Buddhism = best religion

How come no one on Sup Forums is acknowledging that Buddhist is the best religion and that no other religion can even compete?

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Buddhism is kinda useless for national/ethnic identity, so no real place in politics.

Mods seem to not care about religion threads lately, so why the fuck not? Might as well rile up some Christians and Jews.


I meant noone talks about it because it's not an effective tool for advancing any agenda.

taoism is not really a religion but whatever it is it's truly the best

>if i eat the tiger cock i gain its powa

its garbage dude

why do you think it's the bst ruskie bro

Buddhism is one of the closest t8 atheism which is why its the least idiotic, but also why no one cares

It's not a real religion, it's a death cult with nothing to unite behind except death. The pursuit of nirvana is denial of life, the worship of death.

Nihilistic philosophies like Buddhism are only helpful for those with the strength of conviction in their real faith to face the void, for most it only helps justify their degeneracy and drift away from God.

the fuck are you talking about
if we're talking seriously i'll have to rephrase, since 'best' doesn't really mean anything.
but basically it's the answer that makes the question disappear

Taoism is superstitious nonsense, they believe in luck, and pervert buddhist concepts.

It's the reason chinese people consume tiger penis and shark fins, they think it gives them power.
They also buy charms and hexes.

Taoism literally exists so that opposing political parties could use it to undermine Confucianism and sway political affiliations. Get fucked.

I'm atheist and can confirm Buddhism is based AF, me and my friends always discuss the Buddha's teachings at my local coffee shop, it's awesome! It's also not a religion btw, it's a lifestyle

well i didn't get that from what i read but i think lao tseu wouldn't force you to eat tiger penis if you don't want to

probably because Buddhism won't provide moral cover for Sup Forums's racism and contempt for others

Buddhism is a non-ideological religion and so doesn't really fit into the topics discussed here.

It is the true path tho user.

The way. The middle path. Complete harmony with yourself and nature.

Strive for complete control over your life in line with the universe.

ikr :DD

>Buddhism is the best religion
it is not religion a all
lurk moar

Pretty based, at least.

Can someone post the webm of a buddhist monk talking shit about muslims and comparing themselves to sleeping next to a rabid dog or somethingortheother?

Why not Hinduism.

>even buddhists go into killing rampages when they're black

Not garbage. "A man Must be like An in carved block of wood"
"Best way to deflate a balloon is to keep inflating it" etc.

Buddhist and racist nationalist checking in

buddhism and hinduism are cuck tier hipster religions. taoism is master race

>can't be used to justify religious wars or slavery
Even though it's hardly a religion It's still used to justify religious wars today and was used to justify slavery until early 20th century. It's simply not as insightful as advertised when compared to Christianity which encompasses all the good ideas of Buddhism but also puts them in a meaningful context showing the way forward for humans.

You can justify pretty much anything with any framework but Christianity among other things provides a single event and person to focus our worldview around, creating a baseline for a shared narrative that is less corruptible.

Polytheism is another word for moral relativity, degeneracy and lack of collective focus. It's everything Sup Forums hates and everything communists and post modernists love.

You don't believe in luck?

>2 of the largest religions in the world are soooooooo hipster!
>I'm a Taoist by the way
No one can be this retarded

>So you are asking us to meditate until they come and kill us?

Imagine, a new sect of Buddhism that meditates by way of the range. To calm and quiet the mind with nothing but yourself and steel at eight hundred yards. Those who do long range shooting can attest to how self reflective it can be. Entire meditative styles could be built around maintaining focus, peace, and sight picture.


Is variety not the spice of life?


Soldier/and or redneck detetected.

Sitting and emptying your mind is good. Everything else is garbage. I recommend that you promote meditation without any of the bullshit attached. Then you can truly say that nothing else can compete.

Fa/tg/uy. Who shoots. A lot.

>Is variety not the spice of life?
If you are content with living for "spice", variety is god. But your degenerate spicelands will go extinct while the eternal kingdom of God is eternal.


Everything is as it is.