How does it feel, German bros?
Germany Now vs. What Could Have Been
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How is it possible to go from literally the least cuck country ever to literally the most cucked in less than 50 years?
Feels fucking bad man. Berlin is such a degenerate shit hole nowadays and it's just getting worse every year.
I read somewhere that the dome would be so large water would condense at the ceiling and come down as rain.
>not the entire germany
Instead of glorious Nazi architecture they now have the world's largest minaret.
Bad, but in the end the UK ended of waaaaay worse than us so its ok.
I wish Churchill could see how London looks like today.
I live in Brandenburg and most cities here are nothing like Berlin. Even the biggest degenerates here have nothing on the average Berliner.
>not the entire germany
Implying your country is any better
Wake me up from this fucking nightmare, why did they have to lose
Where are these beautiful images from?
>what is dehumidification system
>what is kraut space magic
That building is brutalist horseshit. It was just a 'Who's got the biggest?'-competition with the communists.
It is Amazon's show
I know a crossdressing fruit from hannover that used to date my gay uncle, and he said berlin is the most perverted and warped place on earth.
this was from a guy that dressed as a woman, and sucked men off on stage when being shit and pissed on and fucked in the ass. even he though berlin was too much. he also said there were more dope fiends there than in hell, and child prostitutes everywhere. that was like 15 years ago.
I cry erry time
>Volkshalle is in the wrong position
It should be to the left of the Reichstag from that view.
>show dropped
Worth watching, or is the underlying theme that SJWs always win?
The Nazi imagery by itself is a very powerful persuasive tool. Imagery in general is.
Tell that to your grandpa( unless you're a beaner,which is even worse)
opps wrong one
Based Guinea
Have you seriously not read the book?
I thought you guys are so well versed ...
where do you find these pictures, they seem familiar but am not sure are they from a movie, video game or whatever...
I'm pretty fashy, but I liked it. The best character by far is John Smith. The ending was a load of shit, though.
Secretly redpilling normies imo
Nazis are portrayed in a light that makes the viewer feel genuine sympathy for them. They are always shown as clean and orderly
They try to paint the "muh dystopia" theme, but it backfires and shows an overall comfy and civilized society
Oh, I like that they use Speer's lamp posts. Nice detail.
So far there's actually no SJW victory and the closest thing to SJW characters (the Resistance) are portrayed less favorably than the Nazis or Japs.
Everybody in the show is fucked up and kind of terrible, but the main plot so far basically boils down to "good Nazis stop bad Nazis from starting a nuclear war."
>nationalized noncompetitive industry
>"class equality"
>no free speech
>government controlled education
>secret police to snuff out anyone they arbitrarily deem 'degenerate'
>the government is run by aristocratic political families
Am I describing Nazi Germany 20 years after WW2 or modern North Korea?
>I know a crossdressing fruit from hannover that used to date my gay uncl
The dome would never have worked in Berlin. Hitler wasn't an architect. The swamplands of Berlin could not support the weight of the foundation (you can still go and see one of the foundation blocks they built as a test -- still sinking today).
Moreover, the dome was so high that the water vapor from the saliva in people's speech would have coalesced into clouds and rained back down on the occupants.
Fuckin' dumb, bruh.
>Video in my country not available
>intimidated by Kraut Space Magic
Volkshalle can be built, but not cheap. Hitler didn't care and demanded it to be built cuz of psychological warfare.
All I want is to wake up in a universe where they won
Pls at least make your anecdotal evidence sound believable. I know it's a shithole, but this sounds like bullshit.
Can someone explain to me how I should expect a huge near Orwellian government with secret police to not become corrupt and dominated by aristocratic families
>inb4 becuz dey were all German and fighting for a single caus!11
The dome on the Reichstag isn't corrrect.
Overall I'm not a fan of Nazi architecture at all. And I'm living in Munich. Can see it everyday.
It's too megalomaniac and Speer didn't care for historically grown cities. He would have changed Berlin almost as much as teh destruction of the war did. Nazis weren't traditionalist minded or anything.
The fascist movement in Italy e.g. was tied to Futurism which was big there at the time. They wanted to change everything and everyone and I'm not sure if you can or should plan societies and countries on a drawing board. These are organic things that develop on their own.
Your pictures look pretty fucking impressive though. Where are they from?
the dome is correct you retard. this is how it looked before being bombed away. and in this show germany didnt get destroyed. shameful fag
>So you see, way back then, uh, white americans were like, uh wops from western europe
>ah, they all had blonde hair and blue eyes, but, uh, well
>niggers and spic move in there
>they changed the whole country. They did so much fuckin' with america white women
>That they changed the whole bloodline forever
>That's why blonde hair and blue eyes became dreadlocks hair and dark skin.
>it's absolutely amazing to me to think that to this day, hundreds of years later,
>that, uh, that white american still carry that shitskin gene. Now this...
>I'm quoting... history. It's written. It's a fact, it's written.
>Your ancestors are niggers and spic
>Hey. Yeah. And, and your mother fucked a nigger and spic,
>ho, ho, yeah, and she had a half-nigger/spic kid...
>now, if that's a fact, tell me, am I lying? 'Cause you, you're part eggplant.
>The dome on the Reichstag isn't corrrect.
it is. this is how the original dome looked like before the Reichtagsbrand...Bavarians...
>Nazis fucked with Russia
>Nazis fucked with USA
None of you are even white. I wish they won just so that they can murder you while you look at them with puppy eyes saying IM WHITE IM WHITE as they laugh
Slavs are the most powerful fighters in the world. Don't fuck with them
t. slavaboo
>Hitler wasn't an architect.
Guess who has two thumbs and is?
You're describing every single current Western country.
Weird to ask a German a good-or-bad question when 50% of the potential answers are illegal here.
Stop complaining and get in deutsch/pol/.
>Make Deutschland Deutsch again!
>It's true story, son
Yale Students Demand Removal of White Authors from Curriculum
UPenn Students Remove Shakespeare Portrait for Lacking Diversity
Teach For America: Math is the ‘Domain of Old, White Men’
Algebra 1 will no longer be taught in middle school under Obama Common Core
A professor at Lone Star College in Texas required her students complete a white privilege assignment to measure how privileged they are.
Fliers advertising 'UCLA White Students Group' removed from campus
t.delusional naziboo
But I thought we all liked Russia and Putin?
Who will be the savior we follow
Russia or Germany
He spins so fast in his grave hes powering my generator.
No it's not, look at some fucking pictures. It's much steeper.
Gladly they got the Germania right. We really should put her back up.
Education is a hell of a drug
>posting the guy who killed more slavs than anyone
Absolutely disgusting. You are the cancer of slavdom.
>that facial structure
slavs are not white
they are mongoloid
>posting the guy who killed more traitors than anyone
omg, it's a drawing. some measurements might be off, but it's the same fucking dome. not like the one we have today
I'm interested in architecture. I recognize those thing.
>not like the one we have today
No shit.
I'm not a fan of the Norman Foster stuff in general but the Reichstagskuppel isn't the absolute worst he's done. But of course I'd prefer one that's more true to the original like we have on the Justizpalast in Munich.
DDR>Nazi shitmany
Oh my god that video. Kill me now. Why? Why God?
slav mongoloids polluted the German race with their chink genes. You'll be dealt with soon, Stanislaw
You're the traitor. Praising the savage reds who overthrew and destroyed Russia, and then went on to destroy half of Europe. Posted from America, no less.
Hideous commieblocs, starvation and literally banning jokes are not better than anything. But I suppose in shitty rashka you don't know any different.
"Slavs are not white" says the 60%.
Thread theme:
Stfu racemixed mong. Slavs are the whitest masterrace
>Hideous commieblocs, starvation and literally banning jokes are not better than anything
More stereotypes.
An artistic rendering of what Berlin would have eventually become if Germany won World War II based on Adolf Hitler's ideas and Albert Speer's design plans.
Cool, a temple of the Sun. You know the soviets also had crazy plans on building mega huge buildings with lot's of occult symbolism referencing to the Sun?
Now I wonder how many tards and actual ones who know what I'm talking about I triggered.
I wish I could sage your post.
You wish we were degenerate, but nowhere in the world you will find a higher percentage of transgenders, gays and AIDS-infected creatures combined than in the United States of America.
Franco's Spain almost joined the Axis. But a German (actually Italian) clandestine opposer to nazi Germany, Wilhelm Canaris, convinced Franco not to do it, despite his job being to convince him.
I wonder if the outcome of the war would have been different if Spain had joined. Because it wasn't just about Spain. Franco had the support of Argentina, at the time a great industrial power, so they would have joined aswell. This would have escalated to a proxy War in Latin America with Allies helping Argentinian rivals such as Chile and Brazil way before USA got into the mess, and Japan stablishing bases in South American Pacific preparing a much greater Pearl Harbor. Spain entering would have ignited a different American entry.
Meh ignore him, people like him if he isn't baiting are heavily race mixed "mutts" (as they call other people) here in burger land feel threatened by less mixed people such as Slavs so they feel a throbbing sense of inferiority in their chest whenever the very word Slav is even mentioned, hence from where their false superiority complex arises and the petty and futile insults come from.
ill dump a few pics
The Latin American countries were US puppets, I can't really see them doing anything other than remaining neutral or being dragged in by the US.
You made this happens. Why couldn't you just chill back in WW2, just kicked Japan ass, not provide weapons to England, and Soviet Russia, and rule over an Aryan world with Germany?
Please don't. Just don't.
>soft homely brown roman architecture
Instead Germany chose homewrecking brown rapists.
Come on broder, let it inspire you instead of frustrate you. We can be great again.
If this was meant to be dystopian they failed, because we already do this shit except less fancy
What are the best Nazi movies for this kind of juicy imagery?
>There will never be more high ceiling, beautiful stone clad buildings for leaders of the world
I wonder what Putin thinks about every other world leader having offices in pathetic shits like the white house while he lives in a grand fucking imperial palace so large that every speech he gives echoes for minutes
hnnnng the A&D part of my brain just came.
They are almost all so terrible and jewy that they are unwatchable.
Guess that Man in the high castle series is the closest you get
Before the Cold War, countries with industry like Argentina and Uruguay weren't anyone's puppets, and they showed sympathy for the nazis and for Franco.
Also, South Americans had a history of fighting each other for territory, they constantly wanted reasons to invade any weak neighbour, like Bolivia a million times or Paraguay.
But even if what you say was correct, I am talking about a period before the US decided to join. When the US was still neutral, nothing was stopping them to join, especially if they find support from the Axis to invade weak neighbours.
Fuck you America you had a big part to play in what happened to Germany. Fuck you again damn I hate your country
the man in the high castle. play the new wolfenstein game if you want more like it.
Blame the japs, they're the reason we got involved at all and germany had to declare war with us as well.
We didn't even want it, it was a hugely unpopular idea at the time, but you can't let yourself get blown to shit in a harbor and then do nothing about it.
Well, you could have just BTFO Japan, ruled over the Pacific, and the Americas, banned the Jews, and give away your democratic ways, to adopt fascism and nazism, and make buddies with Hitler. It didn't had to go this way.