
Sup Forums is 50% non white

Most lurkers here are black, asian, brown, arab, etc. To the point where at most times european background people are actually the minority on this board.

Testing. Testing. Roll call. I bet most people here are non-white

Other urls found in this thread:

slav reporting in

Punjabi here

97% white 3% shitskin checking in.

Negroid reporting in

That's too specific, you lie. At least 50% non white you are
my nigga

mixed race reporting in

B-but I'm half white, so it counts, right?

white boi here

You see that it doesn't count, so good
Eyyy my wigga.

90% of lurkers here are murricans.
Ergo, /pol is 90% negro.

non white with hottie euro gf here wassup. I shit on this board. This is where I come to take shit down lonely faggy albino betas throats.

Show me how you fight albino.

This is my thread now.

i'm chilean and therefore white

cuban-honduran/scottish here

Middle one looks like Dylan Roof

12% jew
24% cuban

reporting in

Go fuck yourself NSA.




scottish/italian canuck reporting

>Sup Forums is 50% non white
this is nothing new

Non white reporting.

Azteca blood. The warrior race.
3rd gen american so fuck you all . My family has been here as long as trumps.

My country god damnit and none of you storm, weenies will tell me otherwise .

And by the way. Whites are majority limp wrsted weak cucks that allow their women to ruin everything and then the cucked white male signs off on it.

You will NEVER see the warrior race let a women steer the fucking ship. NEVER.

Whites are more intelligent. Well, lets say a SMALL percent of whites are more intelligent. Then ere is a. 001% of whites who are damn well GIFTED. They are responsible for everything that is good and innovative.

And then the rest of the world (you and me) benefit from these gifted individuals. This phone im on. The computer you use. The internet we are communicating via.

None of you fsggots could ever in a million years contribute to the progress of the human race. Only. 001% of the BILLIONS of humans do so and the rest of us come along for the ride.

Thats the truth of it. The honest truth. We are nothing but apes living of the backs of a rew great men who keep building on the complex knowledge we wont ever fully understand


White ppl be like. "WHErE did we dun come from!? Was it you Odin? What about you Jesus Christ, did you dun send us white ppl herr? How we ever gon find out how we dun get here. Defeinitly did not come from no albinose. Welp. What a mystery. Stfu niggers, were superior you damn subhumans. "

Defective is the word you were looking for albino. Mutated. Degenerative. Diseased. Deficient. All acceptable answers. Superior? You leper? Nah.

You aren't living off their backs if you're not on social welfare, just their legacy.

I am white though...

Native born Briton, reporting inshallah.

mongoloid reporting in

Half Punjabi half Latino reporting and ready for deporting

Mutt reporting in....(life is suffering)

Those are albino South Asians.

You figure with over 1 BILLION people living in that toiletless society more birthdefects like thia would happen.

One of the few that can claim that meh legacy
Don't act superior. I'm punjabi, I know what it's like to be superior martial warrior race. It's still only just ok, lots of us share that background

But you're right, most of us are not white. Most of Sup Forums isn't actually white in any sense of the word

I agree with you though, the white germanics are gifted. But they're gifted in a hugely in-bred autistic sort of way. They'll have their .0001% that are the autists that transform eveything. But it's not worth their 99% autists that lack basic human sympathy and believe donating to advertisements absolves them of crimes. Can't blame em, it's their genetics m8

I look white as shit but i'm 25% italian 50% irish 25% german.

italian/german mix here

They are what your ancestors looked like albino. Stop cowering of the reality that brought you here. Stop being ashamed of the truth. You are what you are albino.

I love being white.


I'm like a quarter indian, and i hate indians.

Cant wait till youre all dead

>mfw albinos submitted and enslaved everyone else

You too are white, and a bad troll. Friend.

I think you're mad that you're fat.

You hate everybody.

No shit, Sup Forums is most international website on the Internet. Most people are not white, so most of Sup Forums is not white. It is a board of philosophy and politics, it transcends borders and cultures.

Neanderthal admixture added to paler complexions, paired with less sunny and milder climates.

Everyone but Sub-Saharan Africans have some Neanderthal in their DNA.

Turk reporting in

you act like i'm not on your side against Canadian Cultural Marxism, or that I haven't already subbed to BPS

Accept who you are and poo in the street,
My dear quarter pajeet

I don't care if people are white. I only care if they admit Christian European civilization is superior and to be adopted and imitated. That's all I care about.

Mediterranean, Greek olive color.

Half white half Arab here

I am half white and half Mestizo.

Full white, not, "American white."
Blond hair, blue eyes.

What the fuck is happening here?
A namefag posting normie tier posts

Sentient charcoal here. Put your dirty whitey hands on me and prepare to be blacked.

I am Chinese. I came here to steal and copy memes

Anglo master race reporting in.

>tfw pol is full of non-whites larping as white
really make you think

Yeah, good for you. No, honestly, I'm happy if you've understood your heritage and build from it. We are born into the place from which we can attain spiritual understanding.

Ultimately your race has brought disproportionate pain, anguish, and expansion. Thus, as the wheel of kharma turns, your homelands in europe will be invaded in direct proportion. I wish this was not the way, but this is the nature of the universe.

But it's a slow process. And karma is built to be negated. We're moving into a new age in which karma does not matter and people choose not to hurt eachother.

Europe is going to be conquered before this, because it is a slow process. But we're all moving towards peace.

2/3 of my best friends, and lovers, have been white. I'll die before I let harm come to people based on their race.

110% white slav reporting in

As is obvious from my flag, I'm a chink.

If you aren't going to be proud of being white, someone has to.

15 yr old Moroccan here.

>White slav




half haitian half arab here, check'em

everyone wants to be white
you can pretend here
Sup Forums's gift to the world

I'm not even for sure what I am. My mom has blonde hair and blue eyes my dad has tan skin, dark hair, and dark eyes. Not for sure really but the little that I do know is Anglo and German.

Slavery existed long before European people. It still exists, let's not forget Joseph Kony and his army of child slaves. He started another one recently...I don't know why the UN isn't stopping him.

Oh well. More dead niggers is always a good thing in my book.

I don't care about your friends or coalburners desu senpai. Live your life and hope we don't cross paths while spouting your rhetoric.

Your posts feel like a script also. Random open ended drivel that can apply to basically anyone replying to you, while simultaneously baiting others to respond as well.

Well done.

T. Ahmed
Slavs are the whitest white people, racemixed mong

Half German, quarter French, quarter (((Jew))) reporting in

The White Jew reporting in.

Im just sick of you leafs and want you to hurry and and lay in those things youre digging

There is no saving you leafs. Just die already so we can stop waiting for you all to kill yourselves.

TLDR: I'm just impatient

Red Pill (honest): Nobody wants to be white. To the point where everyone nonwhite takes pride in not being white

To the point where white kids hate being white, and identify with every other culture

Nobody wants to be white. It is an empty, meaningless existence

im brown. but my family is all white and i am mexican but my family has been here since the 70s im not at all mexican culture wise

>everyone wants to be white
which is why tanning doesn't exist, right?

Mestizos are also part white, as rapebaby degenerates from the Conquistador era.

Nice shitposting Justin

I'm berber therefor more white than most european posters here

Nobody want to be a white goy. EVERYBODY wants to be a white JEW.

I never understood this trend either. Tans used to be looked down upon in white society. It meant you spent a lot of time outside, which spoke of your lower class.

I tan very deeply for some reason, my kids all burn up in the sun. It's odd how genetics work.

The worst of the tanning trend are guido Italianiggers that hate other races, while being tanned as dark as the average American nigger.


REEE (((Soros))) GET OUT!!!

I do it better than you ever could. Or ever will.

Pray you don't meet me, your round white skull is the most satisfying to throw into a brick wall or window. You are weak. WEAK. Your women recognise this, and that is why you are so insecure. You will be exterminated

i dont want to be white i dont care. as long as you dont act like a retard people could care less what race you are. i speak english clearly and shit

Pure beady Anglo reporting in

Unlike some, I'm not racist, if you're right-minded and a good person I don't care what race you are. I'd rather have a hundred decent right-minded brown folks than one leftist scum traitor to humanity.

You do what better, amass child armies?

Probably, I value the innocence of children and protect them.


Then you're actually worth listening to

Run from Sup Forums!! Run from this place! There is no redemption, there are no redpills here! Only pain and loneliness and madness! Flee!

It did for Obama, do you think they'd let a full black be president? No way in hell.


I thought race was a social construct to you people. Hmm. How can racism be real if race isn't? Wouldn't that just make everyone an asshole...?

Fucking Keemstar looking ass


Iranian reporting

>11 posts from this id
JIDF working overtime tonight.

Moroccan reporting in.

>looking ass

don't use ass in this manner, it's a sign of a truly stupid person

I had to Google who that was, his nig-tier doodoo eyes aren't a white feature. He doesn't look very white to me either, more Puerto Rican or Arab.

who the fuck is "you people", race is a real thing but it doesn't determine who you are - that's leftist thinking, "dumb ole blackies can't tend to themselves"

Not being a shell viod of humanity, that is what I do better. I see your godless face, you are devoid of feeling, empathy, and hope. God does not resonate within your cold autistic shell, you are worth nothing but extermination.

You now this, it is inevitable. God has not smiled upon you in ages

Why is it always a leaf?

race doesnt exsist, what exsist is culture. if you are white and act like a spic or a nigger your no better

Genetic predispositions have a lot to do with who people are.

Gtfo Pajeet you nasty shit colored fuck. You all wish you were white.