One of these threads

Lets have one of these, but instead of the usual opinionated faggotry lets go with where you have been and where you want to go.

Second post has template

Other urls found in this thread:,_Rome


I've only been to Latvia, but I would just love to visit Vienna.

Good choices except England. It's a fucking Caliphate, go to Scotland or Ireland desu.


Solid choices user

I've also spent quite a few holidays in the Czech Republic but probably not a year.


Poland - yes!
Sweden - no!


How was Germany? Did you study or work?

>love to visit Vienna

Might as well visit Baghdad desu

i actually wan't to visit Sofia as well, is it worth it?



>few holidays in the Czech Republic but probably not a year.

no thanks eastern europe

Almost everyone wants to go to Iceland, fuck yes.

Fucking hell... it was really nice, super clean and fresh, when I visited 15 years ago.

I recommend one of the resort desu. Borovets if you ski or Sunny Beach if you want to visit during summer.

Sofia is just a big ass city like any other. Some fine places to visit, but I would not recommend as the primary location. If you arrive by plane, check it out and then go to a resort than can work.


He means 'his trips do not add up to a year m8

how was turkey ?

>tfw the only out-of-country place you've been to is Toronto

ye but why come here repeatedly?
You need like a week to explore Prague and the rest shouldnt matter to you if you are damn tourist.


I went to Germany as an exchange student and lived there for two and a half years. I haven't had the chance to work though and i wanted to leave as soon as possible because of the refugee crisis.

>nobody wants to visit romania

save yourself like 1k holla dollla
buy a trip to Prague for a week.
Spend all the money on escorts.

Go back to Detroit and ponder about how much you nutted in those whores.

Maybe he likes it? Karlovy Vary is fucking awesome, for example. I'd visit every year for a week if I could.

Potato negro reporting

It'd be great to visit Sofia. Seems like a very lovely city.

Istanbul is loud and crowded, but overall impressive. I don't regret that I visited. It was years ago, the whole situation there wasn't as it is now and you could at least enjoy the stay. Nowaydays I wouldn't even consider being outside a city for even a day.

Both Estonia and Czech republic was way nicer than i thought they would be, cheap food, cheap living and nice people.

if you got the money now is the best time to buy a house there.
Property prices fell like by 30% in really nice areas from what I heard...
The Russians are leaving.

ahahaha Based Latvia posting just in time

Had to be done

Why did the prices go down> Why are Ruskies moving away?

Don't forget the cheap and yet good beer in the Chzech Republic. Even in prague it costs nothing compared to usual prices in Germany.

How was living here? What did you think of the country and the people?
Also what job do you hold that you lived in so many countries for years?


I went to Riga last summer, the old city was gorgeous. No offense, but the city did seem sort of worn outside the tourist district, though.

How's Lativa outside Riga?

I wonder what's to like about our country, besides the last bastion of the white race memes, it's a post commie shithole


From what I heard their business there went to shit.
They used to make mad cash on retard old German tourists who didnt know any better.

Now Vietnamese beat them with their superiour knowledge of Czech market and
started creating their own Viettown (The only Viettowns so far were in Cheb - where I am from, and Prague Sapa)

Why do you want to visit our country?

Prague is quite comfy. I even considered living there for a while.

The only reason I've even been to Sweden is that my sister booked up a trip and took me with her once. Most of the time I'm too socially awkward to leave my flat, but I do dream of travelling around the world.

What's wrong with England you fucking cunt?

Sorry we don't drink faggy fruit-based spirits like you and we drink an actual fucking man's drink

Fuck I hate Bulgars so fucking much

Damn. Nothing worse to see a resort going downhill.

It's similar enough to feel comfy and different enough to feel new and exotic, at least for me.

It's comfy.

nice post op

You all did, and now Prague is not Czech anymore.
The city centre is devoid of any locals, they all have been pushed out to outskirts of Prague by high prices.

Wish I got to see Prague before that happened.

what the fuck is wrong with cyprus lol

>Damn. Nothing worse to see a resort going downhill.
On the contrary. The Viets that are moving there are usually super high class ones.
Doctors, Architects, Drug dealers and so on.

They care about the city more than the Russians did.

That's what's wrong with it, Sadiq.

Thanks senpai

Greene King is actually the weakest IPA I've ever had.

>Italy needs to be cleansed
>according to wikipedia, the vast majority of italian population (92%) is ethnically italian
We're a secluded gem in this globalist world :^)

My parents where there during commie times several times. They have shown me pictures (black and white ofc) and told me stories, it was a lovely place.

That's an interesting development. Wouldn't have expected it. Nice, thanks for info.

Difficult to choose just five.

I'd like to go to bulgaria too! my geography sucks though haha

So what do u think about italy?


>implying degenerates limited to ethnicity
borders turkey, if they take back their island then it would move up to green

You clearly have never come here, mio vespuccino amico

You should definitely visit Estonia. Just take the ferry, go with either a few friends or maybe your sister. Have some cheap beer, some nice food, go walk around the old town and see some cool stuff, learn a little bit about Estonian history and maybe shop a little. It's not very expensive and you only have to be away for maybe 2-3 days, definitely a good way to get used to traveling.

It was amazing, people are nice, babes ar hot and country is beautiful. I worked in Dubrovnik, tourism. Same with greece and crete, UK/Ire shit jobs at warehouses, easy tho.
Hard to tell, havent been outside of only city that matters for years. Try ventspils. National parks were nice last time i checked.
historyfag. south slavic countries is interest of mine for some time.

remove paedo then i'll consider mario

is france south slavic? because i'd say it is


If you're referring to the church,
>implying removing the church makes you less degenerate
why do you think Europe is collapsing?

I hitchd there. One of the best things is that every fucking fruit grows there, so sleeping outside and foraging is way to go. Southern parts arent that dangerous mafia-wise. Maybe they are but didnt seem so. Friendly people. Maybe too friendly sometimes.

I've been to Vienna last year. The city was pretty nice. I'v been to this church that was completely empty and took a few pictures. Aside from 2-3 kebab shops, I haven't seen any Muslims. I actually bought some kebab to see what it's like. It wasn't bad.

>removing the church
remove paedo you retard. No true catholic would stand for dicking children. If you like that then you belong in the desert with the mudslimes

Go fuck yourself Dimitar

It's a session beer, it's not meant to be strong

We've got stronger beers too m'lad, don't worry

what do u think about my country ?

>tfw burger that's never been to Yurop
Wish I could visit you dudes

I've been to the US 4 times senpai, what's stopping you? 2 or 3k$ would be enough.

>nobody but the latvian wants to visit romania

hobgoblin is literally nu-male: the beer lmao

america is lit, now there are direct boston to lisbon flights

come to Portugal, it's super comfy here

>is france south slavic? because i'd say it is
You tell me. More muslim maybe.

scotland is the most degenerate place ever

can there be a USA map?

how do you make these map things?????

how so? still mad about the brexit?

>Hungary and Serbia need to be cleansed.
>Austria still worth visiting

Dumb burger.

It was nice. My only regret in my visit to Europe is that I was only in each country for a short time. As such, the only Italian city I got to see was Venice.

It was great, but I wish I had also been able to go to Rome. If I ever make it over there again, I definitely plan to spend more time in Italy, Switzerland, and Germany (if it's still around).


this and add birmingham, london and surroundings

>what is Graz


Open in paint and use the bucket tool to fill the country outlines

Might make one in the future

In rome see
And try local food like maritozzo con la panna ,carbonara and gricia



How was England?

I take it you lived in or around London?

What for, study or work?

How was it in comparison to life in France, better or worse?

burger bro here



>Crimea not yellow



Nice travel log, good coverage.

I visited it years before the annexation.