>Muslims constitute 0.6% of the population
>Projected change by 2030: 0
What did they mean by this?
Muslims constitute 0.6% of the population
Other urls found in this thread:
the day of the rake is near
It's OK Abdul, you still have France.
the day of the blowing is near
Maybe, but the day of the beheading is probably nearer for you.
Fuck off Abdul Le Poo.
This is now a /pp/ — Portuguese Politics General
Can we have sanctuary, oldest ally?
We'll leave our slags and riff raff for our pakistani colonisers
>Abdul Le Poo.
Maybe it's because of shitty economic prospects
>wealth breeds decadence
Who knew?
>not having a good economic and welfare
The best anti kebab shield ever.
>tfw no muslims and only a few niggers
>only a few niggers
And that number has been decreasing quite rapidly since the early 2000s.
I meant that it attracts all the filth of the world.
Yes, and I meant that it doesn't matter who it attracts if the native population hasn't been so corrupted by luxury as to willfully participate in their own ethnocide.
leaf posters out
cod posters only
At least you tried.
It's a mixture of this, the fact our culture and history is steeped in Muslim hate and Deus Vult to the point we have statues of guys that became kebab removal heroes, people that attained the surname of "Matamoros" and places with "Matamoros" in its name, literally meaning "Moorkiller", many of our train stations are filled with stuff like this on the walls that celebrate many a victory against Muslims, our people are pretty openly racist against Muslims, blacks, gypsys and Jews (We even have a slang word that is used to imply brutality, mistreatment, dirty trickery or deceit based on our word for jew - Judeu - that word being judiar) and it's viewed as acceptable outside of places like Lisbon which is mostly where all the shit is, plus we already have a huge gypsy cancer that mooches off our welfare so the migrants would have to compete with them.
That's what happens when you have EU swine like Costa running the show. The good part is that those that did come were housed in Valverde, with a nice view of the statue of Geraldo sem Pavor.
Fuck yeah it's the /pt/ thread!
I wish Portugal never leaves the economic limbo.
too poor to attract migrants
wealthy enough to live long and prosper
Bumping for national pride
Here's another one I made for when the jamones get uppity.
have a rare meme
>at family house up north for christmas
>5 cats
>everything is green
>air heavy with smell of vegetation and rain
>have /pt/ thread and my books
>literally paradise on earth
i wish portugal stops supporting niggers and gypsys. They are a plague in lisbon and they are getting KIDS.
and i fucking hope they don't let brazilians get in here because their country is getting worse by the day...
It means that Portugal did a good job in turning the negroes into Christians for the most part.
Ah it's you again. You're really overreacting, we're not the ones with socialist poo in loo pm's.
That Muslims will be 0.6% of the population in 2030.
>a few
t. non-lisboeta
I'm not overreacting at all. I firmly believe that wealth has a degenerative property to it.
Also, this wasn't meant to be a pissing contest but you seem intent on making it one. Again. What's your problem, really? You seem to take issue any time anyone speaks positively of Portugal or the Portuguese.
Muslim countries are literally more first world than Portugal so none would ever bother immigrating there.
wealthiest communist country per capita
pic related, it's my city, amadora
Muslims are NOT going to live with other Christian Converted ARABS/ northAfricans
Angola e nossa Furriel Pepe.
Angola é nossa, Furriel Pepe!
E Mozambique também!
Viva Salazar!
What do you mainlanders feel about people from the Azores?
Not at all, I love Portugal and hope it succeeds, but you really want to tell me how things are in my own country and just sit there and take that as if you know how the things are. What's your problem with everything that isn't Portugal?
you know when you're supposed to make one of these cheeky jokes it's supposed to make sense
why wouldn't muslims live with other christian converted arabs? if anything they'd want to come here as we were muslim territory once
leave the european banter to europeans pls
*you know when you make one of these cheeky jokes
What the fuck are you talking about? Nobody mentioned the Netherlands at all in this thread, and I only spoke of it implicitly after you came in here talking shit. Why don't you fuck off if you're going to be so sensitive about everything instead of playing the provocateur.
don't bully the terminally diabetic
>a few niggers
top kek
I love you forever, Portugal.
they have funny accents and they live in beautiful places, other than that they're regular citizens. people i know from the azores are really chill
>if anything they'd want to come here as we were Muslim territory once.
Eh, besides the accent being almost on par with this youtu.be
I'm going to the Netherlands for a week, what should I expect?
Is it as bad as France and Germany right now?
You don't tell me what to do faggot. Just stay on that side of the atlantic. Considering you're a diasporafag you're not that different from all those muslims leeching off of other peoples.
muslims attacking us would energize our peoples like never before. our entire history is kebab removal, even post reconquista
I feel the same brother. Iberia is pretty comfy.
>that nigger in the middle
Aaaahh, o Império. I miss it. Whites and blacks killing commies. No wonder the Jew hates us. We are anathema for them.
Depends where you are going, Amsterdam is basically no longer a Dutch city anymore like half of the population are not native. The smaller cities and town are still very nice though. It really depends on where you are going, what you're gonna do and what kind of crowd you hang out with.
I have a shitton of pictures from when my grandfathers and uncles were in the war, I should post them sometime, they seemed pretty chill with the niggers there
I'm afraid I have to tell you what to do because it strikes me that if you're imagining people saying things that they have never said then you must be exceedingly confused and possibly mentally ill.
And, no, I have every intention of returning to my father's country as I have already told you. Needless to say, what some random Dutchman thinks about this is neither interesting nor relevant to me. Neither you nor your people enter into the equation at all.
That pic is good and a marked improvement over the original. Did you make that?
oh yeah. one of the MOs the militias had was shooting every black guy who was on our side, like police officers on the street. then the UN would whine about "muh racist colonialism". fuckin' shameful.
Morte aos esquerdistas quando?
>t. Alberto Barbosa
I'm going to Eindhoven, my brother is working there, and going to stay at some friends who live like 1 hour from there. I haven't been with them for a long time, but I fear they're going to be full-on libtards
>Still so salty after all these centuries that you choose starvation over setting foot in the place
Agora por favor.
you called?
No. I saved it from an spanish thread on Sup Forums.
Nice projecting faggot, I'm not the one here making threads about a country 10.000 kilometers away every day on Sup Forums.
>pic related
>they still give a fuck
damn that Castilian one is dope
I respect my Latin bros, but the muslim infection is an economical marker, if they don't come in, that means you're not wealthy enough...
>tfw disgusting avec second gen immigrant who is too retarded to roll an r in Portuguese
just kill me already guys
>Placing Galicia at a low tier
kill yourself..
So your main objection is that people want to talk about Portugal? If that's the case then why don't you hide the thread instead of coming in here uninvited bitching and moaning about imagined persecution like some Jew?
You need practice more, young KANG.
Eindhoven is fine, very new city although maybe not too much to see there. Well to be honest the mood here politically has not been very much in favor of the libtards.
or because you are a poorshithole
I doubt they care how much christian a nation is or how many muslims they slaughtered
but hey you can circlejerk
good to hell with your wealth, I'll keep my culture and nation alive thank you enjoy the muslim cock
Nah, I speak it everyday with my parents when I'm at home. I'm just too dumb to pronounce it at all, and I've been trying to solve the problem for years now.
>Chega-me a pera
>qual pela
>vai-te foder imaozinho
Nice, just what I wanted to hear
I heard that the fucking Alqaeda manifesto was like
>A-and we will conquer Al-Andalus!
>Fuck that damn Queen! (Isabel I)
They are still buthurt after all these years.
>mfw we have city coats of arms with disembodied muslim heads on them
>mfw we resettle the (((refugees))) to those very same cities
>mfw they leave ASAP
you're not comfy enough. chill
French bros are latin and catholic bros. They shall have our help in removing the kebab as we had theirs.
>So your main objection is that people want to talk about Portugal?
Nope the problem is that it's a cunt like you. Sorry I missed the memo where it said you had to be invited to threads.
do our diaspora niggers at least vote Le Pen there?
And I'm a cunt, according to you, because I've been mean to the Dutch even though you are incapable of citing an incident in which I was mean to the Dutch?
that's pretty funny
but are you sure it's not a problem you need professional assitance with?
some Portuguese can't roll the r's either
curious enough, a friend of mine went to work in Belgium and she doesnt' do r proper either.
Cala boca pai! você está me envergonhando na frente dos meus amigos brancos!
Everybody knows that we, andalusians are gypsies, not moors. Fix that image or delete
Avenge us, old friend.
tem calma meu amigo pardo
não há problema se fores católico e não fores comunista
amigos são um prazer efemero meu rico filho, vai estudar o alcorão com atenção para que um dia sejas califa!!!!!