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Impossible, they don't exist in Germany.




inb4 sam hyde

Nice try Ahmed

This, it was probably done by a radical Ukrainian refugee.

See Germany, this is why you must close your borders!


Choose one.

Also who gives a shit about western Germany?

LOL, so they lost the actual terrorist responsible (which was just a diversion attack to take the dairy off the shit that happened to that Russian ambassador) and now they blame whitey?

COCK OFF LOL! This has the shitty writings of Mossad all over it, useless and can't cover their tracks. I tell ya you fucking false flag agencies aint got shit on the SAS/MI6 when it comes to fucking a nation up.

Step it up you useless fucks.


Nice bait for people unable to use a translator.
The article isn't even about the Berlin attack.

Slide thread, saged and reported

The UK is too busy spying on it's own citizens and trying to turn London into Nice to help.

Samuel Hydberg?


If you don't like to get web aids

What time was this published? I need a time of death for the German people.

dis' gon'b gud

You are now aware the original Paki they arrested and let go was the attacker

They just let him go to save face and pin it on a white guy


forgot pic

you know what i wouldnt actually be surprised

merkel is probably feeling the pressure now, any day there could be another attack and people will look to her, no surprise shed want to pin it on a kraut

Blatant fucking bullshit.

PSYOP in progress

It's not about the terrorist attack in Berlin

not related to berlin, some bloke robbed a kiosk


you're no fun. like all of Sup Forums

Holy shit. Has Meme Magic gone too far?

> Luegenpresse not showing what the guy truly looks like.

Here, I fixed it for them.

ISIS already claimed responsiblity.

Colour doesn't matter now. It's Islam to blame. He was radicalised by the increasing influence of radical Islam in Germany.

Thats not from berlin. Its just some random mugger from wiesbaden....

He looks like a character from Mount & Blade: Warband

looks like sam hyde

sam hyde

Sam Hyde

So a muslim with a dye job?

My id is cuq, wtf

Reports say he shouted "I will drink from your skull!" before fleeing the scene.

how is it even possible



this is for a shooting in weisbaden, OP is a faggot

>terrorist attack happens
>capture the right guy
>realise he's a refugee who came here recently
>realise that admitting this to the public would cause an uprising
>realise that you can't admit you doomed your country by accepting open door immigration
>realise that the moment the populace discovers who did this the far right and NDP get support
>free the refugee
>blame it on a literal Aryan

Holy shit Germany how did you get so cucked?

wait, so he is swedish?

Ahaha, Germany is definitely the South Korea of Europe. Remove your sleepy witch.

Jesus Christ, Thats Samuel Hyde!

Op is a faggot
>source is about a Mutter hat fron Wiesbaden, nothing about Berlin

*Mugger damn t9

you got it man

now how is this related to pizza

No fun allowed

They just released this mock-up

Now they're blaming this on Kurt Cobain..

It was a muzzy, just accept it.

wait a sec...

You are all retarded. You would believe anything op tells you, dont you? Just try a translator on ops source.
The terrorist from berlin is not the guy in ops picture

its also more obvious considering merkel is running again this election

absolutely disgraceful, but not surprising.


is that moot?

Unironically FPBP


I can assure you he probably already cut his hair.

This. This is manipulation. He assaulted a woman and was let free. If german justice did its job, he wouldn't have been free and able to commit this attack. They fucked up and they are lying to cover their asses. Don't let them get away with this, germanbros.

>>blame it on a literal Aryan

The real suspect is from Iran?


Another "David S."

There's already "tanned Germans". Why not "pale Syrians" too?

This is guaranteed to be what's going on.
There's absolutely no doubt the Pakistani mudslime they caught did it, but they can't admit it because Merkel would finally get lynched, so they're going to blame it on a white guy instead.
Saw this coming the second they announced releasing the mudslime that did it.

The terrorist is still on the loose faggot. The source op posted is invalid since its just a random mugger from Wiesbaden.

consider this

The Pakistani was responsible

Merkel didn't want to fuel anti-migrat sentiment

Merkel has meetings with several police and investigation agencies throughout

Suddenly Pakistani dude is innocent

Suddenly they are looking for a white guy with blues eyes.



The terrorist was followed from his truck by a german who called the police and continued following him at distance until police arrived and caught him. They DID have the culprit.

Another fucktard who cant use a translator. You fell for OPs nigger bait. That guy in his source is some mugger from Wiesbaden.

Jesus Germany.

Man plows into a group of people in a fucking truck and you can't find him?

Also, it may be the wrong portrait, it doesn't change that they caught him. They are covering their asses because he shouldn't have been free in the first place.

How does Nickelback keep getting away with playing live

Are you fucking retarded. Stop distrackting abu. The guy from the OP is a mugger...different context nigger

Are there any whites left in Berlin? This search could be a terrible waste of time.

It changes everything. OP is baiting you guys for a white guy which is a fake source.

see Or are you implying the bystander followed the wrong guy ?

Nope, they just did their usual "Take credit for others work by calling them a sympathizer" speech. It's a lot different from a reinvidication.

Hes a monster!

You imply that. But I KNOW that OP is baiting you fuckfaces for a white guy which is a lie.


Owen Wilson without the dick nose

Look I know I was baited by the portrait, I know it's unrelated. But the lorry driver was followed by a bystander, and was arrested. He had sexually assaulted women and police released him. It's a BIG mistake from authorities because he could do this attack. They are covering their asses and they are lying.

>You imply that.
What ? Are you trolling me or something ? YOU tell the paki isn't the culprit, so YOU doubt that the german bystander followed the wrong guy and got him arrested.

>YOU imply
Fixed, sorry.

Turkroach confirmed then.

surf's up dude


>i implied when
I you seem to lack the understanding of what i told you guys:

uh oh

I just don't know what to say at this point. I got it that it's the wrong portrait, yeah. Read my posts again and go fuck yourself.



you dumb fuck. thats wiesbaden and not berlin. a whole different case

>Look at this photograph


I see you failed again in geography achmed.

>Wiesbaden (ots) - (ho)Nach dem Tötungsdelikt am heutigen Morgen in einem Kiosk in der Rathausstraße in Wiesbaden-Biebrich, fahndet die Wiesbadener Kriminalpolizei mittlerweile mit Phantombildern nach dem mutmaßlichen Täter (mit und ohne Mütze). Die weiteren Maßnahmen der Wiesbadener Polizei nach der Tat dauern derzeit an. Nach ärztlicher Auskunft besteht bei den beiden Männern, die bei dem Gewaltverbrechen ebenfalls verletzt wurden, keine Lebensgefahr. Hinweise zur Identität der auf dem Phantombild abgebildeten Person oder andere Hinweise im Zusammenhang mit der Tat, nimmt die Kriminalpolizei unter der Rufnummer des Hinweistelefons (0611) 345-3103 entgegen.

Wiesbaden (ots) - (ho) After the killing in this morning at a kiosk in the Rathausstraße in Wiesbaden-Biebrich, the Wiesbaden criminal police are now looking for the suspected perpetrator (with and without a cap). The further measures of the Wiesbaden police after the act are currently ongoing. According to medical information, the two men who were also injured in the crimes of violence are not at risk of life. Information on the identity of the person depicted on the phantom image or other references in connection with the act, the criminal investigation department takes the call number of the reference telephone (0611) 345-3103.

Fag I am not gonna read your bait post and argue with you about something i dont give a fuck about. You were dumb enough to fall for the bait whereas Im not dumb enough to fall for yours

That doesn't mean the whole think is fake you fucking retard.

They really had the guy.

Yep OPs like is fake. Its about a whole different story. Some guy killed another guy in a kiosk in Wiesbaden.