Tell your friends, tell your family...

Tell your friends, tell your family, tell everyone you know to CALL THEIR SENATORS and push them to block Trump by not confirming the Electoral College votes for him on January 9th when they meet to confirm them.

If the United States Senate does not confirm the votes for Trump cast by the EC, then the house of representatives gets to choose a president. Their first method of choosing when a candidate is below 270, is to choose the one with the most EC votes.

This is very important. If we can get the senate to reject enough Trump votes, then Hillary will actually have more causing her to be the choice of the house of representatives.

We still have a chance, but everyone needs to call their senators. Do it, Hillary can still be the next president!

Is this what Trump supporters actually want? To have not actually won because it was hacked? Hillary was actually the winner based on all of the exit polls and the snap polling that was conducted all summer long.

Trump has illegitimately won the presidency, and we need to petition our senators to block the electoral college's votes for Trump on Jan 9th. They can still change the outcome. Hopefully as more and more hacking comes to light, they will do the right thing.

Other urls found in this thread:

"Our Senators"

Dutch Bastard


A fuckin clueless cunt asking pol of all places and ppl to help ctr shill after all our work to get him in.

Just fuck off and ps stop pushing the alt right meme its getting older than the rage comics

Why should Americans give a shit what someone from the Netherlands says.

fuck off you stupid racist potato

Kill yourself you fucking beta cuck shill piece of shit. Trump is the president and nothing will stop this get over it.



Did you not see the elector who burned the letters of people begging him not to vote for Trump?

It's over. The left has failed. It's failed the people. It's failed to make the world a better place.

1) you're from the Netherlands. Fuck off with this "our senators" bullshit

2) if the vote were kicked to the house. GUESS WHICH PARTY CONTROLS THE HOUSE MORON

>more and mode (literally none)

Oh, (you).

>Did you not see the elector who burned the letters of people begging him not to vote for Trump?
source on that pls

I'd rather call you to tell you to fuck off with these bull shit plans that will never work. So shut your whore mouth.

You are dutch. Opkankeren

Jesus fuck why do you want to lose a 4th time

Haven't you had enough

The Senate doesn't vote to confirm the results moron. The Congress meets and the President of the Senate (Joe Biden) simply opens the votes from each state and tallies them. He doesn't have the choice to only count certain votes.

>Cuck toothpaste
Don't you have some Moroccan cock to suck off you fucking pussy. Your side is losing ground get used to it.

I can't tell who's trolling anymore

I hope Geert's death squads string you up on the nearest streetlight.

Cool, another chance to declare victory when this fails.

God I can't wait for the tears on his inauguration. Yes! you can stop him please have hope. The tears of disappointed sadness are the best and yummiest kind.

>a fucking toothpaste
nice pasta, but no.

WTF are you saying frog? you know the house decides should the electoral college tie? our house of representatives are controlled by republicans. They will confirm him.

The next four years is going to be constant bitching by liberals....i am so tired of it, don't they get tired of complaining?

Just drink it in senpai, get a bucket and savor the flavor.

You idiots don't know when to stop. Donald Trump is going to be the next president and there's NOTHING you can do about it.

>implying the last 8 wasnt full with conservative bitching

Yes, I knew you retards would cook up something even more retarded than muh faithless electors.

This.... Also it's fun watching grown up babies cry endlessly because they didn't get what they wanted


>our house of representatives are controlled by republicans. They will confirm him.

Don't they want them to pick Kasich or something like that? A republican, sure, but just not TP

Just Toothpaste trying to stay relevant again.....

Ga naar bed, Bilal. Morgen begint je taakstraf weer vroeg

The thing that really pisses the left off is that they are forced to et their words. For the past year they have been their usual stupid and arrogant selves, making constant predictions of a Hillary win, and insulting us, and Trump. They talked shit online, at work, with their friends, with their families. Talking all kinds of shit. Now, they know that they just made assholes of themselves. And now, in typical libcuck fashion, they make themselves look like even bigger assholes. People really hate it when they are proven to have been talking out of their asses.

>Trump is not going to be nominated
>Trump will not win the election
>Trump didn't win fairly because
>>muh russians
>>muh fake news
>>muh racism
>>muh DNC (((hack)))
>>too intelligent
>Trump will not win the EC
>Trump will not win because the senators will block him
You love losing, don't you?

We can still stop Drumpf if you do your part /leftypol/

>literally admitting to raiding


Nobody is raiding shit
Leftists have always part of the board culture on Sup Forums
The Trump cucks invaded our space and we intend to put a stop to it

Sir, this is a drive thru...

HA, where do you think you are?

He can't keep getting away with this.

>tell all your fiends, family

If I told that to my friends or family they would contact the state to 5150 my ass (Cali code for mas locos).

I know this is bait, but I'm getting tired of winning desu

Why are you still shilling, you toothpaste VOC cuck? And why do you even care about POTUS?

it is a repost from b


Low quality bait

Please no
I'm seriously tired of winning.

Haven't you read the most recent draft of universal rules?

You can't stump the Trump.

Are you meme?


I cannot believe you are stupid enough to keep this up.

Hasn't your head been damaged enough? Why do you subject your selves to continued abuse. Have you no shame?

You are just stupid right?


are people really trying this hard to block trump?


The eternal butthurt of your kind will never end, I assume.
Take a good look lads. We are going to bathe in this for the next 8 years.

You guys have managed to somehow become even MORE pathetic.


increasingly nervous man is back

>You love losing, don't you?

yfw this post makes you realize what Trump said.

>You're gonna be so proud because we are gonna start winning again
>we are gonna win so much
>we are gonna win at every level
>we are gonna win so much you may even get tired of winning
>and you'll say please please it's too much winning we can't take it anymore
>and I'll say no it isn't we have to keep winning we have to win more
>we are gonna win so much


I'll never tire of winning.

All I do is win

Of the faithless electors on Tuesday, not a single one changed their vote for Hillary. All voted for someone else. Three for Colin Powell. One for Faith Spotted Eagle (some abo leader). One for Bernie. One for Kasich. And one for Ron Paul. Three others wanted to change their vote from Hillary to someone else but were disallowed (alternates brought in), one guy decided not to go faithless after initial trying to. My interpretation of this is that the EC people were very pissed off about the left's attempt to get them to change votes.


That would be a surefire way to lose re election, especially since a lot of Representatives who got elected did it on the back of Trump and his message.

Also, only two of those were Trump electors (votes to Kasich and Paul instead, both from Texas). All others were supposed to vote Hillary if they followed elections results.

Don't worry, user, I noticed your get. Way to go!

Give it up already.