What's his problem? Is Stefan a pro-life cuck?

What's his problem? Is Stefan a pro-life cuck?

Her parents probably think the same

Most pro-choice people just tolerate it, they're not happy about it.

Wanting to kill a fetus on purpose is 1000% degeneracy.

this, I only had four abortions throughout my life. But only because I simply didn't have the means to raise a child. (((Dunham))) is fucking disgusting.

Forgive me Sup Forums but in the name of Christ does she get a platform?

I do not understand who actually gives a shit about what she says, and why she gets any attention at all.

She is just like that screaming drunk girl at a university party that is not getting enough attention, so she shits on the bathroom floor.

Is this a yank thing? You have to acknowledge every imbecilic opinion?

She does provide a lot of material for Steven Crowder however.


Sadly no, they are as much degenerate jews as she is.

implying Lena even has sex with guys. she clearly fucks dogs.

Its fucking degeneracy if you look forward to having an abortion, abortion shouldnt be something the person looks forward to.

>being "pro-choice"

What are you gay?

lel what?

stop having sex you whore

>four abortions

What the fuck

You do not deserve a uterus

Fat bitch will have to find someone who wants to impregnate that thing first.


A lot of posters here are still too blue-pilled to realize abortion is pushed by marxists to destroy the birthrates of the West.

well she could abort herself at any time if she really wanted to

>Planned Parenthood
What's with this name? If pro-choice people want a planned parenthood, why don't they just wear a condom or take birth control when they fuck?

>Actively wanting more nogs, tards and feminists born

The christian "right" is cancer

Most men can't control their lust when they walk into a semen demon such as Lena DunhahahhaHHAHHAHAHAHHAH

The irony is that people who push "family planning" are folks who end up never having kids(thus contributing to the birth-rate problems of white countries).

she's going around trying to justify her mental illness.

Earth is overpopulated and only certain populations (old world mono-ethnic people) really NEED to have kids

It's fine to terminate a fetus here in the US because having a child can be a terrible idea. Only Judeo-Christian neocons care about banning abortion, normal rightists don't especially since aboriton is great population control for darkies. Sadly Sup Forums has been flooded by such fat kosher conservatives in past years

Africa and the muslim world especially needs abortion

>I wish I had

She needs someone willing to fuck her first

>murdering another human being just because it happens to be within your body is a "choice"

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Abortions Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Use A Condom Like Nigga Don't Have Sex Haha

Lousy bait

her first child will always wonder if their mom murdered their older sibling or not.

Plenty of Americans (I just live here) have yet to learn that 99% of the people they don't like do the things they don't like just to get attention.
If people had ignored Anita Sarkeesian she would have slunk off to something else long ago, for example.

No Lena clearly fucks young girls

Good luck actually having a kid without having a miscarriage. On one hand it sucks for the unborn kids, but on the other hand being dead might be better than being predestined to being screwed up by irresponsible unfit parents.

>I wish I had
Code for she wants the dick but ain't getting any.

>Earth is overpopulated
>Falling for the Overpopulation meme
Pal, the birthrate for 90% of the world has been below replacement for a generation and the earth is nowhere CLOSE to its capacity.

No one likes abortions. Most of the people who want abortion to be legal hate the idea of abortion but feel it is a necessary evil.

She is being a cunt and really the caricature of the crazy feminist woman who thinks having abortions is something to brag about.

It would be like being a pro 2nd amendment person and being at a shop and overhearing a person unironically bragging how awsome a gun is because it's the same model the sandy hook shooter used.

Lena Dunham is a disgusting subhuman who should be treated as such by all of society.

an abortion is a traumatic event and this is the equivalent of wishing she had experienced the death of her parents at an early age

which is insane

I'm pro-choice btw

>Woman who had four abortions posts on Sup Forums
I believe it.

The North American christian ""right""" is degenerate garbage. I understand why something like the alt-right came around, educated rightists want an ideology with no connection to Shart-Mart-Christians

West Africa has fertility rates as high as over 7 TFR in Niger. Those are just countless niglets who will grow up trying to flood into Europe

but the majority of abortions in the west are done by minorities

>Only 4

I wish we could all learn to ignore attention whores

I havent had to force any of my girlfriends to kill their unborn children yet, but I wish I had.

Only in America.

In Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Europe, it is white people who get the most abortions.

>only because I simply didn't have the means to raise a child
Then you turn the kid over to the state or an adoption agency. Don't fucking kill it ffs. You're like one of those people who stuff unwanted puppies into a garbage bag and throw them off a bridge.

Is it "this" Lena Dunham ?

Look I'm not a pro life user but that is fucking degenerate as fuck. Abortion is the last option. It's not like supposed to be like taking a dump.


Men can't have abortions you shitposter

>what is adoption
>what is not having sex
The pot calling the kettle black

>Recreational abortion is now a reality
Golly gee, what a time to be alive

kys baby-murderer

Oh, I don't. But I still oppose the idea. If I could I'd make it illegal for whites only.

Even if you're not pro-life (which stefan is) wishing to have an abortion is pure degeneracy.

oh look it's a stormfags don't know what the word degenerate actually means thread

This meme about how Anita Sarkeesian would be ignored if people hadn't criticized her needs to stop. She was paid over half a million dollars to make that piece of shit series.

Is it this easy to bait Sup Forums?

>Recreational abortion is now a reality
>Golly gee, what a time to be alive
Well, at least mammal Balut is going to be super-cheap

>tfw we are probably not too far off from that

I'm convinced Lena is autistic. How can anybody think even half the things she says and writes about is acceptable to share in public?

wtf i love abortions now

> Anonymous (ID: mruNXPGB) 12/20/16(Tue)14:41:14 No.103779643▶ >>
>its another "the board that calls themselves superior" falls for the bait every time moment.


Then they can close their borders


>thinking neoliberals like Dunham are socialists

Abortions kill a lot of niggers.

>I still haven't ended a human life, but I wish I had.
What a good and open-minded person!


if you cant get a man to have sex with you its hard to get an abortion.

You mean christians. Stormfags are pro-choice. Christians have been misusing Sup Forums terms since arriving here

He's right thugh


Wanting to have an abortion for the sake of it is degeneracy you fuck head.

>I wish I had ended another human's life
What the fuck is wrong with these people?

Abortion should be a last resort, not a form of birth control or something to brag about. That's when it becomes degeneracy.

Screencapped this based Aussie for the best explanation of Lena Dunham I've seen to date

It had less than $1000 when Sup Forums started posting about her. And by Sup Forums I mean "her posting herself on Sup Forums".

Clearly she was quoting her mother

You should be killed, I hope some nigger you fuck kills you.

Is Ms. Dunham implying she's like to get laid but no one will have her?

>But only because I simply didn't have the means to raise a child.
You American swine. People raised children during war just fine and you are complaining now whore? You get 3 times money on your walfare than I earn in my full time job!

You were the one who should have been aborted

What's degenerate about a woman wanting to exercise her rights? Would it be "degenerate" if she said "I still haven't voted, but I wish I had"?

Abortion is the initiation of force AND parental violence against their offspring. Of course he's pro-life

Why would you care? Nobody in Poland is going to want 4 more Americans born into the world


I'm gonna call it - she's gonna announce a sabbatical within 3 months because of "stress", and it will come out later she was either hospitalized or in rehab.

She's eithe roff her meds, or hitting something hard, she's losing it. She's a national joke, and it's grinding her down. Which it should.

Just watch. She's gonna snap. She's close. It's ramping up, the comments about this are universally "What the fuck did she say?", even from liberals. Two liberal women on my facebook feed, who are STAUNCH "Muh reproductive rights!" women, called her "disgusting" and "what an idiot".

She's gonna drown her sorrows tonight in baked goods and prescription pills.

She's not done...yet. But she's on her way. She's on her way to a public snap where we may not ever see her again.

We can dream. Right?

wew can't belive this bait is working.

What's degenerate is the cunt is acting like it's a badge of honor, or a fun, empowering thing to do on a weekend, that you post on Instagram, like going skydiving, or swimming with dolphins. She's saying she's jealous of wome who've had abortions, like they're playdates - they're extremely difficult choices for most women, and she's completely negating that.

It's one thing to say you're for the right to use the procedure. It's another to make it look like some thing women should all do to gain some sort of respect or trendiness or social standing. It's repugnant. It's irreverant, about a very serous decision. It removes the respect of live, and ending the possibilty of one.

She thought she'd be "cute" by saying this, but even the pro-abortion women are appalled as fuck she said that.

You're on the wrong side with your bait, pal. She's going down for this one.

>implying any man wants to procreate with her in the first place

this isn't even good bait

t. bait connoisseur

she has a bf

no I can't imagine either

In short, she trivialized other women's pain, and made it all about herself, like the narcissist cunt she is. Not "narcissist" in she's an attention whore, I mean clinically diagnosed narcisstic personality disorder. She reeks of it. (Along with thigh sweat and yeasty vagina).

Her bofriend cried with her election night.

He might be a boy. He might even have male genitals. But he's not a man.

A man would never settle for a hog like this.

i wish her mother had an abortion.

you're also degenerate, but for entirely diff...
this was a bait wasn't it...
i fell for it, 8/10 would bite again.

>he's not a man
having definitions of gender that transcend beyond biological sex is not very pol either

he has penis, he is bf


Is that because she's a disgusting hog of a liberal trash pile?

Or because she molested her sister and fucked her up for life?


>I only had four abortions