmissions so they can worship Hitler with one hand while they run over pre-schoolers with their assault trucks.
Joseph Edwards
The more wheels the more nazi, and deadly it is.
Nathan Robinson
fuck off, no way this is real
Alexander Morales
The only protection against a bad guy with a truck is a good guy with a truck.
A well regulated transportation network, being necessary to the prosperity of a free State, the right of the people to keep and oeprate Trucks, shall not be infringed.
Michael Anderson
Automatics developed to allow seig heiling
Angel Hall
user please a truck killed 9 people yesterday!
Trucks are dangerous weapons!
In 2016 nobody need to own a truck!
Lincoln Gutierrez
12 people you nazi
Jordan Foster
>no one needs assault bicycles over 12KG
Matthew Reed
you know what they will do: ban christmas
Hunter Bell
Can't wait for the eventual >City supplies growing shorter everyday. Refugees starting riots. Trucks of food,medicine, and supplies banned from entering city at this time.
Jack Hughes
>They actually banned assault trucks
Brayden Nelson
Unless baby jesus is depicted as black, then its racist to ban
Noah Walker
Europe is doomed. If I were you, I would sell all my belongings and come here to Brazil, we have many many European colonies that has their own way to live, speak their own language, have their own business and everyone is RICH. Your money worth at least 3 times here, even if everything here is expensive, it is still cheap to you. And before saying shit about security here, we don't have terrorism through religion and our government do everything to apease the population when something happens to a gringo. Even if by accident.
Jack Adams
Elections are coming...
Here everybody is against accepting migrants, but then you find out the government created a program worth half a billion to integrate future migrants...
Andrew Cook
Early Assault Truck
Note the similar assault vehicle features.
Evan Hernandez
that cant be good for your economy
bro u can make profit of this i am not kidding, just buy a bunch of vans and transport shit into cities
Camden Anderson
>integrate them up your anus
Alexander Torres
>easy target zone: you won't find any law-abiding good guys with trucks here
Henry Reed
Does anyone even know how to drift a stick shift anymore?
John Lewis
Jesus Germany . Please either get an actual Hitler to fix yourself or remove yourselves from the gene pool
Cameron Richardson
How the honest to god fuck could people beat around the bush of the issue this much?
Theres only so much the citizens who don't have fucking Stockholme Syndrome can take, before they snap and we've got full-on vigilante justice and rebellions going on.
my based dad made me learn to drive on an old 5 speed ford
if you cant drive stick your either a woman or cucked
Liam Hall
Most Californians are arrogant, delusional cucks that think their state is more important than the 49 other states. The white Germans are aware of the plight caused by their leaders and they want out.
Evan Bennett
jesus christ your country is so cucked by islam that you're blaming the truck better start learning arabic
Eli Hall
Parker Gutierrez
>and they want out I see no evidence of this
Gavin Cox
Benjamin Campbell
Ugh cant they ban turks instead.
Grayson Baker
Jayden Gutierrez
Hunter Diaz
top kek
Nicholas Wood
>by 2050 50% of Germany will be of Turkish descent
YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY THE ISLAMIC TRUCK OF TOLERANCE ______________¶___ |religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_ |_________________|||__|__|__|]beep!beep! † † † (@)@)*********(@)(@)**(@) REPLY TO THIS POST OR THE PEACE TRUCK WILL COME TO YOUR COUNTRY AND KILL YOUR MOTHER IN HER SLEEP!
Christopher Jones
YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY THE ISLAMIC TRUCK OF TOLERANCE ______________¶___ |religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_ |______________|||__|__|__|]beep!beep! † † † (@)@)*********(@)(@)**(@) POST THIS IN ANOTHER THREAD OR THE PEACE TRUCK WILL COME TO YOUR COUNTRY AND KILL YOUR MOTHER IN HER SLEEP!
Samuel Powell
better be safe
Tyler Ross
Get the fuck outta here fucking B-class memster apprentice. I and many other Germans post here daily, voicing our discontent with Merkel and repfugees.
Lucas Nelson
Not according to elections.
It is Sup Forums echo chamber that Germans want out.
Jackson Scott
Who wants to live in Germany?
A country where you are put in jail if you're not a member of Antifa
Thomas Anderson
How will they deliver wurst if trucks are banned? This is German genocide.
Anthony Ross
Probably six cylinder too, not truck needs that much capacity
Colton Wood
G-guys, this is getting too real.
We're dealing with a force we can't fully comprehend. It's time to put away the memes.
Asher Adams
Sweden fuck off. Nobody likes you
Joshua Reed
where is the actual comic for this?
Christopher Howard
Jesus H Christ How can you be this retarded They'll just make pressure cooker bombs next And after that they'll forge pipe bombs And after that they'll, I don't know, hijack a dump truck Or a bulldozer They're fucking terrorists you can't ban them from doing things
Hunter Howard
that's because if they speak out they get charged with sedition and thrown in jail.
Germany doesn't have free speech.
Isaac Gonzalez
You can't simply reverse the trips some user rolled. It's the prophecy and it's happening.
Can somebody link me to a non-retarded copy of this? It's a fucking news article, I'm not enabling javascript for it
Eli Watson
Don't worry José, nobody is going to meme away your Gallo Pinto.
Connor Long
but hey just let these thousands of known terrorists run around freely
Jayden Thompson
So it wasn't that pakistani piece of shit?
Holy fuck... i just hope it was a rapefugee...
Christopher Miller
>voicing our discontent Where? How?
Ian Brooks
Trucks are always a problem, since they always drive where it's forbidden, just that they rarely kill on purpose. There is no way they can ban trucks in practice, only on paper. Truck drivers always break the laws.
Benjamin Watson
Tyler Flores
>6pm and 11pm so as long as you choose early morning during commute hours to drive through a group of people waiting at a bus stop you are not breaking the law.
Cooper Myers
>dont let your memes be dreams It actually happened. What.The.Fuck.
Henry Gutierrez
>Ban assault trucks
>Use assault cars
Luke Ortiz
Joshua Miller
Some semis have 18 gears! High capacity automatics even!