What caused this to happen so quickly?


You didn't miss out on anything, they're only sluts for brown and black alpha males

Chavette salopes.

they act as bad as we let them
so white men being beta fags is why this is happening

You became an old man who wants to fuck middle school girls, so you see what you want to see.

I think there were always both kind.

Feminism and ((((teen media))))


Middle school girls were like this in 2006 for me, probably even earlier too
You just weren't cool enough OP


I went to middle school over 10 years ago and it was already like pic 2.


This was true for my middle school, though there were only like 2 genuine sluts

nah, they were always sluts. the only difference is there was no shit like instagram to make it more public

Women were always subhuman whores you sheltered fuck, its just when sexual revolution came in they finally showed their true nature. The more you let women control society the more degenerate society becomes because the only thing women care about is mindless hedonism.

Idk, guys. Go download chat apps that teens are using these days and look at how many girls post straight up nudes and state their fetishes and shit. There was no way things were that bad then.

Nobody knows.

was sunkistcarmen in middle school when she was posting on Sup Forums and doing stickam?

you were both autistic sperglords in middle school lets be honest. I was the one stuffing you in a locker and spanking your asses in the bathroom. fuckin fags

Loss of privacy and identity. Tech has completely anahilated privacy we're youth are now succumbed to herd mentality. This the infinite supply of sluts and beta males

Kardashians being pushed so heavily in MSM. There is a Kardashian for every age level.
The mom for aging groups who want to be hip
Main Kim for late 20s/30s
The fat one for fat late 20s/30s
The younger model ones for the preteen/teen sluts in your pic
They have it covered across the board and they heavily advertise and are prevalent in all media sources.

hmm. what apps are you talkings about and how do i find these said girls?

>He thinks women wern't always like this


Sure thing buddy, I totally wasn't getting my 12 year old dick sucked daily, whatever you want to believe ;)


uhh same lol

|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_
|______________|||__|__|__|]beep!beep! † † †

Flag checks out


Progressive, protestant and materialistic education.

Who was responsible for cultural Marxism OP?

yea by boys lmao

>hd bbc cuck porn
>rap music
>degenerate clothing

free access to porn with internet

year 7's and up have instagram now, theres basically soft porn all over it, the kardashians with their tits and arses out, sex culture forced down everyones throats, more platforms to tell young girls what the definition of beauty is. its no surprise from a young age theyre easily influenced by what theyre fed.

from where i live, most girls go through a slutty phase when young, 15--16 when everyones horny, now said girls have got it out of their system and post more 'sophisticated' photos, which i think seems to be the trend. no one respects a slut.

like i said its from where i live and its the most common case, although im from the country, maybe city girls are more trashy.

White girls nowadays grow up to be inseminated by black bulls. No wonder you guys are angry all the time, I love stealing white beta's girlfriends. It's hilarious when white guys bring their girls out to clubs/bars and most of them can't dance, so their women end up hookin up with us niggas hahaha


Both exist at the same time. The ones that dress on the left are the outcast "dorky" girls.

The other ones are the culturally enriched popular girls.

It's like you didn't even attend a public school.

>state their fetishes and shit
Good thing no one ever does that here. /s


Statistically no that's not true, and from my own experience that's not true but nice try you fucking cuck

>this thread
>same title
>same image
>every day

Chris Hansen.com



Things were always like they are on the right. You can just watch it all through social media now.

The only place that might have changed, are small rural areas or towns which now have better access to fashions and trends, but it was always like this in the cities. Bimbos, valley girls, hoodrats, mean girl cheerleader types, easy trailer trash, whatever you want to call it, the shit was always there, and the stereotypes are there and date back as proof. You just had a different view of it, and more was left to the the imagination because there wasn't a way for the common man to broadcast things in their entirety.

The internet.

Because when you stop seeing a relationship as a unit designed for the welfare of the child the only thing that's left are the pleasures that are associated with it, which in this case means sex.

In so far as relationships are only valued for this aspect, their complete sexualization will follow, and with it the sexualization of people.

For the choke me daddy part: Sex is more normalized now as well as fetishes. Girls see other girls making "choke me daddy" jokes on twitter and think that's what you're suppose to like.

>lying on the internet

lol why
Don't you have a white daughter to offer up to the tribe today?


You're only butthurt because you don't get any.

My teenage sister lurks on so many I can't even remember them all. They never have many reviews on the app stores either so I have no clue how they get popular in schools. There was one a while back called minus and I remember seeing some girl no older than 13 uploading vids of her flicking her bean,
It's sad how early (((they))) get them started these days.

Social media has just made it into more of a competition between women to compete for Chad.

15 is legal in sweden desu. not sure about pictures though

It's incredibly gay to spank another guy user.

user btfo

Probably the internet. up until the late 90s in most of the world everyone had dial up and computers were relatively expensive and the internet was all fragmented

i simply asked a question. projection? i think so

do you know what a joke is my lad

Feminism and porn.
Porn legitimises hypersexuality and impressionable young girls mimic it for attention, without realising once started in has no brakes and is akin to methuselah syndrome.

Just look at Ava Devine recently, here look at it.


I get the slutty part, but why is the girl in p1 much more attractive than the other two. You can't find such an innocent looking girl nowadays.
Why younger generations uglier than the previous ones?

When I was in grade 6 we had some type of fresh air fund transfers from the Bronx metropolitan of New York, One was an extremely bosomy PR and she was a bit wild. We had a fire drill and I would usually dip surreptitiously into the changing room and then go through the proctor's lesson book for a head's up but before I could do it I noticed the PR had walked back in and was going through the proctor's purse and I made sure she knew that I saw it and I vaguely told her she would be shipped back to her ghetto. I ended up having a sex slave for 6 months resolving only to fuck her face and ass for fear of impregnating her. I strung her along with promises that I would have my parents adopt her. She then got caught boosting some jewelry from Short Hills mall and was returned to the Bronx. I had to wait another two years before finding another I could fuck in a similarly frenzied fashion and it was an even bigger titted Jewess from the academy nearby, The end.

>merely pretending to be retarded + homosexual
>haha epic trolle

It's gay even if you did it jokingly
Now come here and give me a brojob you faggot

That's messed up

left = countryside
right = cities

always was like this always will be

This is legit just a thinly veiled bait thread for CP. Fuck off OP.

im not complaining

>Ava Devine

my favorite pornstar, she is just such a fucking whore its unbelievable.

in the past girls were told strictly that they couldnt wear a lot of makeup and dress sexy like older women. The girl on the left could look attractive if she wanted to

Where do I find slutty middle school girls that doesn't have adults around?

Don't know but I'm not complaining

that's gross man what app so i can report it to cia

jews taking nigger culture out of the ghetto and foisting it upon the goyim

the joke was me typing that. I didnt really slap butts in middle school. youd pick up on that if you were here on earth

It's the opposite. The girl on the left is a 10/10, the other two at the right are a 6/10 at best.

pretty much, they love being held down and fucked hard and bred by big strong niggers

Justin trudeau doesn't run my country, our white girls are safe


Probably Twitter / snapchat culture. Girls are expected to sexualize themselves (under the guise of sexual empowerment) as early as 12 years old, even younger in blacks and latinas.

I feel for all you dad's out there, you guys are fucked unless you have a tomboy.

>white girls
>south africa

Me under the W.

I'll take the right side.

It is oddly specific. Sure you didn't slip a finger or two in when you did it?

all white women in South Africa have rape fantasies about savage niggers

But this is wrong statistically kids are less promiscuous than hey used to be



Whites here are the minority, not cucks. I know they're both in America, but try learn the difference burger

Yes blame the niggers fucking Jewish-puppet. America isn't responsible for this obviously. Inbred hypocrite.

okay, britbong who could get blown by some chavs? A soda or even a promise for cigs or a beer will get you a blowjob

Creampie for the black guy

Single mothers.


helloooooooooooooooooooooo reddit

Face it mate, you slapping and fucking the asses of your high school classmates was a bit gay

Country girls are even bigger sluts lol

This and that girl at the naked bike ride are the hottest pics I've ever seen on the chan.

smart dudes upped their game way the fuck up. once men realized seduction/game/talking sex was something you could study on all kinds of levels, psycho-social, biochemical, sex hypnosis, etc., it was just fucking over for women. third wave feminism is still holding on strong some places but not the fuck at all in a lot

underrated post