My undocumented Hispanic cousins found this on their property when they woke up today.
This is the hate that places like this website have enabled through Drumpf. How do you people live with yourselves?
My undocumented Hispanic cousins found this on their property when they woke up today.
This is the hate that places like this website have enabled through Drumpf. How do you people live with yourselves?
They have to go back
>implying this isn't fake
>illegal immigrants known to the public and community
>not detained and deported by the state/federal authorities
Why do you think he was even elected?
So... this is... Trump's America.
apparently it's too much trouble for false flaggers to draw a proper swastika in a square pattern
I thought liberals were supposed to be higher IQ?
They did it themselves for attention and to cause more anti trump sentiment
Hey rabbi, whacha doing????
>My undocumented Hispanic cousins did this to their property when they woke up today.
Nice swastika faggot. It looks so real! It's not though, fuck your little kiddie fake news. It's getting really sad.
I found a dead bird. I blame you. How do you live with yourself?
lel, its so obvious its fake, just like the jews spray swastikas on shit
ffs man put some effort into it
And? How will you feel when your guests overstayed their welcome in your house and now they're acting like they own the place? Kill yourself faggot
No fucks given.
Your friends are criminals and cheats
whatcha doin, spictellectuals?
They are breaking the law and deserve punishment.
Your cousins will pay for their crimes.
Your cousin is a criminal by default and needs to leave
>"their property"
Excuse me, what property?
your cousin should go back and try coming here legally
Hey Gonzales, whatcha doin'?
Fpbp build the wall. MAGA
>you will presence the fall of the USA empire
What a time to be alive i hate this shithole
with thunderous applause
rare desu
>their property
Yeah no
at least google a swastika before attempting this shit
Name qnd address of your "undocumented" cousin plz. I will send help.
>How do you people live with yourselves?
Not realizing we don't live with ourselves but with our mothers.
0/10 shitposter.
>you people
I have my own apartment and a job even.
wtf i hate nazis now?
Trump voters think the reason their lives suck is cuz ur senpai.
HOAX.. just like all the rest of them
They just false flagged this so they could feel at home. Poor mexcrement, always a victim, never capable.
spastika thread?
>that swastika
If your illegal and are being harassed by Trump supporters call 1-866-DHS-2-ICE they will help you.
>How do you people live with yourselves
Well I sleep a lot better now that the fucking spic family next door have been dragged out kicking and screaming by ICE. Only took one phone call, what a surprise!
Wait a minute, that handwriting...
>deported on the spot
Oh boy
Hoerl Hortler!
T. Tacomanlet
This is obviously the work of a manlet or a normal sized girl. A White Man would have sprayed the swastika at around eye level for a normal man.
Also the poor craftsmanship tells me there was a nigger involved. Case closed.
Russia hacked that graffiti
hay paco, whacha doing?
How hard is it to make a god damn swastika
What are "things that never happened" for 500 Alex.
Fake and gay. Saged.
Why are these notes always crumpled? Who would do that?
Not my countrymen. They could've been dragged out of their beds and slaughtered for all I care.
Looks like a spic wrote that note. This is a taco paco false flag