Why does Europe freak out so much over terror attacks that kill a single-digit number of people? The refugees are a boon to their economy.
Why does Europe freak out so much over terror attacks that kill a single-digit number of people...
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no shit this kike is thinking of money rather than people's lives.
You are right, it's like freaking out because of 9/11, entirely pointless.
Also this will be a 1 post by this ID slide thread.
>let an animal rape your wife and destroy your home
>terror attacks that kill a single-digit number of people
>2 posts by this ID :^)
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
>just calm down, IS will get bored soon and stop
>the economy is more important than human lives and the economy is actually still doing fine
Who could be behind this post and why is Sup Forums always right
w2c Jigsaw balaclava?
this, conservashits are just looking to capitalize on people's fears. They really think they will come to power lol.
>look people, dying is a small price to pay for the benefits of diversity?
>what are those benefits?
>stop being a bigot
Our elites want us dead, marginalized and miserable.
Link to article: haaretz.com
Fucking... God damn Kikes.
>Gas All Jews
>Nuke Israel
>Push any remaining jews into the dead sea
So fucking easy to say this shit when these kikes are holed up safely in their bubble. Fuck you Kikes
>yes we can live with terror
>until myself personally is affected
fuck me i hope that article is satire. seriously stop posting this shit i get wound the fuck up and stressed, i dont need this
>The economy is not in danger
Ah why didnt you say so?
I love Islam now, as a matter of fact why dont you bomb us too a little bit?
We could really use the unemployment drop
Every time. Every fucking time.
Oh Jesus its haaretz. Look I'm a hardcore right wing Jew and I hate that rag. Its a fucking troll publication supported by the worst of liberal diaspora.
And as my work colleague Tariq once said
> you people in the west are idiots, we will never be happy with you giving us your arses. We will just say it wasn't enough and demand more. Christian lambs are easy to take to slaughter, they don't fight back.
Believe it or not I got along well with him. He is the guy that redpilled me more than anyone. Wonder if he's slit his wife's throat yet? Always said he threatened to do this to her.
>The refugees are a boon to their economy.
Oy vey, teh economy is still good, let them kill until we start losing some shekels.
How can anyone rationally say you just need to shut up and deal with the threat of Islamic murder every day
What the fuck
Every time...
And remember kids
Relax goyim just keep dying for no reason, you wouldn't to be accussed of being racist nazis now would you?
lol a red pilled kike is kinda like a human nigger.
Give away all your shekels and BTFO
Why haven't we declared war on Jews yet?
As if terrorism is Europe's only problem because of islamic migrants.
Fucking hell, please stop making Sup Forums right...
I am literally Reiching right now
Amazing that the kikes are even hiding it at all anymore. It used to take 2 or 3 news stories to see the agenda, and now it's multiple times in every news story.
oy vey goyim you can have terrorism yes good goys
Guys the GDP is fine, so no problem :)
I know that a dozen people getting murdered in the street is just another day in burgerland but in civilized countries it's quite shocking.
>The refugees are a boon to their economy.
broken window.
With the lack of guns, Europe is incredibly boring so this is the most interesting thing in a while.
We usually watch your country for our entertainment.
>This can't actually be real
>It fucking is
I swear to fuck, I didn't always use to be anti-semetic but the fucking nose people are really making it difficult.
LOL Wrong! From 2 mil refugees, 50 got jobs this year.
Would mr Rosenberg be happy to offer up his family to terrorists as long as it kept the economy going?
woah sick pattern
>Yes goy, but the damage they've done to the country means that you have to spend your money to fix things, boosting the world economy. You wouldn't have given those shekels to me othe- I mean, you wouldn't have boosted the economy otherwise!
>Europe can live with terror
>David Rosenberg
Pol is always right.
severely underrated
(((((( D A V I D ))))))
If it's such a good thing, why don't they have more than just a "boon" or "boom", just open your borders to China, India (all of asian), africa, south america and the whole world?
>a boon to their economy.
Only to banker jews who get the shekels the government has to pour into these people.
>Majority control of the Executive and Legislative branches
>Will control the Judicial branch for decades
>Majority control in a majority of state level governments as well
>Conservatives wont come to power
I thought I'd get tired of the Hillshill tears by now but I'm still so thirsty for them.
>are a boon to their economy.
that's a fucking Ponzi scheme
I wonder if he thinks that Israel "can live with" open borders?
>Europe Can Live With Terror
There's nothing worse than them in the entire world.
Traitors go first.