Thoughts on atheism?
Thoughts on atheism?
Militant atheism will save Europe.
What's with the Hitler in the center?
Hitler was Catholic and often made references to God in his speeches.
>inb4 he used religion as a tool
Germans at that time were very religious and so were the Nazi soldiers.
because its worked well so far
accept christ or burn faggots, clocks tickin
>Hitler was Catholic
No he wasn't.
He was personally an atheist, he in fact despised Catholicism and thought of it as weak.
>no isis
>no israel
>no christfags
I'm okay with that
Nice source.
>accept christ
Because it's worked well so far
Reject religion or get raped to death faggots, clocks tickin
lol catholics are a cult you fucking abbo cum slurping retard.
The Middle East will never recover until the culture as a whole rejects Islam. Peace and that (and most other) religion are incapable of coexisting
After the initial wave of degeneracy a new atheistic ideology will emerge.
Let's call it Ideology X.
Ideology X is grounded in rationality.
It understands men and women are different.
It understands different races behave differently.
Its focus is highly Utilitarian.
It understands reducing the suffering of humans, and increasing their well being is the most important objective.
It is fiercely logical and self critical, but is equally capable of criticising other ideologies.
It understands some ideas are worth defending with violence.
Chemical weapons become the norm as the stigma lifts after lengthy debates.
Populations of low-iq humans are controlled through mass sterilization.
It is not afraid of eugenics.
It understands free will is an illusion.
This allows a new, much more practical form of compassion to emerge. A form where peoples disabilities are understood to be not their fault, and these people should be helped whilst they are alive.
But ideology X also understands that their genes should not be passed on to spare future humans similar disabilities.
Atheism is the only way forward.
But it cannot fight Islam. For that we need Christianity.
>No he wasn't.
Yep, he was a bretty hard-core Christerrorist
>Populations of low-iq humans are controlled through mass sterilization.
So you're going to round up conservatives in FEMA camps? You liberal bitch!
>atheist birth rate below replacement while christians is above
>atheists overwhelmingly liberal while christians overhwlemingly right wing
top laughter
>It understands free will is an illusion.
That's the opposite of atheist
t. free will conservative atheist
Based. And if you reject atheism, or rather secularism you reject Frauke Petry and the AfD.
>understands free will is an illusion.
Now you lost me. You mean, surely, that exercising it is often pointless, yes?
That's the stupidest thing I've seen today.
Why must she be topless, why the ropes?
It's very clear now that atheism is shit, even if it's more correct and it makes more sense to be an atheist than a religious person.
Without a concrete, objective system of morality, it's very easy for people to convince themselves that nothing they do is wrong. For instance, an atheist will convince themselves that there is nothing wrong with abortion. It is very easy to justify things to ourselves if those things benefit us. Sex feels good, why shouldn't I have lots of sex with lots of people? Science told me that people with kids are less happy, so why should I have children?
But while these things might be good for the individual, they're bad for society. Under atheism, moral systems will quickly deteriorate into selfishness and hedonism. The nuclear family, responsible for keeping society orderly, will crumble. Birth rates will plummet and STDs will skyrocket.
Read it, user, and learrrrrrrn.
God doesn't real, I think most people realize that. religion is more though. Most christians probably care more about obeying commandments, and being what constitutes a good christian, than a literal interpretation of the bible. If that's your thing, I think you're boring. The bible is amazing literature, actually worth basing one's life around, but a really shitty historical text.
>the faggots who sacked constantinople and rape children are talking about making a concrete set of morals
>It is not afraid of eugenics.
What the absolute fuck, man? Abortion is bad enough without having some state-sponsored totalitarian mass abortion program that forces women to bear children instead of respecting their rights as free human beings.
>But it cannot fight Islam. For that we need Christianity.
busted. Now I know you're larping your ass off. Chrstians and muslims have been fighting for 15 centuries with fuck all to show for it. The battle is not with the cannon fodder, its a battle for the minds. People that kill to please their gods are the problem. Atheism is the only cure for the cancer that is violent, intolerant, homicidal religious.
It's a reasonable position with dire social consequences.
Make of that what you will.
>Without a concrete, objective system of morality,
If there's forty millions gods, then there's 40 million concrete objective systems of absolute morality which means pretty much that they are ALL fucking wrong.
>For instance, an atheist will convince themselves that there is nothing wrong with abortion
The Christerrorist who has never read the bible before will fabricate the verses where he claims Jesus says abortion is wrong. Of course he'll be lying like they all do.
it was a failure of men to reflect the text. Atheists don't have any text or worldview with social ramifications to violate. It just sort of is, double edged sort an all.
The redpill is that NWO wants you to treat society as it exists today as your religion, as is. It's convenient for them. You cannot go through life without some sort of anchor. Truly caring about nothing, not just nihilism, destroys the soul.
More unified than Christianity.
Can someone explain the rise of Christianity here? There's no way that any of these people are religious, just larping, right?
I'm always amazed by the mental gymnastics christcucks preform to justify their sandnigger religion
Americans have the least understanding of European history out of all posters on pol.
Even Asians have better understanding of European history.
He persecuted the Catholic Church. He felt the Church was a threat to his cult of the personality and his authoritarian regime. He was outwardly Christian to appease the Christian elements in both Italy and Germany.
Hitler's views on Religion wikipedia page. read it yourself.
nice 404 pollack
give me source or you get invaded
>Science told me that people with kids are less happy
Making shit up
>It is very easy to justify things to ourselves if those things benefit us.
>I fail to comprehend what benefit means
Teleological ethics.
>Sex feels good, why shouldn't I have lots of sex with lots of people?
Like thousands Catholic priests have buttsecks with tens of thousands of children? Yeah, why can't we all be "moral" like that?
>Under atheism, moral systems will quickly deteriorate into selfishness and hedonism.
Not like those televangelists on TV who promise made up heaven in exchange for scamming real dollars from elderly pensioners.
>Birth rates will plummet and STDs will skyrocket.
Yeah right.
All atheists worship some sort of protoreligion so it's better to organize that element of human nature behind a certain institution that can be used to socially engineer the masses.
>atheists worship
>canadian education
bwahahahha. literally on the first day of elementary school, the teachers said that wiki is as unreliable as it gets.
try again.
>protoreligion = religion
wew lad
Insane Christerrorists pretending to be "atheists" called out on their bullshit.
My own opinion is that i don't give a shit what you worship as long as you are not killing people in the name of your god. I'm an atheist, but I don't push my views on anyone (unlike a lot of the liberal fucks I have met) and dont see the point. Let people believe what they want so long as it doesn't harm others.
>gets called out for being a retard
>>I was only pretending guise, hahaha!
you have ideology, which is exactly the same god damned thing, except it doesn't come from historically influential texts. You have and values. The only difference is that you don't get to a swee literature club filled with virgins of both flavors. My first game of Dungeons and Dragons was DMed by an 65 year old parishioner and war veteran. I STILL have pleasant memories of killing commie goblins.
Do what you want. I'm making peace with God. Death comes soon.
We will probably all be wiped out within a year or too.
so what your describing is literally a technocratic communism
It's the most red pilled subject on this board, most people come in here claiming to be red pilled and then they spout crap about their imaginary friends, how they provide values, blah blah blah.
if you need a set of rules or values to tell you how not be be a cunt, then you're fucked and people already see through your fake personality.
Pic related.
>you have ideology,
Non-belief in gods is the opposite of an "ideology". There's literally no "ideas" to believe in. How utterly retarded can a human being be without being confined in a mental institution?
>Nearly 3000 gods
That seems like an understatement
Pol worships half a dozen, you trying to say Pols Pantheon encompasses .2 percent of all Gods that ever were?
Yes there is more to the world than just Sup Forums obviously. There is a long history of all sorts of gods ranging from ancient Egyptian gods to more modern gods coming out of social groups such as Scientology.
everyone worships something you fuck if its not God or a stack of stones its your intelligence or something you admire. even atheists secretly pray in their own mind.
Most are blue pilled, hence why they are mostly part of LGBT, feminism, nu-males and cucks.
uncle adolf redeems the rest of them
Yeah because your god is the one and only god that actually exists, all the others are made up nonsense/sarcasm/.
Do you not see how blue pilled you are by saying dumb shit like that?
>red pilled
imagine no bad religion, but good religion only
>people helping people out
>people giving to charities
>volunteering in communities
basically if you remove islam, religions are overwhelmingly positive
>everyone worships something you fuck
>I'm tripping my balls off
>if its not God or a stack of stones its
>some other delusion I cooked up in my malfunctioning mind
>because my rational mind is busted as fuck and I don't even have the first clue how crazy-ass I sound
The first step is admitting you have a severe problem.
your intelligence or something you admire. even atheists secretly pray in their own mind.
yeah but they're your cult imaginary friendo having nigger licker
Haha, do you realise how fucking retarded and bat shit crazy you sound, you make religious people sound bad, fuck off cunt.
....have you read the text? do you see how much barbarism is in your religion? how do you reconcile. do you REALLY believe in a human like god? or is that just a metaphore. you're a nigger too fuck u
What a great argument aussie, I am talking about how atheists are destroying the world. Even if our "God is imaginary" at least we aren't the ones destroying everything with stupid ideologies.
I'm not religious at all and I find this highly offensive.
>people helping people out
>people giving to charities
>volunteering in communities
Atheists give to charities, help people out and volunteer in their communities.
This past year I volunteered to set up 20 laptops in a ghetto rec center. I ran network cables in a new school the county built. I served on a local Malcom Baldridge/Sterling Quality Award board. I set up VITA laptops for low income tax preparers.
You have to be severely brain damaged to believe only god-squaders can be charitable. But I have to say, I was outnumbered on some of these projects by the leftists and liberals about 40:1 and most of them were in fact religious. Apparently they're not as bad as I was mislead to believe, either. But they really are a noisy virtue-signalling bunch.
The cause of every evil act ever commited and will be commited. All sin comes from an atheistic heart/mindset regardless of what one professes to be.
>Christcucks still pushing Sup Forums to worship the kike on a stick
if you will open a book you might learn israel want created by religious minded people.
Joke's on you. I've been an atheist for almost a decade now and I still want christianity guiding society instead of atheism.
>Haha, do you realise how fucking retarded and bat shit crazy you sound,
I'm not religious. Perhaps you are mistaking me for this guy:
>you make religious people sound bad, fuck off cunt.
That's pretty extreme. Nobody can possibly make religious people sound any worse than they already sound, so that's really off the scale.
the decline of enlightenment is a plague upon society.
God is an amazing creature. He must have had an inventor.
No wait...
Blue pilled fags
Fuck you kike
Truth get atheist BTFO
sorry for suggesting peolpe would read. keep on being a savage.
>>no isis
>>no israel
>>no christfags
And lots and lots of feminists, whores, degeneracy, nihilism, destruction of traditional culture and values, destruction of family, decline of birthrate... etc. etc.
>All sin comes from an atheistic
No it fucking doesn't. Your "sins" are just the fabrications that desert-dwelling Semitic tribes wrote down to keep their ignorant women and children in line.
Morals are always decided by men. The some less ethical men invented gods to enforce the morals. Religion also helps explain things like the sun traveling across the sky and thunder and lightning.
But you ignorant Bill O'Reilly worshipers still claim no one knows how the tides work. That's just stupid, but you're not bright enough to embarrassed by how monumentally fucktarded your profound ignorance really is.
My thoughts?
I can't figure out why they abandoned their old symbols.
Im not an atheist. I know precisely why I hate you, shapeshifting lizard
>Yeah because your god is the one and only god that actually exists
Why do you have such a problem with Christians? Did a Christian steal your bike or fuck your wife?
Christ was a jew and christianity cucks you from your will
>imagine a world without religion
>shows pictures from a world with religion
The image defeats it's self.
>Keep Women in line
>So Ignorant
*Tips fedora*
Don't any of you ever read a fucking book? You even get nihilism totally wrong.
Nihilism generally is considered in two forms:
(1) Existential nihilism, which argues that life is without objective meaning, purpose, or intrinsic value, or
(2) Moral nihilists, who assert that morality does not inherently exist, and that any established moral values are abstractly contrived.
Theists have such badly damaged cognitive abilities that they cannot see the blatant false dilemma fallacy in their analysis.
An atheist's life has far more meaning to him because it is the only life he has. He knows it is up to him to make purpose for himself, not wait for some deity to hand it to him or decide his "destiny". So the evidence completely contradicts the hysteria of theists who claim nilhilism #1.
In fact, theists know that their holy books ar written by men. The excuse they give is that despite the fact that they have no clue who these men are, they take in on faith that they were somehow "inspired" to write only the words of their imaginary sky wizard daddy.
Do we still have slavery like the bible? No? It's because the words of god have changed or Christian morality has somehow shifted over time? It's obviously moral relativism. This proves theists are nihilist #1.
The fact is, morality has always been is a man-made concept. Men invent rules, then men fabricate "gods" to enforce the rules. then men change the rules and pretend they have "objective" or "absolute" all along. That's been the unwavering constant of all made-up gods in history. This also reinforces the idea of nihilism #2. Ask any theist if he believes in Zeus and when he says no, then he proves that the theists are the #2 nihilists. Ooops.
The most retarded beliebers on the planet, befuddled by their own irrationality for so long they are now completely incapable of logic, have crafted these idiotic claims that so stupid they are clearly *not arguments*.
>shows pictures of people without religion
Nice try, God hater..
I'm an atheist because I was raised without religion, putting all of one's faith in a some kind of invisible sky fairy that defies science and logic is as blue pulled as you can get. Atheism isn't the issue, you can be an atheist and see what damage these cucks are doing to society.
The hardest red pill is accepting the place in society that religion has. Maybe when you're older you will understand.
You'd have be a retard to believe that talmudic anti-christ argument
>*Tips fedora*
Outlaw preacher wears fedora
>autistic teenager edgelord shit
wtf I hate my lord and savior now
That's not a fedora, friend.
It's a "Boss of the Plains" hat.
Im 18 but this is true
Modern wars are over control of land and resources not ideological differences.
If you believe otherwise you're just a pawn in the game.
>in a world with religion
The image defeats itself
Destroy Gaytheism.
Its not an argument from the talmud. Christianity is a cult of death, jesus is selflessness encarnated. If you dont want to be just say so
Most people are too stupid to be moral without religion as a guide.
This does not carry the implication that only stupid people believe in a religion.
Anecdote, the stupidest people ive ever met were atheist.