If you were allowed to add an amendment to the constitution what would it be?
If you were allowed to add an amendment to the constitution what would it be?
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Ban anime
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I wouldn't. I would revoke the 14th amendment and retroactively void all of its effects today. The only citizens of the United States are those born to at least one citizen parent. No naturalization by birth.
I'd just remove the 14th.
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Daughter fucking is alright. Any man who wants to fuck his daughter should do it.
Mandatory catgirl adoption.
Repeal 14th amendment
No modern feminism
>implying any feminism was ever good
Good job swallowing their crap.
These, also nice digits.
>Mandatory waifu claiming
Abortion mandatory for all nonwhite women and white women impregnated by nonwhite men and prohibited for white women impregnated with by white babies.
Make sure the powers of governors and the president can't grow or shrink
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Repeal the 14th Amendment. Term limits for Congress. Remove requirement to have been born in the US to be president (the only other countries with a law like this are a couple Latin American banana republics).
You have to be a 3d generation and have served in the army to vote
That the US is a CHRISTIAN country.
Glarring Error missed from the Constitution.
This or everyone in the u.s. has to give me 20 bucks
All blacks must be murdered on sight.
not cool
No, it wasn't, you stupid brit.
Only FUCKING WHITE MALES are allowed to vote. Also (((Jews))) don't count as white, which is obvious to Sup Forums but needs to be spelled out in ink for the normies.
No niggers or jews
Mass global execution of Muslims and Jews
Enjoy your Islam.
And use our correct title, its The UNITED KINGDOM, as in "King", as in Monarchy, as in our state has to be a Christian state.
All must praise Kek in order to vote.
Term limits, after x years you can run again though.
But we bomb muslims, I don't understand.
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Really, I'd just like to see the vote be changed instead of this retarded first past the post shit and stuff like that. Maybe using the Australian system of missing 3 elections equals the loss of your ability to vote in future elections. Not only will this keep the niggs out, it will keep the retards out too.
You have to own land and pay taxes on it to vote in any election. Home mortgage in good standing will suffice.
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Kill all Sup Forums
Ban all redditors
Why remove born in the US requirement??
Because he's an (((illegal)))
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