What would happen if someone bombed the fuck out of this place?

What would happen if someone bombed the fuck out of this place?

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wwiii and muslim chimpout

Why would Nintendo chimp out over Mecca getting bombed?

idc how many allalhuh ackbars they will do it would be glorious to take their msot rpecisous toy away

Ever smash a bee hive with a sledgehammer?


Fuck that, drive a truck into it...

I don't understand why planes don't fly over packed full of bacon and pig guts and just spray it all over the place and then fly into it blowing it the fuck out?

>Muslim chimp out
>hopefully Trump goes full apeshit and nukes the Islamic world

As a defense mechanism, the building releases a very powerful signal across the hemisphere to automatically detonate every Muslim. Many parts of the world would blow up with it.

>implying this isn't just an added benefit


Dumbasses fail to realize why they're out to get us. GTFO of middle east and stay out. You diddle their countries, you get more wars, you more refugees.

The US invades Iraq > an Iraqi nationalist movement turns into a religious one > spills into Syria > flourishes in country in midst of a civil war > causes refugees to run for their lives > enemies pose as refugees > 12 people get slaughtered in Germany. How hard is that to follow?

If the CIA were smart, they'd bomb Mecca but pin the bombing on ISIS (basically false flag), driving the entire Muslim World into a frenzy.

couple more terrorist attacks per year

Saturn would implode.

they would win

Too hard for the average American Sup Forumstard apparently

>we dindu nuffin the the middle east, all Germany's and muslim's fault


I swear some people need to get punched in the throat. The ones who listen to people like John fucking Bolton.

portugal why arn't you fixing my sink?

ITT: people don't realise that blowing it up is litterally what IS have said they're going to do, because it's idol worship and unislamic

It got destroyed a couple of times already.

Would be the best day of my life.

It would be the first step

Nothing, it's happened a few times already.

>muh white guilt

Funny how colonialism never had any negative issues until we destroyed our borders in the name of tolerance and diversity. The problem here is obviously not enough tolerance and not our failing borders. /s

Instant WW3.

Because we're celebrating our victory in the Euro 2016. Also eat shit frenchy. If you need someone to fix your sink, you aren't manly enough. That's why we fuck your wives while you're out while we fix their plumbing.

France why can't you please woman?

why not just repay?

why do ISIS pray turned to MECCA then?

WW3 and then everlasting peace in the world because no more mudslimes

just nuke it

You make that sound so simple.



You are one of the ducking people who needs to get neck punched. Your simplistic idiotic world view is the real cancer. If we hadn't redrawn their borders (Pakistan, India, Palestine, Iran, etc) over the last couple hundred years, maybe they wouldn't be out to get us. Even if we had kept our borders closed, they would have found a way to fuck with us as an oppressed society has always done historically. If we hadn't gone to Iraq, or Afghanistan, maybe just maybe the world wouldn't we be blowing up around us. Anyhow, I don't really expect you to understand you fucking degenerate kangaroo fucker.


Ducking auto-correct

Fucking 'tards, every single time a terrorist attack happens, it's fuck Muslims, fuck these sand nigger, but EVERY single time YOU DO NOTHING, just sit back in your chairs and chat shit on Sup Forums, nice......YOU'LL DO FOOKIN' NOOTHING..

Why would you bomb it? That would be mean.

Blowing up the box would basically cause all the world's muslims to deactivate and shut down like the droid control ship from the Phantom Menace

Don't they intentionally destroy and rebuild every so many years?

Dunno but itd be a laugh finding out


World peace

>invades Afghanistan and wrecks Taliban
>invades Iraq and destroys Hussein

You CLEARLY do not understand history, the Mussies have been at this for over a millennia. Constantinople, Spain, the Slavic countries, all historically taken by the sand niggers until we finally got our shit together after 400 years of crap and kicked them out.

As soon as they get ANY power they do this, they only reason they are sticking to terror tactics is because the arseholes cannot get an established power base large enough to take on the west, thus the far more underhanded tactics...

Jesus, learn history mate.

That stone is pretty important part of the pilgrimage afaik. Would be interested what they'd do if it get obliterated.

>wah wah wah white guilt kill whitey

Get fucked. I'm not paying for some shit my ancestors may or may not have done. Or else my grandchildren get to carpet bomb Mecca to dust in exchange for all the terror attacks today.

You're a little bitch with no concept of the tribe or state which has sustained humanity forever. Whatever we do in defense of our society is justified to prolong the continuation of our society. It works the other way, too, so the only "war crime" is losing. Everything else is justified.

do you really expect a bunch of basement dwellers to start a revolution?

Let it be then. Onto invading the next country. We'll only be closer to the end. Which is justified at this point with retards like you. At the very least I know with me gone, idiots like you will be gone too.

Muslims are already pissed off and attacking us for our perceived sinfulness and infidelity. If we bombed the most holy thing in their entire culture, every single one of them would get ready to throw down in a global holy war.

I know my history "mate." Going back in history that far is absolutely irrelevant at this point. You'd say they did those things as if no one else did. Europeans like the crusaders and people like Napoleon were just as savage. Only recent history is applicable. For the past couple hundred years we've been the ones fucking with them.

Seems a couple fools never heard of the Barbary Wars.

Letter from the commissioners [Jefferson & Adams] to John Jay, Grosvenor Square, March 28, 1786.

Soon after the arrival of Mr. Jefferson in London, we had a conference with the Ambassador of Tripoli at his house.
We [Adams & Jefferson] took the liberty to make some enquiries concerning the ground of their pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury, and observed that we considered all mankind as our friends who had done us no wrong, nor had given us any provocation.

The Ambassador answered us that it was founded on the laws of their prophet; that it was written in their Koran; that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners; that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners; and that every Mussulman who was slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.

That it was a law that the first who boarded an enemy’s vessel should have one slave more than his share with the rest, which operated as an incentive to the most desperate valor and enterprize; that it was the practice of their corsairs to bear down upon a ship, for each sailor to take a dagger in each hand and another in his mouth, and leap on board, which so terrified their enemies that very few ever stood against them; that he verily believed the devil assisted his countrymen, for they were almost always successful."

Muslims of North Africa were sailing deep into the Mediterranean to attack any merchant ship not protected by adequate naval forces. After the US gained independence, her merchant ships lost the protection of the British Royal Navy. A new country having never made affront to any Muslim of any nation found itself under assault by Muslims. The demand? Large, perpetual, annual payments to Muslim warlords for the crime of not being a Muslim nation.

Are you going to blame 8th century Brits for provoking the Vikings next?

>What would happen if someone bombed the fuck out of this place?
Camels will be a lot more expensive

what abou aleppo?
you think those terrorist attacks are for free?
its because of your fucking country, you kill people by the thousands in the middle east, and we pay for it
you shit

Can't they just make another spot sacred?

You are the real fool for attributing this to them for being Muslims. As if Muslims of the 1700s are the same people of today with the same monolithic characteristics. The absolute falsehood of your argument is to compare people of that time with now. Christians of 1700s were just as fucked

Muslims have spent the entirety of their existence attacking everyone around them in all directions. Theirs is an expansionist religion founded by a warlord who a great many followers wish to mimic.

Absolutely nothing good, and if you don't realize that it's not that you're a brain washed neo nazi, you're just not thinking.

why not even add in some sandmonkey flags, add fake mudslime passports to the plane in hope some made it trough the wreckage, and stage it was an attack from some other shite country.
and then deny any part of the attack
what would they do?
Attack the west no matter what?

user please
People never change.
Stop using words like monolithic..

>Muslims have spent the entirety of their existence attacking everyone around them in all directions

a retarded american shit telling me about history, why don't you go fuck yourself and look at about your own countries genocies, wars, slavery lies and manipulation?

fucking hypocrit american

and what is Aleppo?

Go back and reread you illiterate fuck. I was responding to some dumbfucks claim that Muslim are fucked now for the same exact reasons they were fucked in medieval times

that box is a cage that holds God. You'd start instrumentality

That's the wrong way to attack Islam. They are passive aggressive as fuck. Would play the victim card ten times as hard as they do now.

The absolute number one attack against Islam were the cartoons. The Muslim world went apeshit, and everyone else saw them as the cultists they are.

hearty chuckle

Muslims today are ideologically very similar to the Muslims of 1786, the relevant date for the first conflicts between the US and Muslim states. I seem to recall the Protestant Reformation Wars ending in 1648.

Virtually all wars waged by Christians since have been primarily political, not religious. Muslim conquests, on the other hand, have never ended. They began as soon as the religion was founded and continue to this day, uninterrupted for roughly 1400 years.

Dubya told them what would happen if another 9/11 event took place, it's on them if it gets blown to pieces by [spoiler][REDACTED][/spoiler]

I know, but I am concerned that with these idiot loudmouths yapping their fucking cunt holes we'd be even more fucked than we are now

user please
The only history i know about France is your desire to wave white flags. Your capital is not berlin thanks to "fucking hypocrit american"
Desu senpai....

All free people of the world would celebrate.

yes. this

more cartoon drawing and mocking their stupid values

but first we need to get guns- for when they come

your countries were literally founded on slavery and genocide leaf



They'll rebuild their stupid block. It's not that important. It's really just a glorified marking point.

You are right user
But you and your country are allready in a bad situation.
Time to start the fire.

World peace

user please
I got a surge of pride when you said that..
This is not how the bantz works..

They are fucked for the same reason, it's an expansionist religion founded by a warlord who a great many followers wish to mimic.

You clearly know nothing about US history. The US has committed zero genocide, waged offensive "preemptive" wars only in recent history (post WWII), and outlawed the slave trade as quickly as it could. Outlawing slavery entirely only took slightly longer for economic reasons and the fact we've never been ran by a dictator who could force such change on everyone.

Again you bring up 1600s and 1700s. Christians were just as fucked. People in general were. I do know that strict followers of Islam are out there to conquer. My argument is that if we stay in our corner of the world, don't start wars unless we absolutely have to, do good politics, and have a strict immigration policy which picks people whose values align with ours, only then we might have a more stable world.

but what if you turn that marking point into a crater?

>muh country of peace
go fuck yourself

It would make me fucking immensely happy if someone would.
Youre fucking retarded. Here have a seizure you guilt ridden little asshole

Muslims are just like the nigs in the U.S.

You can cry white guilt, systemic racism, we pissed them off etc but the fact of the matter is that some groups of people are going to be violent/chimpout no matter what the circumstances are.

Muslims chimp out and blow each other up just like blacks chimp out and shoot each other for no reason at all. The best we can do is keep our borders closed and not let the trash get inside.

God Himself would reward everyone involved

All of you that are saying that it would star WWIII, between which states specifically?

Because if it is a terrorist attack you can't accuse a specific country and also between who would be the war? between all Muslim countries vs the rest of the world? that would last no much time.

USA, Russia, Europe, Canada, Australia... etc.


Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt ?¿

Christians had pretty well calmed down on the religious front by the 1700s.

Considering today, let us ponder what would happen if every Western nation went full isolationism in regards to the Muslim countries of the world. Oh, right, they would still try to conquer us just like they always have for their entire history, long before any meaningful attempt to fight back.

If you don't want to learn from history, that's your sin.

Great argument.

check this list:

u'll understand what piece of shit you guys are

Its not, they still live in a barbaric society. They have not progressed at all and hold the same exact views they held 400 years ago. The quran is a book of ethics for war, Muhammad tells them blatantly that they should always be trying to conquer.

No I don't think we're quite there yet in America unlike Europe. I liked Trump for his non-intrusive policies. I really hope he doesn't start another war. Only then we're truly fucked.

With this statement, former colonial master, we agree

I wouldn't have to waste money each year and deal with the Saudi authorities then

Buub :DD

they'd create a death circle like ants do

then I may redirect you to this:

don't deny it you guys are assholes