It's over. The idiot low-IQ white males of America literally just handed the world entirely over to the corporations. I sure hope you faggots stocked up on lube to go with all those guns, because you're about to receive a massive corporate dick up your asses for the rest of your lives. Nothing will ever get better ever again.
It's over. The idiot low-IQ white males of America literally just handed the world entirely over to the corporations...
Other urls found in this thread:
Implying the establishment choice Clinton was the better person?
>Implying there was a viable candidate
>Implying you retarded faggots didn't sing hymns to the corporate takeover of america
All of the butthurt it generated from faggots like you made it so worth it
>establishment choice
>Trump basically just gives Goldman Sachs the government
lel, literally like being asked to pick between which drug cartel is the least corrupt, except even more funny since there's at least more than two drug cartels to pick from
I hope you were willing to die of starvation in bondage for your trolling.
>Hey, you rightwing retards. Maybe it's a bad idea to create a capitalist caliphate?
You cut your own throat. And it wasn't even hard to make you do. You fucking idiots.
Don't forget Exxon and the MIC. I'm honestly surprised he didn't appoint a telecom CEO to boot.
The thing about a heavily armed population and tyrants is...ah...fuck it, this isn't even worth it.
I thought the military would be on trump's side? The fact is the population will never rise up and revolt so long as there's McDonald's and NASCAR. And by the time you decide to, it will be far too late. It was too late in the 90s. You're already dead and buried and don't know it yet.
>implying Hilary wouldn't have done exactly the same thing.
Dumb fucks all of you.
>tfw have good job at ultra large corporation
time to reap the wind peasants
Get ready for cyberpunk paradise, motherfucker!
>American white males hand over America to the corporations
Yeah right kid
What do you expect from spineless, raging idiots? A well thought out, risk aversion, educated vote?
lets not jump to conclusions
>blah blah blah muh hillary would do the same
She wouldn't. lol. And even if she did she is concerned with her legacy and career.
Sup Forums logic = I'm tired of politicians catering to corporate america / wall street. Hey lets elect Corporate America / Wall Street as president, they can't get bought out.
You'll be crying right along with us. Yes, even you, my CIA friend.
Of course she would have. Possibly not so blatant. Now lets talk about that whataboutism you keep spouting in service to the criminal nation of Russia.
No. I always knew the stupid would tear down society for a few sociopaths who wish to profit from it. That's the cycle of human mistakes that is history. This is possibly the last time mankind gets to have a global civilization. It's all downhill from here. And that makes the right happy. Too much thinking always made them uncomfortable. Too much technology, too many changes, too many new ideas. They wanted us all to go back to the dark ages where everyone was forced to believe the same and be treated as property. They just were so evil they didn't care how much they hurt themselves in order to hurt their perceived enemies that their low IQs would not allow them to understand.
Nigger, we already jumped off the cliff.
Actually, she probably would have, but almost certainly not so blatantly or so strongly.
but he's not even president yet how about you wait some time
Myopia. That's why everyone thinks people like you are idiots, You're not able to see past your own nose
I have my doubts too but I won't pass judgement before he even assumed office m8
Again, myopia. It's not hard to recognize the patterns, but again that's a gift of IQ.
my IQ is 144, measured by a real test
I'm simply saying you should wait a bit and see the effects of Trump's presidency before hanging him
Cool Story Bro, mine is 9000.
If it was, you wouldn't be paid to shill on this shit board.
you're to intelligent too post here m8
>trump is shit
aylmaoing at you right now.
that made me chuckle to be honest
Americans really have good sense of humour
but my point still stands, you're shitting on Trump and he hasn't even started his presidency yet
as I said, I have doubts too
There are people like me that would cut their own neck if it meant sawing through yours first.
But that's not what will happen. I'll watch you burn as you deserve.
What you retarded failures fail to realize is donald trump was my pick for president. Because I knew he would end you. I just wish you had never existed. If you hadn't, we could have had a better outcome.
Yeah, because picking people who know how to handle money automatically means the corporations are in charge now.
Using that logic the US has always been a corporate state since its beginning, or are we forgetting the fact that the administrations have been dominated by those who worked in high places in the private sector so far back it predates the office itself?
Shilldogs go home.
>what is TPP
Hillary wrote the damn thing, Trump publically states we'll withdraw from it on day 1
Fuck off with your concern trolling bullshit
He won't. Or if he does he'll just replace it with something much worse. Screencap this.
>More whataboutism
Wow, and we're seriously supposed to believe russia's not involved here? All shills on Sup Forums do is literally using soviet-era propaganda techniques.
>concern trolling
Also, what the fuck does this mean? Why do you shills keep using this phrase?
>He won't. Or if he does he'll just replace it with something much worse.
So what you're saying is he got the entire Democratic party, the media establishment and most of the GOP against him for literally no reason whatsoever.
God Shilldogs are stupid.
Honestly, I think that was half show, half idiots out of the loop shitting their pants. There is only one party in washington.
Well if it was for show, it was the most convincing show ever made, because even most legitimate rivalries had nothing on it.
>suddenly have a problem with collapse
>not seeing it as an inevitability
fuck you, kid
I've been warning for literally decades. Nobody listens. All my predictions have come to pass, except for the late-stage really bad ones. Those are coming soon.
>Blaming those with a low IQ for Trump winning
>Trump won college educated white men and white women
>Clinton dominated uneducated minorities
>The right wing is "intelligent"
No. Most people are raging idiots. But the right is wrong. Period. Literally everything they stand for is cancer.
Even if any of that was true, I would have still voted for it to fuck over the states on the coasts.
I hope you get hit by a car.
And yet those with degrees voted more for the right then the left.
And crime is lower in right leaning areas.
As is poverty.
And illiteracy.
And the dropout rate.
And the prevalence of STDs.
And violence in general.
And... you get the point.
Got lots of lube for my earthquake machine gf.
We will shake the continents to bits and then I'll get a death laser gf to finish off the stragglers.
>there are two candidates
>imply one is better than the other
this is not whataboutism, this is how a two party system works. you hysterical fucking liberal.
>because you're about to receive a massive corporate dick up your asses for the rest of your lives.
Lol I am that corporate dick, so why would I care?
Get fucked plebs.
Ehh, got any hourglass type inflation / expansion?
Yes it is, you piece of shit. And trump was clearly no better.
>A russian is literally trying to convince me that russian propaganda isn't happening here
You should have used a proxy at least. Jesus.
No they didn't.
You need to take your meds dude. You're going to have a stroke.
I literally just shoved my cock down your Mom's throat,shot a gallon of cum into her stomach,then made your Dad lick it up when she puked.
Good. Hitler Trump 2020!
No you're not. You'll be eating the dirt with the "plebs" you hate, you faggot.
We can only hope.
>No they didn't.
Yes, they did, you just don't want to accept the fact Trump won the college educated white vote.
corporations are ruthlessly efficient. a caldari style corporate government would have us colonizing the stars in only a few centuries.
/pol didn't learn dark magik from the Soviets but from the media. Trump might not great but he's sure as shit better than the alternative. If the left spends a little more time producing a plan to increase wealth and a little less time running the eternal oppression Olympics -with NO winners- they might be able to address a few of the valid concerns citizens across the western world have been raising.
At first, I admit, I found the complete cognitive dissonance funny but it's edging toward total mental breakdown: I'm starting to get concerned...
at least the buildings are still standing and dont need the day of the rope
what exactly is it that makes you think cankles is any less corporate than trump?