You must provide sources and/or proof in your reasoning. Polemics will not be tolerated and will be ignored by me. Fedora posting will be snickered at.
Give me one good reason not to be a Christian
Other urls found in this thread:
That has nothing to do with whether you'd want to sniff her asshole or not
I don't have any good reason
looks like you're SOL op
> Jewish
> International
> turn another cheek
> Black dress is gay
I don't accept the resurrection.
>> Jewish
Christ was a Leventine Israelite. The term Jew was a Protestant invention. Not a molyneux.
>> International
That doesn't mean that Christians can't be nationalistic just because other countries are also Christian. Not a molyneux.
>> turn another cheek
Its applicability is not as wide or as univeral as you might think. Just because crypto-kikes like Merkel say otherwise doesn't mean that they represent anything approaching valid Christianity. Not a molyneux.
>> Black dress is gay
I can't. So you just go for it if that's what you want/believe.
Every person has their own way to go through life.
But I do. Not a molyneux.
> turn the other cheek
This. Stormcucks think turn the other cheek is equal to basically get buttfucked by whatever comes along. Its purpose is to forgive and let bygones be bygones within a reasonable frame, not preemptively giving up.
I already addressed this. Not a molyneux.
Because Christianity is universalist garbage that promotes weakness and poverty as virtues.
>Raising children is child abuse
Haha ok edgelord. Luckily you'll never have to worry about reproducing. Spreading your autistic genes is the real child abuse. Not a molyneux.
>an authoritarian dictator is who we should trust about who is "really" controlling us
>the church wasn't merely his political opposition
>a fucking image macro
Nowhere near a molyneux.
Those brown girls are pretty hot.
>the guy makes a valid point
>you throw an absolute shit fit, can't think of anything better than ad hominem and unironically end that with "not an argument"
Chances are you're not even baiting
Sorry, I can't even address something this intellectually impoverished. See other posts. Not a molyneux.
We can't convince you to not be a christian or not coalburn or not go vegan. It's up to you.
American "christianity" is utter degenerate trash though. One can like Christianity without liking the American kind.
You should explain what it's supposed to mean tho. Just mentioning the humble argument merchant won't make it clearer. There is one reason to not wanting to be catholic christian, if you don't like the church.
wearing a dress is faggoty but it is also against scripture
King James Bible
Deuteronomy 22:5
"The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God."
Orthodox and Catholics BTFO
Also not scriptural
>faith and works salvation
>an old virgin demands you kiss his feet and obey him above god
>vain repititions
>jesus is a wafer and you literally eat him
>sprinkling instead of submerge baptism
A couple of those are just Catholics but the point is they don't follow scripture at all.
>muh other cheek
not gonna worship a kike on a stick, ever.
No evidence whatsoever, why not be a muslim, buddhist, hindu? Because your parents were christian, nothing more.
how about you fucking kill yourself and stop shitting up this board with your garbage threads
If I wrote a book today that had an invisible man who lives in the sky,a talking snake,a zombie and a 900 year old man,how many copies would it sell?
>, I can't even address
Because it's true and you don't want to admit it.
What is with their mouths?
>sprinkling instead of submerge baptism
That can be dangerous, particularly anywhere that actually has seasons.
Pic related
>who compiled the bible you so love? (Before Martin Luther disregarded the warning in Apocalypses and took books out that didn't match his idiology)
>Who spread western aesthetics/ideals around the globe
>Who standardized the writing system you so love
>Who kept learning alive thought the dark ages, copying down and maintaining ancient texts
>Who began the university system, laying down the foundation for the renaissance
>The list goes on...
I'm staring to think its the same based macaco posting in dif threads.
All the copies. Especially if it also has plenty of incest, wars, and stories that don't make a bit of sense.
> self improvement and not being an asshole nigger
> now weakness
Go kys.
I read it 4 times before i realized
If you're a Christian, you can never be cast into a dark and eternal lake of fire, to hear nothing but screaming, and bump constantly into demons and their evil human collaborators.
You have to give that up in order to become a Christian.
Count the Cost.
It was finished and compiled by any who wanted it in the first century.
You're speaking of the bastardization and paganization of Christianity into Roman Catholicism as though it were not a horror show.
>not being a Lollard
>implying Christianity didn't stem from the Essenes.
If there is a God, why would he care about something as insignificant as humanity. "God" is really humanity or other human like beings which has ascended and in turn dreams of the past and future and all things endlessly and all possible outcomes. We are a simulation or a dream. "God" doesn't care about you. "Heaven" is joining the ascension and dreaming.
>except when its jews or muzzies...or native tribal cultures...or anything that isnt "white" in origin
I have people asking me: "whats agnosticism" just because i hate being associated with the nu-atheist fedora-tier cucks
Because it's kinda cucked when you read about it. If you don't turn your other cheek when your wife gets fucked by invaders you're not really christian. That's why I turned pagan. SNOW NIGGER SMASH
implying you can't read a fucking chart
>Posting a JIDF pic
Which version?
You posted the number one reason not to be a xtian.
You're missing the forest for the trees. In practice, most Protestant denominations in the USA claim to be "nondenominational" and be about a "relationship with God."
This is troublesome, because since there is no central body in most protestant flavors, there is no consensus on anything. Like a 7-headed snake, any criticism of protestant beliefs is met with "but MY church doesn't do that...they're not REAL Christians, u gotta find a REAL church..."
The Catholic church is the only one that unanimously, as a body, still stands for everything that makes Western culture great(again):
>Marriage between a man and a woman
>Not through faith alone, but faith/deeds (being a good person/respected member of the community)
>Anti-degeneracy in general.
Look at it through the clothing people wear to service. A "christian" church (most of them) has a more laid-back atmosphere, whilst in a Catholic church you will see people wearing their "sunday best."
Essentially this image
Because you have no proof to believe in it.
>inb4 tips fedora
Nice ad hom.
Reminds us that cross dressing faggots are an abomination. You already know that. They already know that. Spirits are pervert in their minds and eventually God gives them over to a reprobate mind.. Perverted thoughts continuously.
>reading from bottom to top
wtf is this shit
Wow, scripts.
I'm so impressed
>From Jesus
>Not Orthodox
An easy task.
>Christianity is not the one true religion.
>My proof is that I have been to the afterlife and know the religion to be false.
/thread, since you can't refute me any more than I could refute you if you were to say something such as "My proof of God is this extremely old tome, which is full of precisely these sorts of declarative, unevidenced statements of supposed truth." There is absolutely nothing about Christianity which distinguishes it as being more or less true than any other religion. To that end, there is no good reason to be a Christian instead of anything else, besides agreeing with its moral lessons, which by itself is not a good enough reason to waste your time in a church every Sunday when you could be feeding people.
Christianity is for women, cucks and 3rd worlders. Also useful as a tool for sociopaths to control aforementioned groups. In any other case (ie for humans) it is a burden and not a boon. OP is also a gigantic fag.
It requires not being a faggot, so it might not really be your thing OP.
>worshiping a dead kike
I can sin as much as I want as long as I go to confession!
a priest will seduce your children.
Source pls
High test thread
1. If you do you are a fucking idiot who will be purged on the day of the rope
Not a single Molyneux amongst you.
Back at you
Playing tennis
Double deuce
Glass of OJ
now what faglord?
You should join a fundamental non denominational church. Being a Catholic and believing your own works is going to save to you is going to send you to hell. Worshiping idols and the Pope is damnable start praying according to scripture if you want to obey God.
And we all know where reprobates go
Underwater pyramids.
hol up
>prove a subjective negative using sources
why can't mormonfags into logic
Well OP, I can give you a reason to not be christian:
You are a fag.
Christianity wants you to die.
Pretty simple, now get back behind the 7/11.
Nope. Im killing as many fun dies a possible on the day of the rope.
>promise of everlasting life, even without death
>wants you to die
Nice try, Satan.
>You must provide sources and/or proof in your reasoning.
screen shot or it didn't happen
-Well there is the problem of other religions
-The fact that a great deal of it can only be verified after dying
-Historical issues like the lack of evidence for foundational events like exordus
-problems arising from fact becoming myth
-The vaugeness and impossibility of verifying prophecies
Pic related, i'ts OP.
Being Christian supports the notion that Christian paedophilia rings around the world are ok.
Its not ok.
I can't give you one good reason. You should be a Christian.
The catholic church is cucked.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that worshipers have to be chaste.
Paul only suggested not marrying because it will become a distraction.
There is no (good) reason to. Christ is the Lord.
fuck that ill give you 3 why you should
Deuteronomy 32:39
See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand.
Amos 3:6
Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?
Isaiah 45:7
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
>Give me one good reason not to be a Christian
I don't want to. Faith is a precious thing. If you still have it, more power to you.