Tfw to intelligent too support Trump

>tfw to intelligent too support Trump

His economic policies are atrocious and will cause another depression like Bush did.

But at least he stopped the PC/SJW madness.

shit bait op

>I know that feel

>Kremlin Shill Detected.

We're due for another recession. Once rates get into the 3-4% range there will be a correction.

>tfw two smart four trump
you have too be stupid if you still think he i's draining the swamp

post futurism memery

>tfw to intelligent too fall for this bait

What's the best way to make money off a crash? Invest in Bitcoin? Precious metals?

I support him on the economic policy because we are about to enter an economic wild west full of tax breaks and cuts. I have no student loan debts and if I play my cards right I'm poised to climb the ladder very easily while the rest of my peers lose out with loan repayments, and the dumbasses who didn't get to college or go the trade school get their jobs automated instead of actually "brought back to the American people". I could care less if he burns the economy to the ground if I can climb to the upper levels where the parachutes are before the thing collapses.
If we had Hilary in office I'd get my paychecks bled dry for social programs and I'd be stuck at the bottom with the rest when the crash comes. Rich people will always be fine either way, so I have to get rich before I get locked in on the bottom or middle.

I broke someone's index finger for referencing this meme in front of me.

These are getting out of hand

I'm not Tobor

>tfw to smart too have brutish uncultured friends

I know that feel

no, we need to go further


>tfw to intelligent to post in this thread

This, a pyrrhic victory is better than none

Also too intelligent for correct grammer.

Are you iliteraite?

Newfags with gay id

Hedge risk and diversify is the name of the game. If you have a 401k or IRA, now may be a good time to take some gains, sell off, and hold cash or money market funds (minimal risk). Have some physical cash if possible. bitcoins is a good idea imho b/c tech industry faggots, millennials, liberals, and panicked finance dudes will flock there when shit hits the fan. When a panic hits, like 2008, all traditional rules and logic goes out the window. Spot price was about $800 today per Bitcoin.

I'm currently selling my property in a downtown neighborhood in a big city. Gonna take the gains and buy land in AZ for a couple grand an acre. Texas has some good land from what I've seen too.

When there is a market correction, severe downturn, I'll reinvest in both real estate and Wall Street garbage. But that's my life and plan. I'm a licensed broker & principal and the above is just my faggot opinion, not specific advice.

But diversify and hedge risk is the name of the game regardless of anything. Also, if you don't understand something, don't ever invest in it.

I think most of us see it this way

So intelligent you couldn't even mention a single policy.

Clinton played a fairly large role in deregulating the banks allowing them to create the housing bubble