Is Germany officially dead?

In light of recent events, is it time to officially declare Germany as DEAD?

No, seriously. I don't see a way how that country can save itself in time.

>Germany's islamization, demographical time bomb and status as a perpetual target of terror attacks, rapes, sexual assaults and other crimes has been facilitated and realized during the rule of Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in office.

>The CDU consistently polls at around 35%

>Germany's disastrous future is illustrated by the fact that the three biggest left-wing parties are supported by around 42% of the electorate

>Meaning: a stunning EIGHTY PERCENT (80%) of Germans currently support Merkel or somebody worse!

>The party 'Alternative für Deutschland' (AfD), Germany's last realistic hope, only polls at 11%

Just let that sink in for a moment. The German left would make Merkel look like the savior of Europe if they got their way. Yet, they still have an incredible amount of support. And that is AFTER everything that's happened so far in terms of terror attacks, rapes, sexual assaults and every other type of crime in the book that was committed en masse by the muslim invaders.

Meanwhile, the AfD is STILL only at 11%.

And what if the AfD magically became the biggest party overnight? The other parties would still refuse to form a coalition with the AfD and block every crucial policy necessary to prevent the nation's collapse.

Just look at the responses from Germans to the Berlin terror attack. There is a clear consensus between the mainstream media, alternative media and ordinary citizens. They simply REFUSE to defend themselves and their country. Instead, they viciously go after those who want to do just that.

German people are a horde of highly brainwashed, indoctrinated creatures who have been conditioned to pave the way for their own demise. The marxist pest is deeply ingrained into the German culture and mind.

Sorry to say, folks, but the downfall of Germany seems to be set in stone.

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oh and


top kek

No need for a Reich in the slightest. Just some common sense.

Yes, Germany is dead.

It's been dead since Hitler attacked the Soviet Union.

Germs should not be considered white. Period.

Respond, you fucking faggots.
Tell me there's a good chance that Germany will be saved. Because right now, I don't see that at all.


If we dont get ahold of the media we are fucked.

>It's been dead since Hitler attacked the Soviet Union.
I'm believing this more and more.

>Tell me there's a good chance that Germany will be saved.

There is, just import more migrants ;^)

there isn`t

unless kek wills it

|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_
|______________|||__|__|__|]beep!beep! † † †

I mean I'm saying this from a place where white people are minority too.

I'd rather live in 40% white Texas than in urbanite, decadent, soft-willed 80% or so white Germany.

I actually hope Germans get replaced sooner rather than later.

Pretty much.

It can't be unless Trump invades it and exterminates all leftists.

who cares, we just have to build a wall along our northern border to keep them out.

Germany wins most cucked country of 2016! Stomps Sweden

Let that sink in

I don't think the kike-controlled global media establishment who has been indoctrinating westerners with marxist ideology can be taken back in time. There's also the issue of de-brainwashing the indoctrinated masses. In the case of Germany, they have too little time left.

Its not dead but it appears to be terminal

It's currently the white guilt capital of the world

How does antifa operate when they do shit like this?

We will definitely need a border up there.

*a wall I mean

No idea.

But if we go down, we'll take this world with us.

Yeah it's pretty much dead, they should start transitioning to an Islamic country to make things as easy as possible, same goes for Sweden.

checked, kek'd, shadilay
Germany is DONE! Book it.

you and what capable hands?

all of those men died before you were born.

I hate what you've become.

> Be me. Go to Oktoberfest every year
> Never see Germans of white people act wild or do dumb shit. Always a fun time
> Go this year, used to be able to walk right in from subway, now you get redirected to security checks.
> Outside are tons of brown german friends drunk running around and starting shit, Police are doing nothing to them.
> Inside, security is stopping people from chugging while standing on the table

This is when I knew Germany was done.

Germany dies in a nuclear fire 2017

lets get a deutsch/pol/ going officially, uncuck Germany rather than complaining

>be financed by the goverment
>be basically goverment thugs to intimidate "enemies of the state"
>do your thing

Germany is alive and well. These Germans look bretty /comfy/ time bathing in the sunlight.

>1 off that get

I only see it becoming worse.
There's no chance in hell that it will ever be like before where you didn't have to worry about anything. Security checks, increased policing and similar measures are now a lasting reality.

Why isn't deutsch/pol/ a thing yet anyway? It's long overdue.

kek, imagine if German soldiers were shown a picture of the future.
They died for niggers and mudslimes.

Germany is the face of Europe. It is doomed to be as good or bad as the countries around it. Is Europe's sorry state our fault? No. Would the EU exist if Germany had prevailed? Would there be Muslims in Europe? Obviously not. Pur forefathers threw their lives away to keep things conservative, keep the people working hard, build a bullshit-free society, and their efforts got royally rejected for reasons I don't understand. Your ancestors doomed Europe when they stole it from us. Pay the price. I don't care because I'll be welcomed by my ancestors when it's time to enter Heaven in any case.

You think the german government has the balls to crack down on an organisation that labels itself "anti facist"?

Well said.

We should just call ourselves anti-fascist then. Hijack these motherfuckers.

The german goverment is implicit in antifa.
It's not just "not cracking down"
They're financing them and in some cases coordinate them.

Come to deutsch/pol/

This world is nothing without us and you know it. The only thing that can prevent the apocalypse is German hegemony.

It's not going to happen.


feels good to be on the good side of Europa.


History is littered with evil people and institutions that cloaked themselves in a positive, hollow branding.

Anti-fascist, Democratic, Liberation, sprinkle any amount of idealistic crap on a billboard and murder people by the dozens.

It's okay, you're the good guy!

>It's been dead since Hitler attacked the Soviet Union.
>Germs should not be considered white. Period.
finally some objective criterias

But i thought germany was going to uncuck itself? Whos lying to me?

You fucking germans better not let merkel get off with this shit. She ruined Europe, she ACTUALLY is a huge cause of all of this.

She is an awful women that let her feelings get in the way of rational thinking.

Do not fall for her new "nationalism"

Get in here faggots

The only unlikely scenario where I see Germany saved is if a foreign superpower invades the country and cleans up the mess.

>This world is nothing without us and you know it.
Yet you kill yourself slowly.

What do you want us to do? The guilt that has been put upon us weighs heavy still, even after a few generations past. It will take a while still before we free ourselves from those shackles.

In the same light, if the far right were to gain popularity, the press around the world would write "German nationalism on the rise!". You wouldn't want us too strong again. But that's ok, we dominate economically. Our time will come again. As said, we were struck down and you reap what you sow. If Europe were a body, Germany was the heart. It beats weaker and the blood flows gilded, yet weakly.

You, OP, say the downfall is set in stone, but offer nothing. What is to be done? The AfD are chaotic at best.

Urbanite,decadent,soft-willed,and cucked
Fixed it for you

>Germs should not be considered white
You're fucking pathetic. I don't consider myself just a 'white person', I'm German, European. My family lived in Central Europe before 'Germany' and German identity became a thing and, in contrast to your ancestry, is not a dubious mixture of European and non-European genes, you fucking Cherokee rape baby.

>It's okay, you're the good guy!
That's exactly what's happened here. Give someone a mask and tell them that their beliefs are righteous and justify any means, and they can be capable of some of the worst acts imaginable.

I like how this mountainjew thinks.

holy shit at best 11%?
If that's the case I really don't feel bad for Germans anymore
80% support the open borders nonsense?
I only feel bad for 20% of Germans now

I remember a video clip of a German woman politician saying that by 2030 ethnic Germans will be a minority and "this is a good thing"

How she wasn't mobbed immediately and put on a pole following that quote I'm not sure.

Here is a clip of pissed off Germans chasing away a cuck politician

If there is no really terrible incident before the 2017 election there will be no way that Merkel will not win again.

The best thing we could hope for is that the AfD gets to 25+% to have some influence as opposition party, and use this to lay the groundwork to a 2021 win. Of course the situation will then be much worse than today, and it will be much more difficult to clean it up.

That's the cause of the mess in the first place, honestly the best Germany can hope for from America is a president who is not overtly pro-Muslim and pro-brown people.
Hopefully the coming collapse of the EU will get the ball rolling for German nationalism on the rise.

Reminder that traitors should always be your first target.

Even if it means the end of your people and the damnation of your soul, don't let these people get away with it.

>Is Germany officially dead?
I'm pretty sure lots people were saying that after WW1.

Germans are literally corrupting their women, turning them into sluts and giving their daughters to the refugee's.

>How one woman turned a first world country into a third world hellhole in less than two years


Here's a little lesson in roachery
This one's going down in history
If you wanna be a terrorist number one
You must remove vodka with a gun

Just follow my moves, and shoot him down
Be careful not to miss a round


Now look at this gun, that I just found
When I saw go, scream "MUH ALEPPO"

The same ones that claimed your ancestors harmed theirs are the ones doing this shit to you and your entire fucking continent.

Man up.

Are you looking at this from a peaceful point of view?

There is only way way to solve these issues, and it doesn't entail a peaceful solution.

>believing (((polls)))

I don't know what to offer anymore. I'm asking you if there is a way. I made this thread because I don't see one but truly hope that I'm wrong.

I'm amazed how the AfD only polls at 11% in spite of everything that's happened. If Germans are this oblivious, then maybe they deserve what's coming to them.

She's been in office for over 10, so it's still ridiculous to pin it on her. The true culprit is the Obama administration and its globalist meddling in Libya and Syria.

>If Germans are this oblivious
They've been completely and irreversibly brainwashed. In almost any country other than possibly Sweden, Merkel's actions would have been immediate political suicide.

4th Reich and 5th Crusade

WW1 was really the beginning of the end for the entire West.

Even though America might consider the 50s a "golden age", and it was a lot better than over this side of the pond, it was the sign that they had sold their soul to consumption and not ideals.

And over here there was the far more obvious loss of our empires and national purpose.

Nice Stockholm Syndrome, untermensch.
You deserve whats happening to you.

Sadly this, there is literally nothing besides an outright coup d'état that could fix germany.
Our political system is set up in a way where it's almost impossible to change anything major.

It looks like the only tipping point will be when the muz star killing hard. The remaining people will have nothing left to do than fight.
>"Germans will be a minority and that is a good thing!"

Remember onlya bit over a year ago 800.000 was a meme and just sort of flag bantz?

No looking back I somehow wish 800.000 was actually true since we've far surpassed than number now

Don't lose hope, mate. It's not over till it's over. I'll lose hope only when I can feel the cold blade of islam on my throat.

... the jews? That's an American flamethrower tank. So if my ancestors blame yours, then you are doing this to us? Or do you mean the Russians? Not quite sure what you mean, sorry.

Well you say "defend" themselves and the country. Are you implying that we deport Muslims? All of them? Or just the refugees? I guess we could send them all back to Syria. I mean, most of them would die of course. This is a good solution, yes?

Nah, European people have lived under worse situations and survived fine, the Germans and Germany will always exist and otherwise I'm ready to drop my weed and put on my wooden shoes and help those fuckers out.

Germany is one huge suicide cult. It's like watching Jonestown in slow motion.


I predict violence soon, something dramatic has simply got to give at this point.

I think germans should be punished by being refused asylum when germany gets wrecked by muslims.

Their sense of lack of collective awareness and their blind ignorance will eventually destroy the host countries, so it's reasonable that they face the fine for their crimes againtst europe and western society as a whole

Never forget about merkel, never forget about who they voted for. Hitler lost the general election to hindenburg and went on to his dictatorship after hindenburg died. It wasn't a direct dictatorship, people didn't elect him the way they elected merkel.

Merkel is worse than hitler and germans were willing to vote for her and give her power beyond accountability and matters of national security.

She did it democratically and the destruction of western Europe has been done by the german voter, she was just a means of delivering the job done.

Never forget.

Germany will unite an islamic Europe.

>You deserve whats happening to you.
Nobody deserves this.

>Sorry to say, folks, but the downfall of Germany seems to be set in stone.

Good, fuck 'em.

You won't fight for your right to exist, you don't deserve to exist. And no other country should have to step in and save you because you're too fucking inept to function.

>Well you say "defend" themselves and the country. Are you implying that we deport Muslims? All of them? [...] I guess we could send them all back to Syria. I mean, most of them would die of course. This is a good solution, yes?


>This is a good solution, yes?
A dinner guest that flips the table on you and rapes your wife deserves to be escorted out.
Also, you know your tanks.

>Hollyjew trying to engineer a WW3 with Germans pulling off a holohoax against Islamists

This is really evil stuff. Can they get away with this in the age of the internet?

The only logical way i can see right now.


>and, in contrast to your ancestry, is not a dubious mixture of European and non-European genes

He said, after his people were raped by the Russians (whom they basically just claimed were sub-human) en masse because Germans can't win a world war.

Cant trust polls.

Also germany has been nothing but an embarrasment for the past 100 years. I hope germany as a state does die, fuck germany, fuck hitler and fuck merkal

They continue to lie about the fucking refugee amount, most of them are legally allowed to bring their families with them in 3 years or so, that means in 3 years we will have (800000+)*n refugees.

>combat cloggs

They still want open borders, take in even more muslim refugees, they protest at airports to stop the deportation of economic migrants. No one is interested in finding alternative solutions for refugees except taking in millions into their country. No one is concerned about getting replaced. Everyone is defending muslims after every terror attack and attacking right-wingers. No one goes on the streets against Islam.

We've failed you Willem of Orange

>tactical assault windmills will exist in your lifetime

I don't know how to feel about this...

You could say that about British soldiers.