why'd he do it tho?
Why'd he do it tho?
Other urls found in this thread:
A Leppo.
the pussy
The motive remain unclear, perhaps he had been radicalised by right wing hate groups - media
Fake news told him the liberation of Aleppo was bad.
for the lolz, of course
Is he the most aesthetic assassin of all time?
he literally said why in front of the camera you retard leaf
nice shop
creating tention between rusia and turkey is daesh interest.
For teh lulz
If one thing's for sure some jew is getting the pulitzer prize for the photoshoot.
Because he's a piece of shit.
haters. the guy is a faggot and i hope turkey becomes one big piece of glass, along with any other islamic countries.
but hes pretty aesthetic.
Call them ISIS like the rest of the world.
People don't like getting stabbed so much that they're willing to invest in infrastructure to prevent it. Same reason we put up planned parenthood clinics.
you don't have to share a boarder with them...
>unironically using the term "apartheid state"
>implying that keeping out mudslimes is bad
The Palestinians (which is a fake identity, they are just arabs) in any other period of history pre 1940's would have been shoah'd for their violent, insane, and niggery behavior. They should be thankful anyone every allows them to exist
no its jew and cia interest. isis is just cia backed forces
Thats a real photo. Which makes it so odd. Looks like a 1960s japanese new wave mob movie
*Isareli interest
Looks like some kino
The gun is shopped just a little bit on the photo to make it level with the paintings
"Allah Ackbar"
Gee, I wonder!
oh boo fucking hoo. if they quit acting like niggers they won't have a problem.
Alright wtf is kino?
looks like a fucking movie.
if anyone ever kills a politician and wears a suit while doing it they should instantly be pardoned
He did it for the memes.
Lurk more in Sup Forums.
claimed russia didnt support syria enough or some shit
He's trying to start the final war
CIA told him to.
It's a diet where you don't eat any carbohydrates
Sup Forums is trash
Where are the memes at ?!
Because the US is butthurt about the Syria peace deal it's not part of so the CIA triggered this jihadi fag and made him shoot up the ambassador.
i guess it makes sense to call them isis in an english speaking site. im jused to call them daesh because no one in the M.E. call them isis.
You mean keto.
Because religion of peace.
has he started the fire?
German word for movie. Used on Sup Forums to mean a film with high quality cinematography
There's movies, flicks, film and cinema, and then there's /kino/.
Are you big enough for Sup Forums?
he did it for the lulz
yes he is
Violent videogames. Everyone knew him as a quiet kid.
Goldeneye 64
Russian Ashkenazi Jews invented roach spray.
Great production values on the old ISIS advertisements these days.
Looks like a scene from a Tarantino movie
as a cover obviously, now whole world knows he's dead he can do anything
>The Palestinians (which is a fake identity, they are just arabs)
>The Germans (which is a fake identity, they are just europeans)
>The Poles (which is a fake identity, they are just europeans)
>The Italians (which is a fake identity, they are just europeans)
>The Germans (which is a fake identity, they are just europeans)
>The Portuguese (which is a fake identity, they are just moors)
where can i watch the vid?
Before you flame me, I don't watch news or social media