This guys slaps your gf's ass. If you beat him, he wins

This guys slaps your gf's ass. If you beat him, he wins.

What do?

Other urls found in this thread:

dress up as a terrorist and take my gf hostage

It really impresses me how bad really Leaf posters are.

Gracefully let him win.

knock myself out so i win

*unzips dick*

Maybe this

Bring him to some mosque where he gets turboradicalized ubermuslim and watch him blow himself up in the canadian parliament.

how can that faggot ever intimidate anyone?

this is how real intimidation looks like

call him a bigot and watch him melt

Nothing, I have already won


Watch him fuck my gf.I know he'd rather watch so I win.

>how bad really Leaf posters are.
>American education

Kill myself then my girlfriend and we both win

If I don't let him cuck me, he wins

>beat ≠ shoot


Punch myself in the kidney, so he loses.

>This guys slaps your gf's ass.
Call him sexist and watch him apologize on live TV.

trick question, Mr. Prime Minister Trudeau would never disrespect a lady like that

>If you beat him, he wins.

tell him that im 1/173 black and call him a racist

Let him beat me, so I win.

I'll be laughing heartily on my own while he fucks my girlfriend like a LOSER.

make him fuck me in the ass so i win

>bringing your fists to a gun fight

Ask him if I can have a threesome with Sophie and my gf.

prep my self using his hand then fuck my self

Report him to the Canadian High Council of Feminism, where they sentence him to hang for misogyny

Make him suck my BBC like all Canadians do already.

Pour gasoline on him, set him on fire.

If he puts out the fire, the fire wins.

get gf to claim sexual assault since he slapped her ass

I have won him in his own game and proceed to become the next president of leafland

Get beaten up by him. If he beats me up, I win.