No fap

Have any of you guys ever successfully completed no fap. The longest I've gotten is 3 weeks and as a Catholic it's clearly a degenerate thing to do.

Anybody know any Bible verse, political reasons, or scientific reasons to help people (including me) to stop masturbating or just some plain advice but then again his isn't /adv

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Forgot to factor forearm strenght

>and as a Catholic it's clearly a degenerate thing to do
Compared to getting off in little boys?

Someone shop that pic so the masturbator is easily pulling himself up with his HUGE left arm.

>not on the same level as mudslimes


No masturbation = HIGH ENERGY

How do you think Trump had such huge energy? No sex , no masturbation for the entire campaign ( well probably some sex after he won the republican nomination)

>haven't fapped in 3 months
>drinking at friend's house
>crash on his couch
>have a wet dream
>wake up with buckets of cum in pants

Yeah but as a masturbator I could pull myself up with my superior wrist strength. Checkmate christcucks.

the masturbator won't need jesus down there because he has the arm strength to push himself up.

And I don't know why catholics care so much about masturbation and so little about fornication.

just becase she is your wife doesn't make it right to be fucking her just because it feels good.

>Being a Cucktholic

Masturbators have superior grip. They don't need Jesus.

No masturbation only leads to more uncomfortable boners and lowering of expectations

someone needs to shoop some Dakimakura under the masturbator

in the real world, protestant countries are the ones getting cucked.

>Not cucked

I got to about 5 weeks but I've never worshipped a Jew.


Let's not forget the part where God put you on that cliff and pushed you off in the first place, only saving you from a punishment he invented if you do exactly what he wants which no one seems able to agree on

what do you mean by this?

Germany, Sweden, US, UK, all protestant, all super cucked my migrants.

France is the only catholic country with problems because they have the highest percentage of atheists in a catholic country.

I did 4 months once, but I was on ativan and other scripts the entire time.



Nofap just makes me too fixated on getting laid if I don't have a proper outlet to channel my sexual energies

It's tough man. But I do feel a lot better when I nofap. Usually when I fap it just makes me want to fap more and more and remain in that perverted state of mind, whereas nofap forces me to get pleasure from actual women

So tl;dr it's beneficial but difficult and distracting if not done properly

Good question. Ask the Borgia family.

Come on man don't say that.
He rammed the entire GOP really hard right up the ass this entire election.

That's actually true btw... but doesn't that means that you are bad catholics ?

>he doesnt fap with his right arm

>if you don't masterbate jesus will save you from cliffs
>if you masterbate you have the grip stench to save yourself from cliffs
Checkmate christfags

The masturbate would have enough arm strength to pull himself up.

doing it with your left lets you use your mouse at the same time

The only reason to go no fap is if you've decided to actually start having sex. You need to choose one or the other. If you choose to fap, you choose to be a slave to your own impulses and whatever feelings hold you back from experiencing true sex.

If you wanna get ripped, do exercises for every sexual thought in your mind that comes up

What a loving and caring guy.

He's willing to let you die if you touch your wee wee once.

I've been trying but haven't made it more than four or five dayseach time I've tried.

I thought i was the only one. Righty for everything else.

doubt there's any scientific reason to stop, only when it comes to pornography.

I don't know...
We actually doubled the quota of migrants comming to Portugal because we thought we could welcome more...

I think that what is better for Portugal is that those who end up here really just want to get away from the middle east instead of being your average economic migrant catching the wave.

I don't do nofap only because if I do I don't last a long time when I fuck my wife. Sex that ends in a few minutes is no fun even if it feels amazing. If I fap regularly I can last 30-40 minutes. Usually only go for 15 because wife gets tired.


this, men now adays think the two are one in the same

hes offering to jerk off the non-masturbator for him thats why hes reaching up to him like that

If a man can stand just below the cliff, why would you worry about falling ?


good job

>Fapping with your right

Subhuman detected.

When you're a leftie and discover internet porn, that's when you realize you're part of the masterrace.

>he wasn't born into the left handed master race


left hand on dick
right hand on mouse

I'm actually right handed, but I'm so used to masturbating with the left that it feels weird if I do it with the right.


2 year streak.
If the Rosary daily isn't working, do the St Louis de Montfort concecration.
Pro tip: it won't fail

Masturbation is a sin because sperm is the most sacred substance your body produces and spilling it out is wasteful to nature. Also, if you don't use the sperm to make sperglings, your body can use it to build the astral body which will exist after death. Source: tantric sex and esoteric stuff (gurdjieff) (zoroaster)

> So whenever he went in to his brother's wife he would waste the semen on the ground, so as not to give offspring to his brother. And what he did was wicked in the sight of the Lord, and he put him to death also. (Genesis 38:8-10)

You fap you die user

no wtf
I love jerking off

Rosary really helps if you do it in the mornings.
Have never masturbated after saying it devoutly.


fapping to porn fucks up your libido and makes it so you can only get hard in front of a computer screen.